Re: [PHP] Send HTML/plain text email using PHP

2004-05-31 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
Just as an FYI, the following line will get your email a lot of spam points in 

$headers .= X-MSMail-Priority: High\r\n;

Also, I don't know if this has already been suggested, but there is an awesome 
class named htmlMimeMail which will handle your needs perfectly. Google it 
and you will have everything you need.


On Friday 28 May 2004 05:49 am, Matt MacLeod wrote:
 I've been having a little trouble configuring a script to send a
 multipart email using PHP.

 The script send the message, but when I recieve the email it doesn't
 display the HTML version and I have to tell my mail client to displlay
 the plain text version (Mail on OS X 10.3.3).

 Here's the script:

 $headers .= FROM: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 $headers .= Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 $nonhtml = strip_tags($emailsend);
 // This is the important part!
 // This content type identifies the content of the message.
 // The boundary delimits the plain text and html sections.
 // The value of the boundary can be anything - you can even use the
 same one we used here
 $headers .= Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
 $headers .= X-Priority: 1\r\n;
 $headers .= X-MSMail-Priority: High\r\n;
 $headers .= X-Mailer: PHP/ . phpversion().\r\n;
 $headers .= X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 $headers .= Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 // Now begin your message, starting with the delimiter we specified in
 the boundary
 // Notice that two extra dashes (--) are added to the delimiters when
 // They are actually being used.
 $message = '--=_NextPart_000_002C_01BFABBF.4A7D6BA0
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

 $message .= $nonhtml;

 $message .='

 // Now begin your HTML message, starting with the delimiter
 // Also notice that we add another content-type line which
 // lets the mail client know to render it in HTML
 $message .= '--=_NextPart_000_002C_01BFABBF.4A7D6BA0
 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 $message .= $emailsend.'


 // Now send the mail.
 // The additional header, -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] is only required by
 // some configurations.

 echo $message;

 mail($v, Test, $message ,$headers,-f [EMAIL PROTECTED]);

 Any ideas would be gratefully received!


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Re: [PHP] CVS web front end

2004-05-31 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
Although I have never seen a full app, I have seen PHP code which handles 
checkin/checkout of files as a class. I don't know if that will help you, but 
if it will then please let me know and I will dig it up.


On Saturday 29 May 2004 09:50 pm, Brian V Bonini wrote:
 On Sat, 2004-05-29 at 15:01, Johan Holst Nielsen wrote:
  Lists wrote:
   As far as I can see, it have nothing to do with an web frontend?
   you're so right. I meant to send the link for horde
  Are you able to check out files? check in etc.?
  As far as I can see - it is just a web cvs viewer?
  The request was Not just a file/project
  Anyway - thanks for the link to tcvs :D I have downloaded it and I like
  it :D

 Since a web based CVS front-end is looking slim how about a
 recommendation on a web based file sharing app.? (possibly with some
 sort of primitive version control.)



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Re: [PHP] Please help on session_destroy error...

2004-01-01 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
You problem is probably right here:

session.gc_maxlifetime = 1800

That sets the garbage collection timeout to 30 minutes... 

Per the manual:

session.gc_maxlifetime specifies the number of seconds after which data
will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up.

It is not strictly followed, but PHP does it's best to destroy data
after that timeout elapses. This would explain why sometimes you can
last an hour without getting the error. If you want your timeout to be 3
hours, then I would set that value to something like 11,000 (which is
just a little over 3 hours).


