Re: [PHP] suExec problem

2006-05-13 Thread Laszlo Nagy

chris smith írta:

On 5/12/06, Laszlo Nagy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a SuSe 9.3 server, with apache version 2.0.53 and suexec
configured. It was working for months. One day, it stopped working for
ALL virtual hosts. I might have misconfigured something, but I'm not
sure what is the problem. When I start up apache, I see this in the

This is more of an apache question. You'll get a quicker answer on 
their lists:
Yes, I know. I'm sorry. I sent it there more than a day ago but I got no 
answer. I need to solve this before Monday. We host several websites and 
5 of them already called us because they could not upload files with 
Joomla. Of course this is because the process is ran by wwwrun instead 
of the appropiate user. :-( Please help me.


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[PHP] suExec problem

2006-05-12 Thread Laszlo Nagy


I have a SuSe 9.3 server, with apache version 2.0.53 and suexec 
configured. It was working for months. One day, it stopped working for 
ALL virtual hosts. I might have misconfigured something, but I'm not 
sure what is the problem. When I start up apache, I see this in the 

[Fri May 12 11:48:40 2006] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured 
[hint: SSLSessionCache]
[Fri May 12 11:48:40 2006] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: 

Destroying config 0x80f0c08
Creating new config (0x80f4ea8) for (null)
[Fri May 12 11:48:40 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE) 
configured -- resuming normal operations

So probably the suexec binary is okay. Then I go to one of my virtual 
hosts, and execute phpinfo(). That says I'm using the mod_php version. 
There are no more error messages in apache error log neither in suexec.log.

Here is my suexec config:

dybs1 /home/nagylzs# suexec2 -V
-D AP_DOC_ROOT=/srv/www
-D AP_LOG_EXEC=/var/log/apache2/suexec.log
-D AP_SAFE_PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
-D AP_USERDIR_SUFFIX=public_html

Here is a virtual host:

VirtualHost *:80
   DocumentRoot /srv/www/vhosts/ddyb04/
   ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/joomla-dynabit-error_log
   CustomLog /var/log/apache2/joomla-dynabit-access_log combined
   UseCanonicalName Off
   ServerSignature On

   ScriptAlias /php/ /srv/www/vhosts/ddyb04/
   Action application/x-httpd-php /php/php5

   DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php

   SuexecUserGroup ddyb04 users

   Directory /srv/www/vhosts/ddyb04/
   Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

   Directory /srv/www/vhosts/ddyb04/
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride FileInfo
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

Do you have any ideas? Why it is not working? Why can't I see the error 
in the logs?



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Re: [PHP] MS SQL extension not loading

2006-04-27 Thread Laszlo Nagy

 Hello Richard,

I hope you remember my question.

Richard Lynch wote:

On Tue, April 11, 2006 11:45 am, Laszlo Nagy wrote:

I have a problem with a Win2003 server, IIS6 and PHP 5.1.2. I have
Microsoft SQL Server tools installed. C:\PHP is on the path. Extension
dirs are configured correctly. The php_mssql.dll is present there.
Everything looks okay, except that the server does not load the
extension. If I do


Step #5.
Switch to a superior web server: Apache
So did I. I replaced the server with a new Windows 2000 server and MS 
SQL server, I have Apache 2.0.55 with PHP 5.1.2. The only thing I have 
in php.ini is:


The php.ini file path was setup with the PHPIniDir directive. I can load 
other extensions withouth problem. As another example, if I try to use


then I get an error message about libssleay32.dll not found when I try 
to stop apache. But my main problem is the php_mssql.dll extension. It 
does not throw any errors, does not log errors into (apache) logfiles, 
but it is not loaded. Please help me. My boss is killing me because I 
could not solve this problem for weeks.



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[PHP] PHP 5 + Apache 2 on Windows: ms sql extension problem

2006-04-26 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Hello All,

I had a problem with a Win2003 server, IIS6 and PHP 5.1.2. The MS SQL 
extension was not working. I did not get an answer, but some people 
suggested me to use Apache. Now I installed Win 2000 server, Apache 
2.0.55 and PHP 5.1.2. The same computer has Microsoft SQL Server 
installed. I have only these lines in my php.ini file:


I checked phpinfo() and it tells that my php.ini file is at the correct 
location (C:\winnt\php.ini.) I can load other extensions. Another 
example: if I add php_curl.dll then I get a libsleay32.dll not found 
error message when I try to restart apache. But I do not get any error 
message about the php_mssql.dll. It is just not loaded. I'm sure that 
all the ms sql client libs are installed, because this is the same 
machine where the ms sql server is running. What can be the problem? 
Please help me. My bosses are killing me because I could not solve this 
problem for weeks. :-(



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Re: [PHP] MS SQL extension not loading

2006-04-13 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Tim Huntley írta:

Maybe this was already asked, but are you running 64bit Windows Server
2003 on that box?  I've heard there's some wonkiness getting PHP and the
various extensions to work on 64bit Windows.

