[PHP] Running several applications involving PHP on virtual private server - optimization possible?

2013-02-27 Thread Gary Lebowitz
I currently have 1 domain on a VPS with 1 instance of Moodle 2.3.2. To
minimize the danger of overtaxing the resources (I share a processor :-(
but have 2GBytes of guaranteed RAM) I was wondering if there were anything
I could do if I wanted to put, say, Wordpress or another domain on the same
server with another instance of Moodle in terms of PHP tuning. For the
moment all is well, but I prefer to avoid problems in future if possible.
Ah yes, my PHP version is 5.3.3.

[PHP] Question about PHP-CGI, mysqld and sudden spiking average load readings on Linux Virtual Dedicated Server running CentOS 6.3

2013-02-11 Thread Gary Lebowitz
I have noticed when doing a "top" via SSH on my GoDaddy virtual dedicated
server that every time a user logs in in the COMMAND column I see the
PHP-CGI process start to run, followed by mysqld. Often when these two
processes run I start to see a spike in average load, and sometimes this
spike spins out of control to the point that when trying to log on to my
Moodle 2.3.2 LMS I get an 500 Internal Server Error from Apache. Now, what
I'd like to know given the fact that I have only 2GBytes of RAM and am
sharing a processor with other users :-( is if there is any way to make
sure my PHP 5.3.3 is properly configured. I am given, for example, a choice
between CGI, fastCGI and Apache in my Plesk panel, and I am not quite sure
how to optimize things for my environment. I went to the Moodle.org site to
try and see what's the right setting, but it's not clear if the persons
writing there have a different setup or not. Unfortunately, it's impossible
to get specs on my VDS's processor from the fine folks at GoDaddy, and
perhaps there is just a simple processor power issue going on here, but I
only have 30 students and only a handful going in simultaneously. And at
times my average load can move from .08 to 1.5+ and all the way up to 2+
within the space of a few seconds. I should point out that at one point it
was discovered by GoDaddy technicial people that a user was running a rogue
process that overtaxing resources. But perhaps I also need to tweak my
installation despite this incident. Any help here would be appreciated.

[PHP] Problem with PHP in Moodle LMS

2012-09-27 Thread Gary Lebowitz
Has anyone ever heard of a problem with the Moodle LMS when trying to edit
an activity (quiz, resource) in which there is a timeout after only a few
seconds and a message saying something to the effect of that the system is
sorry but there was a time out, please retry. When I look in the URL I see
the following after my domain name:


Is this purely a Moodle thing, or something someone can help me with. (I've
already searched the Moodle site for information about this error, but
can't see anything related to version 2.2.3, which I am using.) Any help
would be appreciated. I thought I might want to up the timout figure in the
php5.ini file in the root directory of my shared Linux hosting with
Godaddy, but I don't think that's really the problem.



Re: [PHP] Depreciation message I can't make out....

2012-06-30 Thread Gary Lebowitz
By the way, I told GoDaddy about the # deprecation issue and they told me
that I could simply change my root directory php5.ini file. But the error
message is related to the PHP.ini file in /web/config, as I said. I could
almost hear them shrugging their shoulders, what-me-worry style. If anyone
with more might than i could explain this error might affect others when
multiplied hundreds of times it could be useful.
Am 30.06.2012 19:23 schrieb "Daniel Brown" :

> On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 8:37 PM, tamouse mailing lists
>  wrote:
> >
> > Just a quick followup -- # comments are deprecated for .ini files,
> > only, correct? They are still full citizens in php source, aren't
> > they?
>Correct, Tam.
> --
> Network Infrastructure Manager
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[PHP] Depreciation message I can't make out....

2012-06-28 Thread Gary Lebowitz

I am running Moodle 2.2.3 and using PHP 5.3 on a Linux server with GoDaddy
and am getting the message about "depreciation" after having typed the
following command into their cron job manager:
 /web/cgi-bin/php5_3 "$HOME/html/moodle223a/admin/cli/cron.php"

 PHP Deprecated:  Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in
/web/conf/php5.ini on line 1256 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Deprecated:  Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in
/web/conf/php5.ini on line 1257 in Unknown on line 0

Deprecated:  Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3
and greater in Unknown on line 0
Content-type: text/html

GoDaddy says that I am using a command that is not adapted to version 5.3
of PHP, but they suggested I contact you to fix it. Also, I do not believe
I have access to php5.ini; only they do. But I would need to tell them how
to fix this issue. And no one at Moodle.org seems to be able to help.
Perhaps it's a Moodle thing; perhaps not, but I thought it wise to contact
you. By the way, this message is only sent to me when using version 5.3 of
PHP; I have another Moodle site using 5.2 and things go perfectly well,
without this message.
