
 > At 07:11 PM 1/2/03 -0800, Roger Thomas wrote:
 > >dear all,
 > >i have 2 servers that were *given* to me to setup and implement webmail
 > >solution for our client. i have done some groundwork in terms of the
 > >applications that are needed to do this.
 > This doesn't have much to do with PHP.  In fact it can probably be done
 > without PHP.
 > The ideal setup depends on your situation.  How many domans?  How many
 > users?  How much email?
 > If you have multiple domains, I suggest you look at
 >    http://inter7.com/freesoftware/
 > They have a complete package to manage multiple virtual domains on a
 > server using only one system user.  I've been using it for a couple
 > with good luck.  There is an active development effort
 > If I was going to setup two machines as mail servers, I would put half
 > users on each, with all the programs running on both.  Then I would setup
 > MX records so that each server backed up the other, collecting email for
 > later delivery if the other server is down.    This way if one of the
 > machines goes down, half your users still get mail, and the messages for
 > the other half are queued on the remaining server.

 I think it would be more efficient putting all the users on one box, with
 hd doing raid, and the other box doing the processing.
 so, if something happens on my storage server (the one who has the mails) i
 would just need to replace the server (or one of the hd's) reducing time
 response. And if i need more processing (lets say, i get 100% more visits
 than when i builded this), i would just need to add another proc server and
 do load balancing trough DNS.
 To share the mail data you may use NFS.

 > Be sure to keep a backup copy of one machine's configuration on the
 > other.  You should have everything you need to re-build a dead server on
 > the other machine.  If you put the user mailboxes and mail queue on
 > separate hard drives you can pop that drive from one machine to another
 > very quickly.
 > You can run Apache on the mail server to manage email accounts, and for
 > webmail, but keep all non-mail related web services off of it.  You don't
 > want all the web developers logging on to the mail server.

 Maybe running all the services in one server wont be a problem if you
 configure all the system properly, your developers may need to read mails
 from console for development reasons anyways.
 I think that maybe you could put the POP3 server on the storage and
 SMTP/HTTP on the proc server. It deppends on the hardware of the two boxes
 and the amount of users that will use the system.

 > Rick
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 Excuse my english.

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