[PHP] Regex help appreciated

2003-08-14 Thread David Pratt
I am trying to get a regex to extract the Some and more text 
between the para elements below in a single pass for style attribute of 
heading 2

para font-size=12 font-family=Arial style=heading 2Someanchor 
type=bkmrk/more text-/para

para font-size=12 font-family=Arial style=heading 2inline 
caps=falseSome text/inlinemore text/para

Tried something like this for first bit but grabbing the anchor tag 
with the text.

|para(.*)style=\heading 2\(([a-zA-Z0-9/-/_/\s]+)?)([anchor 
type=bkmrk name=[a-zA-Z0-9/_]+/])?(.*)/para|

Help much appreciated.
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[PHP] Arrays of strings from regex

2002-12-31 Thread David Pratt
Am working through document to collect pieces that match and then insert 
them into an array so they can be used to construct another file.

Looking in my doc for lines like this:

{\*\cs43 \additive \sbasedon10 db_edition;}
{\*\cs44 \additive \sbasedon10 db_editor;}
{\*\cs45 \additive \sbasedon10 db_email;}

Wrote this regex to find them:

^\{\\\*\\?(cs[0-9]{1,3}) (.*)\\[a-z0-9]+ (.*);\}$

Now looking for best method for getting the parts in parenthesis () into an
array so it will contain these values by finding the above three lines:

$matches [0][0][0] = cs43 , \additive \sbasedon10, db_edition
$matches [1][1][1] = cs44 , \additive \sbasedon10, db_editor
$matches [2][2][2] = cs45 , \additive \sbasedon10, db_email

Thanks in advance for any pointers.

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[PHP] How to obtain unique XML Elements

2002-11-23 Thread David Pratt
Anyone have a simple technique for obtaining a unique list of elements from
an XML file?

Am looking for something that will identify the first opening tag ie
thistag and the single tag anothertag/ so that I get an array of tags
that I can print out.  Having a bit of trouble with regex to get something
to work.

Basic idea I had is to open file, read through each line with regex, add
matches to array, and then do unique elements of array and write to another

Is there a better way?


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[PHP] Ereg Help

2002-10-25 Thread David Pratt
Hi William, try this:

^(#[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2,4} Item Description: [\$][0-9]{1,3}[\.][0-9]{2})$

I've just been putting a number of expressions together for validation

Dave Pratt

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Re: [PHP] Record Sorting Using Up and Down Arrows

2002-10-06 Thread David Pratt

I'm hoping someone can help me solve this problem. I've almost got something
working.  Only problem  is I am having some difficulty trying to come up
with a case or condition for the single value (ie. devmodfile value = file 3
in example below) that it won't print any arrows up, up/down, or down. It's
a bit of a puzzler and haven't added anything to the case.  I have a print_r
and a print with the variables so that anyone can see what is happening.  I
put a small array of test values in so that it can be run.  The data will
come from an SQL database but this is enough to test.  Once this is working,
I'll attach graphics and actions to the up and down arrows. The script is

Thanks in advance for any help.
Regards,  Dave Pratt

$items[] = array(devfunctionid = 1, devmodfile = file1);
$items[] = array(devfunctionid = 2, devmodfile = file1);
$items[] = array(devfunctionid = 3, devmodfile = file1);
$items[] = array(devfunctionid = 4, devmodfile = file2);
$items[] = array(devfunctionid = 5, devmodfile = file2);
$items[] = array(devfunctionid = 6, devmodfile = file3);
$items[] = array(devfunctionid = 7, devmodfile = file4);
$items[] = array(devfunctionid = 8, devmodfile = file4);
foreach ($items as $item) {
$devmodfile_values[] = $item['devmodfile'];
$rownum = 1;
$numrows = count($items);
$last_position = '';
foreach ($items as $item) {
if (!isset($devmodfile_values[$rownum])) {
$next_position = '';
} else {
$next_position = $devmodfile_values[$rownum];
$up = up arrow;
$down = down arrow;
switch($rownum) {
case 1:
if ($next_position != $item['devmodfile']) {
$arrows = '';
} else {
$arrows = $down;
case $numrows:
if ($last_position != $item['devmodfile']) {
$arrows = '';
} else {
$arrows = $up;
if ($devmodfile_values[$rownum] != $item['devmodfile']) {
$arrows = $up;
} elseif ($item['devmodfile'] != $last_position) {
$arrows = $down;
} else {
$arrows = $up $down;
$last_position = $item['devmodfile'];
print $arrows . --current file value:  .  $item['devmodfile'] .
--last_position:  . $last_position . --next_position:  . $next_position
. /br;
print /br/br;