On Thu, 2004-01-01 at 19:30, Tim Meader wrote:
 I'm looking for help trying to do away with an error I get from time to 
 time in my access control session logic. Here is my session setup from the 
 session.save_handler = files
 session.save_path = /tmp
 session.use_cookies = 1
 session.use_only_cookies = 1 = PHPSESSID
 session.auto_start = 0
 session.cookie_lifetime = 0
 session.cookie_path = /
 session.cookie_domain =
 session.cookie_secure = On
 session.serialize_handler = php
 session.gc_probability = 100
 session.gc_maxlifetime = 1800
 session.bug_compat_42 = 0
 session.bug_compat_warn = 1
 session.referer_check =
 session.entropy_length = 32
 session.entropy_file = /dev/urandom
 session.cache_limiter =
 session.cache_expire = 180
 session.use_trans_sid = 0
 Now, to my understanding, with this setup, the session cookie should be 
 good for as long as the browser is open, the garbage collector will be run 
 on any session startup, and a session should be considered garbage after 3 
 hours.  My problem is that these settings don't always seem to be followed. 
 Even after sitting for only 60 minutes sometimes, if I click on the logout 
 button in my interface (which executes the following code), I get a 
 session_destroy error, about it the session being called for destruction 
 not being found
  if ((!empty($_GET['action']))  ($_GET['action'] == logout)) {
  if (!empty($_SESSION['logged_in'])) {
 The only other code is simple HTML output. The session variable logged_in 
 is set upon successful login initially. My rationale for that variable is 
 that if the session file gets removed via the garbage collector, then that 
 check above should fail, and the session_destroy function won't be called. 
 But this doesn't seem to ever work. Is there anything I'm missing here? Any 
 help would be appreciated. This is all running on Apache 1.3.29, using 
 Redhat 8 with all current updates, and PHP 4.3.4.
 Thanks in advance for any help you may have.
 Tim Meader
 CNE ODIN Unix Group
 Lockheed Martin Information Technologies
 (301) 286-8013  

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[PHP] pure PHP implementation of GNU diff/patch functionality

2003-12-31 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
Has anyone ever seen a class which will allow most (if not all) the
functionality of the diff/patch unix tools purely in PHP? I am looking
for the ability to create a standard unified diff of the difference
between two files, and also the ability to take a diff and apply it to a
file. As mentioned previously, I am looking to do this purely in PHP
(and without any custom extensions). If anyone has any sources, I would
greatly appreciate it.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Can't upload files then 400K to MySQL

2003-12-29 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
Might want to check the MySQL configuration. The max allowed packet size
might be set extremely low.


On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 15:25, Chris wrote:
 Have you taken a look at the post below: Can't upload files Greater than
 We may have the same problem.
 Ahmetax [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I have the following PHP code to upload files to a MySQL table.
  It works fine, but, I can't upload any files greater then 400K.
  What might be the problem?
  if (isset($_POST[submit]))
  $fname= $_FILES[user_file][name];
  $tmp= addslashes($_FILES[user_file][tmp_name]);
  $size= $_FILES[user_file][size];
  $fd=fopen($tmp,r) or die(Can't open file!);
  $sql=INSERT INTO files (name,file_type,file_desc,file_data,file_size).
  !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
  titleAxTelSoft-Uploading a file /title
  meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=windows-1254
  meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-9
  meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=tr
  meta http-equiv=description content=axtelsoft, indir, download,
  source code, kaynak kod
  meta http-equiv=Pragma content=no-cache
  meta name=Generator content=Ahmet Aksoy
  form enctype=multipart/form-data action=?php echo
  $SERVER[PHP_SELF];? method=post
  input type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=16777215
  Send this file: input name=user_file type=file
  Explanations : TEXTAREA NAME=descript ROWS=10 COLS=45 WRAP?php
  Pinput type=submit value=Send File name=submit

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Re: [PHP] How New Is HERE?

2003-12-25 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
AFAIK, it has been in PHP since the beginning of PHP4. I could be wrong,
but I think it was one of the new features added when 4.0 came out. Here
is a little reference material for you on it.

Without seeing a code snippet, I can't tell you what your doing wrong.
Probably something simple, but hopefully the document above will help
you. Another resource which gives a decent guide to HEREDOC's is the
fairly new book Core PHP Programming Third Edition. It's been a while
since I read it, but if memory serves it has atleast a page or two on
it's usage. I also highly recommend that book anyway to any PHP
programmer, beginner all the way to highly advanced. I thought I knew
almost everything about PHP and even I still learned about a new
function or two from the book. Very worthwhile.


