Re: [PHP] lesson in NOT how to run your php website ...

2001-10-29 Thread Lucas Chan

 Thankfully Tasmania is not considered part of Australia. :)

Hahaha.  Nice one.  =)


[ lucas ]

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Re: [PHP] lesson in NOT how to run your php website ...

2001-10-29 Thread Lucas Chan


While all us Aussies are wasting time with off topic rants.  The sys admin
at my last job tried to tell me that the web site I was developing was
making port 80 connections to random IP numbers at very short intervals.

Duh.  Didn't take long to figure out that he'd left port 80 open on the
firewall and that our servers were hit with code red.

Plus.  ASP isn't that sophisticated.  =)

(Don't worry, I have a real job now.)


[ lucas ]

Joseph Blythe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Sorry if this a little of topic but this sort of reminds me what happend
 me on Monday:

 I arrived at work in a really good mood (for a Monday) to find everyone
 screaming at each other, then at me :) what was being said is that the new
 webserver I have been configuring with the latest versions of Apache,
 and PHP had been serverley hacked and it was all my fault (as usual), I
 thought this was rather strange as there really arn't any holes that would
 allow a root exploit (as far as I know) in the software which I had
 installed. After further investigation it seems that our IT manager who
 the Linux install had not latched down the FTP tight enough and some guy
 from France (Yes we are on to you :)) got in and started to extract all
 little hacking toys, one of which was a network sniffer which revealed all
 of my passwords as I continued to configure the server. After much pain
 stakingly changing all of our passwords everything seems to be ok now.

 Just thought it was kind of funny that they blammed the web developer
 as I am the one who uses all the weird arsed software :)



 -Original Message-
 From: brendan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, 30 October 2001 2:40 PM
 Subject: [PHP] lesson in NOT how to run your php website ...

 I teach law at a university  .. I also run the website here ...  php
 with a mysql backend ...

 - I have been designing a client side administration tool which allows
 you to setup both the html input form to request from a database and
 format the way the results look and are returned ... so that academics
 can setup and run their own databases ...

 - of course during setup and debugging I ran from the /temp directory of
 the website (we dont have a test machine)

 - after debugging was over i forgot about the extra copy of this script
 in the /temp directory and forgot to delete it ..(there was no security
 on the script)

 - what i also forgot was that in my last lecture series I had left the
 presentation files for the students in the .. you guessed it ... /temp
 directory  ..

 - the students .. being students didnt actually look at the lecture
 notes very much, and i had deleted them ..

 - however its exam time  ... and all of them in a flurry logged on to
 the site ('/temp') ... but instead of finding the lecture series they
 find this strange control panel with lots of weird buttons...
 - web user + strange buttons on page = bugger ...

 so about two weeks ago the site started to go haywire ... links stopped
 working .. databases started screwing up ..

 - i had entirely forgot about the contents of the /temp directory ..
 - i was going INSANE trying to continually fix the site ..
 - i thought we were being hacked and ran a constant netstat, logged all
 visitor activity and made two separate complaints about what seems now
 were innocent web users ...
 - i didnt sleep
 - my girlfriend nearly dumped me ..
 - i was sure there was a conspiracy at hand ..

 - I only stumbled on the /temp directory when i began rebuilding a new
 site to replace what I had now decided was a comprimised code base ... I
 started in the /temp directory of course ;)

 - I am sure there is a lesson here somewhere .. I think it is probably
 more valuable just to laugh at ..

 ps thanks for all the help on the last run of stupidity I had (re
 !#@$!#$ regular expressions posts here)

 happy programming!

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2001-10-28 Thread Lucas Chan

 The *nix version of php expects to find a functional mail transport agent
 on the local host


Yeah.  I think that's kind've umm, I dunno silly.


[ lucas ]

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2001-10-27 Thread Lucas Chan


I have PHP running on my Debian (unstable distribution) box.  I'm trying to
generate an email via the mail() function.

It keeps failing because I do not have a properly installed/configured SMTP
daemon on my machine.  This is despite the fact that I have modified the
SMTP variable in the php.ini file to point to my ISP's SMTP server.

Has anyone else experienced this problem before?


[ lucas ]

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[PHP] Re: help with dbase!!!

