[PHP] Current dilema for Novice

2005-02-28 Thread James Marcinek
Hello Everyone,

I'm somewhat new to PHP. I've read quite a bit of material and have a background
with perl and Apache and Linux.

Let me explain my situation.

- Fedora Core 3 with Apache 2 and PHP 
- Using SSL.
- Each Directory under $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is an NFS mounted directory
(read only).
- The directories may contain various numbers of subdirectories
- New directories may be created by various individuals
- The application data being stored can be accessed by an application created
.htm file.
- The .htm file created by the application always has the same name.

My goals are:
- provide encrypted connection
- provide security for each directory (and sub-directory) under
- Find all files with a .htm suffix by recursively going through all
- Create links for each .htm file on a single page.
- Use parent directory of each .htm file (since there will be only one) as the
name of the link to the file
- Prevent displaying of other directories under $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
- Single Sign page for all customers
- Each user will only have access to one directory under
- Authentication process should move customer to appropriate directory under

What I've done so far:

First, let me state that some of the requirments weren't initially present when
the design started...

- The server has been set up with SSL and is working properly
- The SSL site goes to $DOCUMENT_ROOT (which is currently a blank index.htm)
file, preventing users from drilling down
- Each site is currently configured to use Apache Digest Authentication. My
experience with PHP site design comes from the book 'PHP and MySQL Web
Development' which mainly dealt with web sites as Applications (e-commerce,
blog, etc) and not from a file system stand point. Most was object oriented with
includes and what not which would require pages in every subdirectory under the
DOCUMENT_ROOT in order to comply with the application design. Having a solution
to require this would not be practical; however I'm not sure if there's another
way to approach. By using the Digest Authentication I know that the Directories
in the realm would be covered...
- My original index.php script (that I need to debug as it's not working yet)
was designed to be placed in each respective directory directly under
DOCUMENT_ROOT. The script, hopefully, will go through each directory, find out
what files are directories or files. If it's a file I'm trying to push basename
(but needs to get the directory name it resides instead) and the URL if the file
suffix ends with .htm. If it's a directory, it should push the directory to an
array. Calling a function in a while loop and shifting the array should
recursively take me through all subdirectories. The end result should be a table
on the index file that the user's would be able to click on to take to the .htm
file. Right now I'm having a problem with my foreach statement...

What's needed:
- Simple but effective. It's not going to be feasible to add a lot of .php files
to subdirectories. These directories are really working directories so this is a
headache. There are more that just .htm files. That is not the problem. Just
don't want the people to have to dig down.
-A single sign-on would be great. Each user only needs to access one directory
under DOCUMENT_ROOT. I know that SSL uses the IP address and I can't break up
the SSL into multiple virtual hosts so I can't do that. The security must
provide protection from somebody trying to get in from a subdirectory

>From my limited knowledge of PHP, I would think that creating a solution to
support this would take some time. But like I said I sure don't know everything.

If anyone has any suggestions (and estimations of time it would take) I would
appreciate it.



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[PHP] Looking for good Mail List Manager

2004-04-14 Thread James Marcinek
Can any of you guys recommend a good Mail List
Manager? I see several on sourceforge but would like
to hear from people that have some experience with



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[PHP] Question about magic quotes NEWBIE QUESTION

2004-03-01 Thread James Marcinek
Hello everyone!

Are there any concerns with having the 'magic quotes'
enabled or should I use the Add & Strip Slashes? I
will be using a database (MySQL).



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[PHP] Newbie questions

2004-02-11 Thread James Marcinek
Hey Everyone,

I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask:

1.) Are there built in libraries to connect to DB2?
Nothings clear from the documentation I've read. I see
that there's libraries for Oracle, Informix, MySQL. 

2.) If there is a DB2 library(support or whatever its
called, someone enlighten me please with the correct
term!) does anyone know if the Red Hat rpm comes with
the option to support this turned on?

3.) I'm just coming across some information about
PEAR. My question to this: Is it better to use PEAR
than the regular libraries included?

Anything else anyone could tell me would be great!



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[PHP] Compiling php for MySQL and Apache 2 Newbie

2004-01-14 Thread James Marcinek
Hello Everyone,

I'm still having problems compiling the latest version of PHP. I have
several issues

- The apache 2 that was installed was from a Red Hat package. From what I
can tell it is configured in a manner that is similar to the
with-apxs2filter. The configuration file that point to this kind of
installation is already configured in apache. However there is no perl
script apxs of any kind.

My question is can somebody tell me how to set up the configure to include
apache 2 and MySQL without the apxs?

When I do a whereis mysql I get the following:

mysql: /usr/bin/mysql /usr/lib/mysql /usr/include/mysql /usr/share/mysql

When I do a whereis httpd (The RH distro uses httpd instead of apachectl
BUT it is still there as well):

httpd: /usr/sbin/httpd /etc/httpd /usr/lib/httpd

Before I was getting function not defined when I called the mysql_connect
function, now the page is blank. I can still run php scripts that do not
interact with a database with no problems.

Any help is appreciated,



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[PHP] Newbie question

2004-01-13 Thread James Marcinek
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to this so forgive my ignorance. I'm trying to use php with MySQL
as a database. I'm using apache 2.0 in addition to Mysql 4.1.

I created a simple page (using book to learn) and when I try to go to a
simple  php script I recieve the following error:

Call to undefined function:  mysql_connect()

I've followed the instructions and the mysql_connect() function has the
correct arguments supplied ("host", "user", "passwd");

Can anyone shed any light on this? I've looked at the php.ini file and it
looks ok. the apache has the php.conf file in the conf.d directory.

The book I'm learning from had some simple examples pages that I created
early on and they work; however this is the first attempt at trying to use
php to connect.

Any help would be appreciated.



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