On Thu, 2003-12-25 at 12:44, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm running PHP version 4.3.0 on a Macintosh PowerBook with OS 10.2.1,
 doing some PHP tutorial exercises. And I've run across something I haven't
 seen before in the sample code I'm seeing:
print HERE
[multiple lines of code]
 Now, from what I've read, it seems that the point of HERE ... HERE; is
 to execute all the code between the two HEREs.
 But when I run this thru my browsers--Netscape 7.02 and IE 5.2--I get the
 following error message:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in [path to file] [line number]
 Is this HERE ... HERE; new to PHP sometime after version 4.3.0, and
 I'm just out of luck unless I upgrade?
 Thank you.
 Steve Tiano
 mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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Re: [PHP] Re: progress in PHP

2003-12-23 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
FWIW, here is a link to a PHP extension which enables the ability to
track the progress of a PHP upload. I did not write the extension, so if
it breaks something I am not responsible. It was previously discussed on
the php-dev mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) a month or two ago,
but it was never decided if it would be officially added into PHP.


On Tue, 2003-12-23 at 23:15, Manuel Lemos wrote:

 On 12/23/2003 03:56 PM, Larry Brown wrote:
  How does perl show progress of the upload if it is a server side scripting
  language and php can't do it because it is server side?
 The problem is not showing progress but rather tracking progress.
 What you seem to not be understanding is that PHP handles uploads 
 internally. So, by the time a PHP script that gets the submitted upload 
 form starts running, the upload was already ended and the uploaded files 
 were copied to some temporary files.
 PHP itself does not give you a chance to track the progress of the 
 upload because that is something handled at the HTTP request level.
 The Perl solution is based on a script that handles and tracks the 
 upload and another that shows the progress. That is why you need to show 
 progress in a popup or a separate frame.
  -Original Message-
  From: Manuel Lemos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 12:46 PM
  Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: progress in PHP
  On 12/23/2003 03:31 PM, James Kaufman wrote:
 Join the 11,000 people who use megaupload progress bar (with a little
 help from perl)
 I tried. It wasn't worth all the perl mods I would to have had to
 install to make it work.
 Check out It is a pure
 php approach to displaying a progress bar. I haven't used it, but the
 look good.
  This a different thing. This is meant to track progress of server side
  tasks. File uploading is a client side task.
  Unfortunately, AFAIK there is no way to handle streams of HTTP requests.
  Therefore, there is no way to handle upload progress with a PHP only
  The Raditha megaupload solution is based on a combination of Perl with
  PHP. It is probably the solution that uses more PHP but the hard work is
  done using Perl.
 Manuel Lemos
 Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

RE: [PHP] File upload meter

2003-10-08 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
I can not say for sure, but the last time I saw it mentioned on the
PHP-DEV list (besides today), the comments about it weren't that great.
If memory serves me correctly, the code (although functional) is really
bad and doesn't follow PHP standards. I may be wrong here and if so I
apologize, but before bashing PHP's core team for not incorporating
something you should check all the facts at hand.


On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 09:06, Steve Murphy wrote:
 David Enderson also developed an upload meter and contacted PHP about
 including it.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02155.html
 Long and short, PHP never included it. This functionality is requested and
 can be included easily. I'm in the process of developing documentation and
 rpm packaging for Dave's meter and I've already had 7 clients call me about
 it, (IMO) I think its time more projects like this are needed and PHP should
 do a better job of incorporating them and less time holding conferences.
 Oh go here ( to see what's
 available (not much right now) from Enderson's project. Note this is not the
 official site.
 -Original Message-
 From: Hardik Doshi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 9:47 AM
 Subject: [PHP] File upload meter
 Hi Group,
 It's really nice to see the file upload meter
 developed by Doru Theodor Petrescu
 ( He did a nice job. He created
 serveral patches for the php 4 to enable the file
 upload meter.
 I was just wondering what will happen to the file
 upload meter once the php 5.0 will release? Is PHP
 community planning to put file upload meter code
 permanently in every distributions of the php?
 Please let me know about my queries. I really want to
 use this feature but worrying for the future php
 Hardik Doshi
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Re: [PHP] Re: (native) linux-php-editor with some advanced features?

