[PHP] trans id problem

2007-03-22 Thread Luciano Tolomei

I must configure a site to not use cookie at all.

so i have made a directive in the .htaccess file
to disable cookie and use only trans id:

php_flag  session.use_cookies 0
php_flag  session.use_trans_sid 1

i have a big problem with form with method post.
the php correclty add the hidden session variables
but it seem that it does not arrive to the page.

if i put method= get in the form it works, but i cannot do it, and i 
really need post method.

There is some known problem about that ?

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[PHP] Trans id

2007-03-21 Thread Luciano Tolomei

I have a big problem with trans id.
i have to use it on a particolar site cause a security restriction of a 
group of users.

So i have to:
use only trans id and to disable cookies.

php correctly work on get variables but when it add the input hidden in 
the form it does not work on submit and put us out of session.

i checked the resulting html code and all seem correct.
but if the method of the form is "post" it does not work.

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