Re: [PHP] Recursion with database tables

2003-02-19 Thread Jono Bacon
Hi all,

Thanks for your help. I now have a wealth of things to try - I was 
initially going for the bottom up approach by starting at the bottom of 
the tree and working up, but I quite like the idea of storing id's in an 
array or list, although this would mean two queries to the DB.

I am still new to this list, but thanks for your help and I hope I can 
recipricate in some way in the future.


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Re: [PHP] Recursion with database tables

2003-02-19 Thread Jono Bacon
David Otton wrote:

On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 13:56:49 +, you wrote:


One questions though - if I delete a topic, I need to delete all of its 
child messages and all of the child comments from each message. What is 
the best technique to do this? This has been driving me up the wall as 
it seems to involve some kind of looping and recursion.

make sure /all/ your comments have the correct topicid set. Then simply
"DELETE FROM comment WHERE topicid = x"

Otherwise, yes, in MySQL you have to recurse down the tree deleting

How would I go about recursing down the tree? Has anyone done this before?



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Re: [PHP] Recursion with database tables

2003-02-19 Thread Jono Bacon
Ernest E Vogelsinger wrote:

At 14:43 19.02.2003, Jono Bacon said:

At the moment I have three tables: Topic, Message, Comment. A topic has 
messages and each message can have comments. I have set this up with a 
table each and a field for the id of the parent (e.g. a comment will 
have the id of the message that it refers to).

My mate said to me that I should really put all of this in one big table 
with a parent and child field. He said that my code should then figure 
out what is the child of what and how it is displayed.

This are one-to-many relationships? If yes, then your mate is wrong, you
can't easily implement one-to-many using a single table.

Hi Ernest,

Thanks for your swift response.

The code that you posed is the technique I have used at the moment. This 
technique works fine, but like my mate said, this limits me to a single 
parent for a comment/message. I admit that is unlikely that I would need 
more than one parent, but what would happen if I changed the parent - 
would this model still work fine?

I am considering sticking with this technique - it seems to make more 
sense and I thought it would be quicker for queries as I wouldnt have to 
query a single table with a million rows.

One questions though - if I delete a topic, I need to delete all of its 
child messages and all of the child comments from each message. What is 
the best technique to do this? This has been driving me up the wall as 
it seems to involve some kind of looping and recursion.


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Re: [PHP] is it possible to retrieve email from HOTMAIL

2003-02-19 Thread Jono Bacon
Abu Musaab wrote:

I wonder if it is possible to retrieve emails from an email account 
say in hotmail, yahoo, or any other email provider.

silly hah ..?

Thanx in advance.

Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

I would suggest you look into using sockets to do this. You can open a 
connection to any server with fsockopen() and then send data with 
fgets(). It should be possible because a web browser works on telnet 
port 80, so there is no reason why you should be able to do it in PHP.

The thing you need to know is what kind of conversation the script needs 
to have with the server. Try accessing the site in telnet port 80 and 
see what happens.


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[PHP] Recursion with database tables

2003-02-19 Thread Jono Bacon
Hi all,

I am still pretty new to PHP, but I was chatting to a friend the other 
day and he put some thoughts into my head about how tables are laid out 
and processed.

At the moment I have three tables: Topic, Message, Comment. A topic has 
messages and each message can have comments. I have set this up with a 
table each and a field for the id of the parent (e.g. a comment will 
have the id of the message that it refers to).

My mate said to me that I should really put all of this in one big table 
with a parent and child field. He said that my code should then figure 
out what is the child of what and how it is displayed.

I have two questions about this:

   1. First, is this idea of using one big table with parent/child 
fields better than my seperate table approach?

   2. Secondly, how would I write the logic for the single table approach.

Any help or advice or links to documentation would be great.



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Re: [PHP] limit contral

2003-02-19 Thread Jono Bacon
James Shergold wrote:

Hi, all

I'm quite new to php and still finding my way round and came
across a problem.

I'm making a script that pulls property (house) from a mysql
database in categories e.g. there cat1, cat2 ect and in each
category I only want to show 10 properties a time then click
next to show the next 10 properties in that catorgy.

here is the main part of the script

if anyone can help that would be great.



Hi James,

You can limit the number of results using SQL:

   SELECT foo FROM bar ORDER by blah LIMIT 10

As for showing a page at a time - I have not done this before in PHP, 
but it is referred to as paging. Have a search on google and I am sure 
you will find a solution.


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[PHP] Sending/recieiving email

2003-02-18 Thread Jono Bacon
Hello all,

I am looking to work with email and PHP, and I was wondering what would 
be the best way to deal with sending and recieving mail - is there a 
library pre-written or can I write it with functions that are part of 
PHP itself.



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[PHP] Problems sending mail

2003-02-14 Thread Jono Bacon
Hi all,

Anyone having trouble mailing this list. I can send
mail within Yahoo mail but not from Evolution it

I wondered if the list is being tempremental or
whether it is a local problem for me.


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2003-02-14 Thread Jono Bacon
Hi all,

I am just learning about XML and I was just wondering
how mcuh you guys use it. Also what kind of things do
you use it for?


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