2003-10-08 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
That is really odd. From what I heard Zend Studio runs faster in Linux
than Windows. I have only experienced the Windows version over someone's
shoulder, but with similar machines mine seems to load faster and run
better and I use Linux. Try upgrading to the new ZS3 if you haven't
already. It is faster and better than 2.6. Well worth the money. I still
find myself using vi/pico though more often than not. I guess it is all
a matter of preference.


On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 09:57, Kirk Babb wrote:
 As a amateur PHP user, I have really enjoyed Komodo 2.5 (been using it since
 1.3).  Buy the non-commercial license, it's cheap (I think I paid $24.95)
 and ActiveState backs up their products well.  Not a plug for them, but my
 experience with them has been good.
 Plus, if you want to switch back and forth from Windows to Linux, the
 license still applies (I have a dual-boot machine), and the functionality is
 the same.
 Thomas Seifert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Hey folks,
  I know this topic comes up again and again but I couldn't find
  any usefull php-editor for linux which is NOT written in java AND
  has some advanced features like a file navigation (listing all functions
  in a file with direct jump to them) or tooltips with the function
  or similar.
  I liked the features of the Zend IDE but its just to aching slow on linux
  (don't know why, but its much faster on windows), while other native
  are not made for php or just contain its syntax-highlightning without any
  special features.
  Did I miss one of the available editors which provides these features?

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Re: [PHP] php classes

2003-10-06 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
I don't know if these will help you, but maybe take a look here: (code samples to read over) (complete programs to read over) (heard they had good articles, never really been there)


On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 07:13, Cameron Metzke wrote:
 Anybody know of any real world php class tutorials?, so far ive read ones
 about building car and cake classes but i tend to learn better from actually
 follow a tutorial and building something though it and i done know jack
 about building cars lol.

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Re: [PHP] OO parent/child relationship

2003-10-05 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
What I would do is pass the handles to the objects in the class
constructor by reference. For example create one db object similar to

class database

$db = new database();

and then pass the reference to all other classes like this:

class smarty
   var $db;

   function smarty($db) 
   $this-db = $db;

This way you don't have the wasted memory of duplicate class instances.
Of course PHP5 will make this easier as it passes objects by reference
by default.


On Sun, 2003-10-05 at 12:20, Gerard Samuel wrote:
 Dan Anderson wrote:
 Out of curiousity, what exactly are you trying to do?  Are you sure this
 type of framework is most appropriate (and easiest to implement?)
 In my current setup, the more classes Im adding to the code, the more 
 complex things seem to get.
 For example.
 I have a smarty object that has a reference to a DB object.
 I plan on converting a file of user management functions to a class.
 If I do, then that new class, is going to need a reference to the DB object.
 Then on top of that, the smarty object is going to need a reference to 
 the user management object.
 By the time we are here, the smarty object contains a reference to the 
 DB object, *and*
 a reference to the user management object which contains a reference to 
 the DB object.
 And thats just the beginning.  There are other classes that intertwine 
 in this manner.
 So what I would I forsee as a better playing ground would be
 1.  child classes being capable of talking to each other
 For example, the smarty class capable of calling the DB class and the 
 user management class
 without the need for all those redundant *large* references.
 2.  The parent class capable of talking to the child classes.
 In this context, parent and child is not to be thought of as in normal 
 class structures where children *extends* parents.
 All the *parent* class is, a means to provide wrappers around other 
 *child* classes,
 and act as a controller.  The *child* methods/variables, 
 aren't/shouldn't be called directly.
 Also, if I can work it out, the class mm would only intially contain a 
 constructor, and maybe a
 class loader.
 The class loader provides the additional class method wrappers on demand 
 when needed.
 This is merely an first rate idea.  Nothing is remotely concrete about it.
 Thanks for looking.