I'll ask this.

Don't ask me why. :-) 

All IIS logfiles -- be they HTTP, FTP, or whatever -- go under
\Windows\System32\LogFiles.  The W3S... folder is named based on the
site ID from IIS.  You are either running multiple webs on that box, or
you deleted the default web and recreated it at some point.

I do run multiple websites.

Thank you for the hint.


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Re: [PHP] MS SQL extension not loading

2006-04-12 Thread Laszlo Nagy

 Hello Richard,

Check the php.ini setting in the top portion to see where php.ini
MUST BE for it to be read.

It is telling me:

Configuration File (php.ini) Path  C:\WINDOWS

Step #2:
Find your php.ini file, and MOVE it to where phpinfo() wants it to be.

I have my php.ini at C:\WINDOWS\PHP.ini.

Step #3
In php.ini look at the extensions_dir setting.
Fix it.

extension_dir = C:\PHP\ext

which is correct.

Step #4.
Compare version numbers of your mssql_php.dll and the version of PHP
you are running.  You CANNOT mix-n-match old DLLs with new PHP and
vice versa.  It will sometimes work until you happen to use the one
function that CHANGED between versions.

php_mssql.dll version is
PHP version is 5.1.2

Looks okay.

If you just went out and found some random mssql_php.dll to throw in
the directory, it is NOT going to work.
Well, I installed PHP manually, as described in install.txt. The file I 
have downloaded was
9,140,593 bytes

It was released on 12 Jan 2006. This is the official latest stable 
version, and it had all of the extensions packaged together with 
php.exe. I used the same one on my home computer and it worked. I think 
this can't be the problem.

Step #4a
Check your log files.  I'm assuming ISS actually HAS logfiles...  It
must have, right?  Might be in system events log.  Might be in an
error_log file next to your IIS web traffic logs.  Knowing
Microsoft, it might be *ANYWHERE*...  
Yes, you are right. The event log contains some error entries telling me 

Faulting application w3wp.exe, version 6.0.3790.1830, faulting module 
unknown, version, fault address 0x01b3e8e0. For more 
information, see Help and Support center at

The above link contains the text

We're sorry There is no additional information about this issue in the 
Error and Event Log Messages or Knowledge Base databases at this time. 
You can use the links in the Support area to determine whether any 
additional information might be available elsewhere.

Yes, this is tipical Microsoft. I had to figure out that the logfiles 
for my website in under


Don't ask me why. :-) Unfortunately, the logfile does not help, because 
it DOES NOT log out php error messages. For example, if I have an error 
in my php script, this is all I get:

2006-04-11 16:43:04 GET /info.php 
=PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 9000 - 
200 0 0

I'm guessing that you might find an error message about the
mssql_php.dll being the wrong version...
Hmm. I also tried to load it with the dl() function, but then I got an 

Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Not supported in multithreaded Web servers 
- use extension=php_mssql in your php.ini in 
C:\Inetpub\vtracks_server\info.php on line 2

Step #5.
Switch to a superior web server: Apache

I wish I could.

Step #6.
Switch to a superior OS like Linux or FreeBSD
:-) :-) :-)
Yes, I would like to. The problem is that I cannot. I got detailed 
instructions and my boss wants to run this on IIS6 and Windows. I might 
be able to ask him to use apache. That would be wonderful.

It is strange that I have a test server which is almost the same 
(Win2003 server, IIS6 and PHP 5.1.2) and it works here. :-/

Thank you for your help.


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[PHP] MS SQL extension not loading

2006-04-11 Thread Laszlo Nagy

 Hello All,

I have a problem with a Win2003 server, IIS6 and PHP 5.1.2. I have 
Microsoft SQL Server tools installed. C:\PHP is on the path. Extension 
dirs are configured correctly. The php_mssql.dll is present there. 
Everything looks okay, except that the server does not load the 
extension. If I do


then I get this:

array(23) { [0]= string(6) bcmath [1]= string(8) calendar [2]= 
string(10) com_dotnet [3]= string(5) ctype [4]= string(4) date 
[5]= string(3) ftp [6]= string(5) iconv [7]= string(4) odbc 
[8]= string(4) pcre [9]= string(10) Reflection [10]= string(7) 
session [11]= string(6) libxml [12]= string(8) standard [13]= 
string(9) tokenizer [14]= string(4) zlib [15]= string(9) 
SimpleXML [16]= string(3) dom [17]= string(3) SPL [18]= 
string(4) wddx [19]= string(3) xml [20]= string(9) xmlreader 
[21]= string(9) xmlwriter [22]= string(5) ISAPI }

What am I doing wrong? Please help me. I was trying for a week and 
nobody could help me on the hungarian PHP list. I'm lost.


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