[PHP] Asking for data during a script

2004-04-30 Thread Germán M. Rivera
Hi all!

   Let's say I have a PHP script that needs the user to input some data 
during its execution. At the point the data is needed the browser could 
be redirected to a new page with a form where the user could enter the 
data. But thus is necessary to save the script state in order to 
continue its execution once it gets the data.

   It would be preferable to mantein the execution of the script 
waiting for the data (in a while loop or sth similar). But, how can then 
the user introduce such data? With frames? One frame could execute the 
script, maybe outputting some information about execution and the other 
frame could ask for the data when needed. I think this could be done 
inserting JavaScript tags in the output of the script and flushing them 
to the browser in order to redirect the other frame to a form page. Is 
this valid? Do all browsers execute JavaScript commands before the page 
is completely charged?

   Please, tell me if anyone has solved this problem in any other 
(maybe better) way.

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[PHP] Error messages configuration

2004-04-07 Thread Germán M. Rivera
Hi all!

   I would like to know if it is possible to change the format of error 
and warning messages that PHP shows. Now my error notifications look like:

   [Fatal error | Warning | ...]: error in file on line line.

   It would be helpful for me that those messages included some 
additional information, like the output of print_r(debug_backtrace()). 
Is there any way to change those messages?

Thank you,
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[PHP] Call PHP from other languages

2003-12-12 Thread Germán M. Rivera
Hi all!

   We have developed a groupware web server written in PHP. We were 
interested in integrating some communication interfaces in Java, using 
Tomcat, in this application, but we have not found an efficient way to 
call PHP functions from a Java program. We would prefer not to use 
communication protocols like HTTP or RPC to do these calls. ¿Can anyone 
tell me if he/she has faced this problem, please? ¿Is it even possible?

   We can even use C/C++ instead of Java, but we still have the same 
problem. ¿Does anyone know if is there any way to call PHP functions 
from C, please?

Thanks in advance.
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[PHP] DST change dates

2003-10-01 Thread Germán M. Rivera
Hi all!

   I would like my script to get the dates of the year when the server 
local time changes from winter time to summer time and vice-versa. ¿Does 
anybody know how to do it in PHP, even calling linux functions (with 
popen) or exploring linux archives? I need it to create a VTIMEZONE 
component in ICalendar.

Thank you!


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