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Re: [PHP] OO parent/child relationship

2003-10-05 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
I would have to see your code, but maybe you don't need to be passing
the references your doing. Why does your Smarty class need to access the
database? Why does your Smarty class need a reference to the user
management class inside it? Personally, I see your user class being the
only one which needs to access either one. Your user class should have
am instance of both because your user class should be what pulls the
data from the database, and then pushes it to the Smarty class for
display. Maybe I am way off here, but essentially that is how it should
be done IMHO. 


On Sun, 2003-10-05 at 17:57, Gerard Samuel wrote:
 Jeremy Johnstone wrote:
 What I would do is pass the handles to the objects in the class
 constructor by reference. For example create one db object similar to
 class database
 $db = new database();
 and then pass the reference to all other classes like this:
 class smarty
var $db;
function smarty($db) 
$this-db = $db;
 This way you don't have the wasted memory of duplicate class instances.
 Of course PHP5 will make this easier as it passes objects by reference
 by default.
 This is currently how Im doing things.
 And this is what Im trying to get away from.
 In addition to passing smarty the $db object by reference, Im going to 
 be passing
 the user management object to smarty by reference, which in turn has a 
 copied reference to the $db object.
 So in the end the smarty object is going to have 2 references to the $db 
 That is what I want to get away from...
 $smarty - $db (by reference)
 $smarty - $user_management (by reference) - $db (by reference)

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Re: [PHP] IP to Postal Code CSV? anyone messed around with this and PHP

2003-09-23 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
I doubt you will find such a thing. The closest you will probably find
is doing it in a two step approach:

IP Address to approx Lat/Long
Lat/Long to Zipcode   

The second database is easy to find, the first one you usually have to
pay money for. If you find a good public free resource which is
frequently updated (as it would need to be as the Internet is always
changing) then please let me know. I have been unable to find something
and have looked on multiple occasions. 


On Tue, 2003-09-23 at 13:59, Joe Harman wrote:
 Is there a CSV file out there for this
 Does anyone know where I can aquire a file that has IP address with the
 corresponding Postal Code?

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Re: [PHP] Full view of active sessions

2003-09-23 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
Here is a possible solution, but I don't know if it will work for your

When a user logs in to your site, as part of the session store a random
string (say a logincheck). Also insert this value into the database on
the same row as the username/password is stored. Then on every page load
check and make sure that logincheck string is valid. If someone tries
to login again, the new logincheck will be stored in the database, and
thus will make the first session invalid. 

The only drawback to this approach is that it logs out the first user,
and doesn't notify the second user they shouldn't be logging in twice.
It still does the job of allowing only one login per user quite
effectively though.


On Tue, 2003-09-23 at 17:38, Ney André de Mello Zunino wrote:
 Is there any facility in PHP's session management library which allows 
 one to have a full view of the active sessions? In other words, is it 
 possible to check the existance and value of a given session variable in 
 any of the active sessions?
 My goal is to make sure a user's access information is not used more 
 than once to log into the system. So, when a user submits the 
 authentication data, I would like to see if that login has already been 
 used, i.e., there is a session variable in some session storing the 
 login name and which contains the same value.
 At present, I can't think of another way of doing it other than directly 
 accessing the session files on /tmp (assuming session data is being 
 stored in files). But I don't like that idea quite so much. A cleaner 
 solution which I have also considered is to have a column in the users 
 table which indicates his login state. Before I go for the latter 
 approach, I would just like to learn from you whether what I asked is 
 Thanks in advance,
 Ney André de Mello Zunino

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP|Con insane pricing

2003-09-16 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
I apologize I couldn't help more, but if I knew a solution to your
problem I would be going to! 



