
I succeed in creating PDF files dynamically with PHP (including inserting
static PNG images), and also succeed in creating PNG images dynamically.

However, I can't insert dynamically created PNG images into PDF files,
neither with pdf_open_image_file, nor with pdf_open_png.

Is this impossible?

   D o m i n i k


function putimage ($pdf, $fullfilename, $x, $y, $width) {

  // init
  $extension = substr($fullfilename, strrpos ($fullfilename, ".")+1);
  $pdfimage = pdf_open_image_file($pdf, $extension, $fullfilename);

  // define scale
  $sourceimagewidth = pdf_get_value ($pdf, "imagewidth", $pdfimage);
  $scale = $width / $sourceimagewidth;

  // put image
  pdf_place_image($pdf, $pdfimage, $x, $y, $scale);

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