[PHP] Warning: Unlink failed (Permission denied) in

2003-01-08 Thread Kevin Meredith
Please could someone let me know the cause of this error message
"Warning: Unlink failed (Permission denied) in ...".


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[PHP] Displaying first 20 characters of a comment

2002-12-19 Thread Kevin Meredith

I am trying to find out what the best way is to display only the first 20 or
so characters of a comment.  The comments which are entered separately by
users are stored in a MySql database.  I am displaying a list of the last 5
entries on the home page and then linking them to the relevant comments and
details.  However the comments are to long so I want to display only the
first portion, kind of like a intro for users to get an idea and then read

I am not sure if it is best to do it with the select statement or format it
with the PHP.  Either way I am not sure how.

many thanks

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[PHP] ODBC for Informix

2002-05-22 Thread Kevin Meredith

Hi there.

Could someone please tell me where I could get hold of the ODBC drivers to
connect to Informix with PHP.  Is there anything else I should know.


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[PHP] Sort query

2002-05-13 Thread Kevin Meredith

I am getting an array from a database using 'order by' to display the data
like I need.  The headings of the displayed table are links to the same page
just ordering by that specific field.  This is to assist with finding data
by either a log number, date or title.  Each time a person selects a new
order the select statement is rerun and data displayed.

What I would like to know is if this is the best way of re-ordering the same
data or should I rather somehow control the order by using the existing data
in the array.


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[PHP] Array usage affecting server

2002-05-09 Thread Kevin Meredith


When a database query is done and the results are put into an array, what
are the resources used?  I name all arrays differently and was wondering how
it would affect the performance of the server if many people connected with
many arrays being full.  I am assuming the array gets 'dropped' when you
connect to another page but if I keep on the same page using PHP_SELF?

Basically I am just trying to find out what is the best way of using arrays
without using all the servers resources.


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[PHP] Multiple mails to be sent from checkbox selection

2002-05-02 Thread Kevin Meredith

Hi there.

Could someone please let me know what is the best way to send multiple mails
to different users collected from a checkbox on the previous page.

There is a page that displays all the available recipients.  A users then
selects which recipients he wants to receive the mail.  Then the next page
should process this and send the mail off.

I am not sure how I should me sending the checkbox name and variables and
then how to actually insert the email addresses using the mail command.  Is
there a better way than using a checkbox?


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[PHP] Automatically refresh page

2002-04-16 Thread Kevin Meredith


How can I reprocess a page if a certain variable is received.

I am selecting companies for specific users from which they can select the
required company and proceed further.  Using variables on the same page
using PHP_SELF.  This then shows a list of contacts for the chosen company.
In some cases the user only has access to one company.  I would like to have
the page skip the company choosing section and proceed straight to the list.

I had thought to do a count on the rows returned from the database and if
that was == 1 then assign the relative variable and refresh the page.  Is
there perhaps an easier or better way to achieve the same results?


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