[PHP] Record Sorting Using Up and Down Arrows

2002-10-04 Thread David Pratt

Hi there. I am trying to write a routine to allow me to sort the contents of
a table by clicking on up or down arrows.
The idea is that top record will have down arrow, bottom record up arrow and
records inbetween  both an up arrow and down arrow.  Clicking the arrow
causes the record to move up or down one row in the table.  The hyperlinks
on the arrows would be used to move the record up or down one by switching
the sort order values in the records ie. you want to move a record one up,
the value of the sort order would be switched with the record above.

I have created a numeric sort field that I initialize with the same value
and the id field in my table. I have my database content in an array that I
want to use. So I want to create the table using an array of rows.  I can
get something basic to work if I do a count of my array to get the first and
last value.  I do a foreach and test the values in a switch

switch($itemcount) {

case 1:
if ($itemtotal == 1) {
$arrows = '';
} else {
$arrows = $downarrow;
case $itemtotal:
if ($itemtotal == 1) {
$arrows = '';
} else {
$arrows = $uparrow;
$arrows = $uparrow $downarrow;
The problem I am having is to come up with a way to make this work when
there is more than one field to sort on.  I have a table with a list of
functions and files. There is a many to one relationship between functions
and files and I want the up and down arrows to work for sorting the
functions in the files in the list.  So that if a file has say 4 functions
the first would be down arrow, next two records would have both arrows, last
record for file uparrow, next record down arrow if file is different etc.
Could anyone help by giving me some advice on the best way of getting
something like this to work or have an example to follow. This would be
helpful.  I have checked the archives first but could not find anything.



Dave Pratt

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[PHP] Storing script in database??

2002-08-01 Thread David Pratt

I am creating an application where it would be useful to write and store 
script in a field in a MySQL database and create a loop to process the array
of the code contained in the field. Conceptually, I think it sounds
reasonable but I am uncertain of what kind of process I could use to have
the code in the field variable read properly within the loop.  Somewhat
analogous to an include in HTML.
The file would be read as though a single script file though the included
material has come from a text field.

This would be really useful for me since the code could be modified in the
database outside a smaller application without changing the files.  Any
ideas here on how I might do this from anyone that has attempted anything
similar?  I have set everything up but just can't figure out how to bring
the script text in the field into the file properly. Help much appreciated.

Dave Pratt

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[PHP] Example safe use of eval()

2002-08-01 Thread David Pratt

I am trying to get code that I have saved as a string in a database to 
evaluate as code within a larger script with a loop. There are  obvious
security concerns with allowing users to input code into the field if it is
not preprocessed before it is evaluated. The eval function appears to be the
ticket with PHP 4 since it will return the results as well. Has anyone got
an example of an appropriate preprocessing strategy and/or example of eval()
being used this way?  Thanks to those that replied to my original post.


Dave Pratt

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Re: [PHP] Example safe use of eval()

2002-08-01 Thread David Pratt

Thanks, Justin.  I am really trying to figure something else out instead of
eval. It is really too much of a security hole. I really appreciate the
community to bounce ideas.


From: Justin French [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] Example safe use of eval()
Date: Thu, Aug 1, 2002, 5:35 PM

 You can't really do much to make sure the execution of eval is safe, it's
 more than you have to trust the string that you're about to eval().

 So, as long as you and your production team were the only ones who put the
 code into the strings or tables, and tested the code before hand, then 90%

 I'd suggest also reading all the user-contributed notes at
 http://php.net/eval too.


 on 02/08/02 5:26 AM, David Pratt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I am trying to get code that I have saved as a string in a database to
 evaluate as code within a larger script with a loop. There are  obvious
 security concerns with allowing users to input code into the field if it is
 not preprocessed before it is evaluated. The eval function appears to be the
 ticket with PHP 4 since it will return the results as well. Has anyone got
 an example of an appropriate preprocessing strategy and/or example of eval()
 being used this way?  Thanks to those that replied to my original post.


 Dave Pratt


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