2001-10-27 Thread Lucas Chan

I don't really know anything about dbase.  But don't you need to tell it
which tables and fields you wish to retrieve?


[ lucas ]

Alejandro Viana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
I'm trying to read a record from a dbase data base so I've previously
opened it successfully. The problem is that I call the function
dbase_get_record, but it returns no records. The database is ok because I
call the funcion dbase_numfields and dbase_numrecords and they give me
correct information. Would you help me, please?. Here is the source code
that fails.


Estoy intentando leer un registro de una base de datos dbase, por lo que
antes la he abierto con éxito. el problema residen en que llamo a la función
dbase_get_record, pero no me devuelve ningún registro. La base de datos está
bien, porque llamo a la función dbase_numfields y dbase_numrecords y me dan
información correcta. ¿Me podríais ayudar, por favor?. Ahí va el código


Source code- Código fuente:

if (($descriptor=dbase_open ($based, 0))==0){
   printf (brError al abrir la base de datos);
   printf (brBase de datos abierta);
   for ($i=1;$i=$num_registros;$i++){
  $registro= dbase_get_record ($descriptor, $i);
  for ($j=0;$j$num_campos;$j++){
 printf (brFila %d,Campo %d vale %S, $i, $j, $registro[$j]);
   printf (brBase de datos cerrada);

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[PHP] Re: Stopping the browser from continuing to load

2001-10-19 Thread Lucas Chan

Try this:

header(Connection: close);




[ niveus ]

Adam Whitehead [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi All-

 I have a script in which I use ignore_user_abort() to perform some
 extensive processing that
 can take a few hours which there is no need for users to wait for.

 I display a message saying their submission is complete and continue to
 the PHP script
 in the background. It doesn't matter if they close their browser or
 whatever, as the script continues
 to run.

 My problem is, I want the browser to stop waiting for more output from the
 script. It confuses people
 when it says you may now close the browser when the icon in the top right
 is still moving and the progress
 bar is still moving.

 Is there any way in PHP (or even Javascript) that I can tell the browser
 close the connection
 (ie. the equivalent of hitting the stop button).

 Apparently window.stop() in javascript works in Netscape Navigator but
 not in IE. I really need this to
 work in IE (and it only need be IE!).

 Any ideas?

 PS/ Not really keen on running a cron job to do the same thing when it
 would be easier just to stop
 the browser from loading.


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[PHP] Re: Articles on OO apps in PHP, also Object-Relational mapping in PHP?

2001-10-19 Thread Lucas Chan

This may be of some use to you?


[ lucas ]

Chris Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm wondering if there are any articles or other material describing how
 design PHP web applications in a highly object oriented fashion?
 Specifically, object relational mapping, using classes for nearly
 (as appropriate), etc.  The articles don't have to be PHP specific, but
 PHP's OO/class facilities leave a bit to be desired in comparison to say
 Java, so how this is done in PHP would be interesting.

 I've read a few PHP articles, a couple books, etc. on the typical (my
 impression) way of designing PHP web apps, where it's pretty much a 2
 setup of UI and database, and there is no encapsulation/data hiding, and
 classes/objects aren't used much.

 Pointers to any material of this nature would be appreciated.

 Chris Baileymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Code Intensity

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Re: [PHP] How-to put something at bottom of page

2001-10-18 Thread Lucas Chan

This thread is off topic, but anyway.

I would highly recommend not using tables to do this.  You'll find that in
some browsers it will cause scroll-bars to become active when they clearly
don't need to be.

Very ugly indeed.


[ lucas ]

Richard Baskett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 You can do this with html, just make your page a table with height=100%,
 and then have your footer in it's own row at the bottom with
 and make sure your table cell with your main content is valign=top.
 I can not see what you're doing I cant give you specifics, but I think
 what I wrote you'll be able to figure out what you want to do :)

 I try to stay away from frames.  I am not sure if I am in the minority, I
 use frames, but when don't have to.. I dont.


  I'm not sure if this is a PHP or HTML question but can anyone tell me of
  way to place an image or text at the bottom of a browser window?
  I have some pages that have only a bit of text and when I place my
footer on
  that page I would like it to line up nicely with the bottom of the
  window. Right now my footer appears wherever the text on my page
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