[PHP] echo question

2001-05-19 Thread Louis Brooks

Hi All:

I need to print out several paragraphs of information stored in a MySql 
field to a web page. To do this I am using:

$db = mysql_connect(localhost, dbase, password);
$sql = SELECT update FROM members WHERE username = 'Don';
$query = mysql_query($sql);
$results = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$text = $results[update];

echo $text;

but it does not insert the returns between the paragraphs. I think I need 
to tell it to insert a p in place of the return. There is a way to do 
this as I have seen it on the PHP site when I was searching for something 
else. Of course now that I need it I can't find the example. Can someone 
please help me figure this out?

Thank you,

Louis Brooks

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[PHP] cookies

2001-04-02 Thread Louis Brooks

Okay, I have tried every example in the PHP Essentials book and on the 
php.net site that I can find on setting cookies using php3. Is there a 
problem with Netscape 4.x and setting cookies or is there something I have 
missed in setting up setcookie()?

Here is the code I am using:

setcookie("testcookie", "testvalue", time()+14400, "/", ".callook.org");

I do not get any errors, it just does not set a cookie. Any help would be 
greatly appreciated.



[PHP] Simple If-else statement

2001-03-27 Thread Louis Brooks


I am trying to set up a simple script that will verify that all the blanks 
in a form have been filled out and then submit that to mySQL. If the form 
has not been completely filled out I want it to redirect them back to the 
original form. I know that the mySQL part of the script works, but I am 
unable to get the part of the script that checks the form input to see if 
everything was filled out to work. It seems to bypass this part of the 
script and enter the info into mySQL . Here is what I have so far:

If (($fname == " ") || ($lname == " "))
 header("Location: http://callook.org/member_joinform.html");
 $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "name", "password");
 $sql = "INSERT INTO 
 $result = mysql_query($sql);

I hope the formatting comes out right. I am sure it is something simple I 
have missed but I have tried the script several different ways and nothing 
seems to work. Thank you for any help.


Louis Brooks

BTW: Is there a faq for this list before I go asking anymore questions?

Re: [PHP] Simple If-else statement

2001-03-27 Thread Louis Brooks

Thanks for everyone's response. I am still not able to get the

if(($fname="")) {

statement to work even with the suggestions everyone made so I am beginning 
to wonder if it is a problem with the server. (It is php3 on an Apache 
server. ) Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,

Louis Brooks

At 02:29 PM 3/27/01 -0500, you wrote:

Another solution might be to use javascript to check the fields before
the page is even submitted to make sure they put "something" in the
first and last name fields.

Unfortunately I'm not a javascript person but I've seen it done so much
I'm sure you could find examples on the web or via a web search engine.

As far as your code; I concure with the other posters replies: "" is
empty, " " is a space. I've made the same mistake. Also did the if
($name = "") { } Screwed me up for a bit until I remembered == is
comparison. 8^) Oh well if you don't use it you lose it.

Take it easy.

Louis Brooks wrote:
  I am trying to set up a simple script that will verify that all the blanks
  in a form have been filled out and then submit that to mySQL. If the form
  has not been completely filled out I want it to redirect them back to the
  original form. I know that the mySQL part of the script works, but I am
  unable to get the part of the script that checks the form input to see if
  everything was filled out to work. It seems to bypass this part of the
  script and enter the info into mySQL . Here is what I have so far:
  If (($fname == " ") || ($lname == " "))
   $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "name", "password");
   $sql = "INSERT INTO
   $result = mysql_query($sql);
  I hope the formatting comes out right. I am sure it is something simple I
  have missed but I have tried the script several different ways and nothing
  seems to work. Thank you for any help.
  Louis Brooks
  BTW: Is there a faq for this list before I go asking anymore questions?

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Re: [PHP] Simple If-else statement - Fixed

2001-03-27 Thread Louis Brooks

Thanks for all the help. I finally got it to work. I ended up using a bunch 
of if ($lname=="") { statements instead of if (($lname=="") || 
($fname=="")) { and that seems to be working. I still can't get the 
header() statement to work. So I just cheated and put in some text telling 
the user to hit the back button and fill out the rest of the information on 
the form.


At 02:29 PM 3/27/01 -0500, you wrote:

Another solution might be to use javascript to check the fields before
the page is even submitted to make sure they put "something" in the
first and last name fields.

Unfortunately I'm not a javascript person but I've seen it done so much
I'm sure you could find examples on the web or via a web search engine.

As far as your code; I concure with the other posters replies: "" is
empty, " " is a space. I've made the same mistake. Also did the if
($name = "") { } Screwed me up for a bit until I remembered == is
comparison. 8^) Oh well if you don't use it you lose it.

Take it easy.

Louis Brooks wrote:
  I am trying to set up a simple script that will verify that all the blanks
  in a form have been filled out and then submit that to mySQL. If the form
  has not been completely filled out I want it to redirect them back to the
  original form. I know that the mySQL part of the script works, but I am
  unable to get the part of the script that checks the form input to see if
  everything was filled out to work. It seems to bypass this part of the
  script and enter the info into mySQL . Here is what I have so far:
  If (($fname == " ") || ($lname == " "))
   $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "name", "password");
   $sql = "INSERT INTO
   $result = mysql_query($sql);
  I hope the formatting comes out right. I am sure it is something simple I
  have missed but I have tried the script several different ways and nothing
  seems to work. Thank you for any help.
  Louis Brooks
  BTW: Is there a faq for this list before I go asking anymore questions?

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