On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 02:17, Jeremy Brand, B.S. wrote:
 Thanks again to all who at least had a mature answer.
 Cheers :)
 Jeremy Brand, B.S. wrote:
  Does anyone know a way to attend the PHP|con west as an observer in 
  Santa Clara, CA, US on Oct. 23rd without spending tons of ca$h?
  The pricing seems insane, and geared towards people with lots of spare 
  I would love to hear specifically the Advanced track on Oct. 23 (Michael 
  Radwin, Sterlin, Thies, George Schlossnagle and JimW), but I'm not going 
  to shell out $495 (the cheapest non-student rate) for it.
 Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future.
 Niels Bohr

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[PHP] Updated PayPal IPN class for PHP

2003-09-15 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
Unfortunately it seems PayPal has broke IPN processing for PHP users
recently. This is important news because a good majority of the people
using IPN with a PHP script are no longer able to automatically process
payments, and PayPal offers nothing to help PHP users who are having
trouble. In fact they claim that they changed nothing and that it is the
user's fault that it suddenly stopped working one day. The problem
actually is that PayPal now seems to require your IPN script to follow a
http redirection. After trying almost everything, within reason, to
avoid this redirection, it seems no matter whether you use GET or POST
and HTTP or HTTPS they force you to follow the redirect. The solution to
this problem is to use cURL so PHP can follow the redirection and thus
get the VERIFIED or INVALID response from PayPal. A new PHP class which
works perfectly with the current PayPal IPN (and should always work even
if they fix the bug) is available at It
is a modified version of the class by Pineapple Technologies which is
commonly used all over the Internet and is a drop in replacement for
their paypal_ipn.php class. If you use a class named paypal_ipn.php,
then most likely you will need to get this updated version. The script
is licensed under the GPL.

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Re: [PHP] PHP|Con insane pricing

2003-09-15 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
Actually the $495 is the conference fee only... It does not include the
$160 a night for the hotel room (price of the hotel the conference is
at), or food, or transportation. That is just your ticket into the
conference. Factor in everything else, and your easily up to
$1500-$2000. Using the average salary which was posted in this thread,
that is about a months pay after taxes for an average programmer.


On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 17:12, Dan Anderson wrote:
  The pricing seems insane, and geared towards people with lots of 
  spare money...
  but I'm not going to shell out $495 (the cheapest non-student 
 If you consider the average salary for a computer programmer is probably
 $40k - $50k (at least in the US) this is not insane.  (Heck, it's less
 then a weeks pay -- even with the plane tickets).  I assume this covers
 hotel rooms (pricey), food (pricey), speakers (very pricey), etc.

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Re: [PHP] PHP|Con insane pricing

2003-09-15 Thread Jeremy Johnstone
Let me also say, that I fully think their price is fair. It's right in
line with most other conferences (if not cheaper). I was just clarifying
that the $495 price is not all inclusive. I wish I would be able to
attend, but unfortunately money is tight right now for me, and I can't
afford it. I most likely will be speaking at the next one (assuming they
accept my submission when it comes time) and money won't be an issue. 


P.S. - In regards to the email below, if you did that you would have to
factor in extra gas money, and $10 a day for WIFI access from the hotel.

On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 21:23, John W. Holmes wrote:
 Jeremy Johnstone wrote:
  Actually the $495 is the conference fee only... It does not include the
  $160 a night for the hotel room (price of the hotel the conference is
  at), or food, or transportation. That is just your ticket into the
  conference. Factor in everything else, and your easily up to
  $1500-$2000. Using the average salary which was posted in this thread,
  that is about a months pay after taxes for an average programmer.
 What are you talking about? You sleep in your car and have a hot plate 
 running off the cigarette lighter to make Raman noodles! Bring extra 
 spray deodorant.
 ---John Holmes...
 Amazon Wishlist:
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