[PHP] Re: variable in e-mail

2003-10-17 Thread Kristin Schesonka
Sorry, but we are not able to help you without any code from you.

Kristin Schesonka
Christian Tischler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
> I would like to use a form in a html page to pass the variables to a php
> page, which sends an mail including these variables.
> All I get in the mail though is a 1 rather than the string that I put into
> the form???
> Can anyone help please!

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[PHP] Re: javascript & php

2003-07-28 Thread Kristin Schesonka
Hi Roman,

I'm not sure if I understand what you want to do - but if you try to set
your PHP-Variable with JavaScript it couldn't work.
JavaScript is Clientside interpreted and PHP is Serverside interpreted, that
means your PHP-Code is done before the JavaScript-Code.
So the Webserver reads your $color Variable and sees that it is set to
"<!--document.write(screen.colorDepth) file://-->"
This value is obviously not in your database. Then the Webserver sends the
resulting HTML to your browser.

>   $color = "<!--
>   $query = mysql_query("select id from color where color = '$color' ");
>   $a = mysql_num_rows($query);


Kristin Schesonka

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[PHP] Re: Carrying a variable

2003-07-15 Thread Kristin Schesonka
Hi :)

It's really simpel
//$Unit = ($_GET['Unit']);
//echo "";
You use "post" as method and  then you want to read your value with $_GET -
that couldnt't work - you must use $_POST.

->$Unit = ($_POST['Unit']);

Greetings from Germany

Kristin Schesonka

> I am using PHP 4.3.0
> The way that I usually carry variables from one page to another is
> $Unit = ($_GET['Unit']);
> This is the page that is referencing it!
>  echo "";
> $DBName = "SIGO";
> $table1 = "sigo";
> include 'drop.php';
> $db = mysql_connect("$DBhost","$DBuser","$DBpass") or die("Problem
> connecting");
> mysql_select_db("$DBName") or die("Problem selecting database");
> $query = "SELECT distinct (Unit) FROM $table1";
> $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Query failed");
> //let's get the number of rows in our result so we can use it in a for
> $numofrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
> echo "";
> echo "";
> echo "";
> for($i = 0; $i < $numofrows; $i++) {
> $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); //get a row from our result set
> echo "".$row['Unit']."\n";
> }
> echo "";
> echo "";
> echo "";
> echo "";
> ?>
> Oviously this isn't working.any clues as to why I can't carry the
> variable?

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[PHP] Re: Fputs problem

2003-07-08 Thread Kristin Schesonka
You'll have to quote the $ like $string="blablabla \$myvariable
or you put your string in ' instead of " then you only have to quote the '
if you want to use it in your string.
For more information look


Kristin Schesonka

"Steve Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I don't know if this is possible but...
> I want to generate a PHP file on the fly. I am trying to use fputs but I
> have a problem in that it doesn't print a variable name in the string.
> Here is my code:
> Formid is being passed into the string great which is what I want but
> how do I get the string to write the variable names in this code? Are
> there any rules I need to follow to get the whole file to print out? If
> so what? And what should I be looking for in the manual? Fputs isn't
> helping much.
> function generate_page($formid, $pagename)
> {
> // Give the function the string to be generated including formid passed
> from
> // previous form
> $string = " 
> //\n
> // Written by Steve Jackson. Copyright and all rights reserved Webpage
> 2003.//\n
> /functions here all included in
> output_fns.php\n
> //\n
>   // include the files from output fns to get functions which design the
> page\n
>   include ('output_fns.php');\n
>   db_connect();\n
>   $query = \"select * from content where PageID='$formid'\";\n
>   $result = mysql_query($query) or die(\"Error: Query failure
> with$query\".mysql_error());\n
>   while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($result))\n
>   {\n
>   $HeadTitle = \"{$array["HeadTitle"]}\"; \n
>   $PageTitle = \"{$array["Title"]}\"; \n
>   $BodyText = \"{$array["BodyText"]}\";\n
>   $Picture1 = \"{$array["PictureOne"]}\";\n
>   $Picture2 = \"{$array["PictureTwo"]}\";\n
>   $CatID = \"{$array["CatID"]}\";\n
>   }\n
>   // carry the variable head title in the page and do the page header\n
>   do_html_header($HeadTitle);\n
>   // carry variables into do_html_index() function in output_fns.\n
>   // Page title = The headline of the page\n
>   // Body text = The text body, can include html commands.\n
>   // Picture 1 = picture or graphic that appears above the title if
> required.\n
>   // Picture 2 = Picture that appears right hand side on the basic
> output_fns\n
>   // CatID = Category which is used for determining which links appear
> on each page\n
>   // Section name = Allows you to specify extra functions to
> output_fns.php to be unique to the page (requires hard coding)\n
>   do_html_index($PageTitle, $BodyText, $Picture1, $Picture2, $CatID,
>   // put the page footer in position\n
>   do_html_footer();\n
> ?>\n";
> $filename = 'test.txt';
> $fp = fopen($filename, "a");
> $write = fputs($fp, $string);
> fclose($fp);
> }
> generate_page($formid, $pagename);
> Steve Jackson
> Web Development and Marketing Manager
> Viola Systems Ltd.
> http://www.violasystems.com
> Mobile +358 50 343 5159

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[PHP] Re: passthru() problem

2003-07-02 Thread Kristin Schesonka
I don't know much about System or passthru - but doesn't it have to be
something like:

passthru(ftpwho -v, &$return_var);
echo $return_var;

Because it is a reference Parameter und without the "&" the function can't
put the value into $return_var.


Kristin Schesonka

> passthru(ftpwho -v, $return_var);
> echo $return_var;

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Re: [PHP] Re: Form 2 PDF 2 Form

2003-07-01 Thread Kristin Schesonka
Hmm, i don't know if you want it that way, but i got the idea of making the
stuff personalized . . . I mean the user logges on and gets an Userid - then
you always save your data with the Userid, so you can look which entries in
your DB belong to this user and the user can start again at a different
stage . . . .


Kristin Schesonka

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Re: [PHP] Re: Form 2 PDF 2 Form

2003-07-01 Thread Kristin Schesonka
Hi :)

I'm actually working on an Multipart-Form and i'm saving all data during the
"Fill-In" process in a Session - then, at the end, i save the whole
sessiondata in my table.
That will solve the connection-problems i hope . . .
If I am wrong, please correct me :)

Greetings from Germany

Kristin Schesonka

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