[PHP] Secure Mail Form using PHP

2006-02-16 Thread Martin E. Koss
This issue has probably been discussed more than I've been able to find
in the archive, so I'm sorry if I'm going over old ground.
I'm trying to make sure my email form cannot be used for spam or
injecting additional code and addresses in any way.
So far I'm able to remove bcc, cc, to, etc but unable to remove \n  \r.
If I could do that I'd consider it fairly secure. As you'll see below,
I've been trying various ways of doing it.
$Email = stripslashes($Email);
$Senders_Name = stripslashes($Senders_Name);
$Message = stripslashes($Message);
$recipient = stripslashes($recipient);
$subject = stripslashes($subject);

  $Email = preg_replace( /[\n\r]+/,  , $Email );
  // Remove injected headers
  $find = array(/bcc\:/i,/Content\-Type\:/i,/cc\:/i,/to\:/i);
  $Email = preg_replace($find, , $Email);
  $Senders_Name = preg_replace($find, , $Senders_Name);
  $Message = preg_replace($find, , $Message);
  $recipient = preg_replace($find, , $recipient);
//  $message = preg_replace($find, , message); 
//  $email=str_replace(\r,\n,$email);
//  $name=str_replace(\r,\n,$name);
//  $message=str_replace(\r,\n,$message);
//  $phone=str_replace(\r,\n,$phone);

//  $Email = ereg_replace( \r,  , $Email ); THIS DOES NOT WORK
//  $Email = ereg_replace( \n,  , $Email ); THIS DOES NOT WORK
//  $Email = ereg_replace( bcc:,  , $Email );
//  $Email = ereg_replace( cc:,  , $Email );

$Senders_Name = preg_replace( /[\n\r]+/,  , $Senders_Name );

$Message = preg_replace( /[\n\r]+/,  , $Message );

$recipient = preg_replace( /[\n\r]+/,  , $recipient );

$subject = preg_replace( /[\n\r]+/,  , $subject );  


mail($recipient, $subject., $Message,
From: $Email ($Senders_Name)\nReply-To: $Email\n
Sent by:   $Senders_Name
Email Address: $Email);
Thanks for any guidance

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[PHP] Secure Mail Form using PHP

2006-02-16 Thread Martin E. Koss
This issue has probably been discussed more than I've been able to find
in the archive, so I'm sorry if I'm going over old ground.
I'm trying to make sure my email form cannot be used for spam or
injecting additional code and addresses in any way.
So far I'm able to remove bcc, cc, to, etc but unable to remove \n  \r.
If I could do that I'd consider it fairly secure. As you'll see below,
I've been trying various ways of doing it.
$Email = stripslashes($Email);
$Senders_Name = stripslashes($Senders_Name);
$Message = stripslashes($Message);
$recipient = stripslashes($recipient);
$subject = stripslashes($subject);

  $Email = preg_replace( /[\n\r]+/,  , $Email );
  // Remove injected headers
  $find = array(/bcc\:/i,/Content\-Type\:/i,/cc\:/i,/to\:/i);
  $Email = preg_replace($find, , $Email);
  $Senders_Name = preg_replace($find, , $Senders_Name);
  $Message = preg_replace($find, , $Message);
  $recipient = preg_replace($find, , $recipient);
//  $message = preg_replace($find, , message); 
//  $email=str_replace(\r,\n,$email);
//  $name=str_replace(\r,\n,$name);
//  $message=str_replace(\r,\n,$message);
//  $phone=str_replace(\r,\n,$phone);

//  $Email = ereg_replace( \r,  , $Email ); THIS DOES NOT WORK
//  $Email = ereg_replace( \n,  , $Email ); THIS DOES NOT WORK
//  $Email = ereg_replace( bcc:,  , $Email );
//  $Email = ereg_replace( cc:,  , $Email );

$Senders_Name = preg_replace( /[\n\r]+/,  , $Senders_Name );

$Message = preg_replace( /[\n\r]+/,  , $Message );

$recipient = preg_replace( /[\n\r]+/,  , $recipient );

$subject = preg_replace( /[\n\r]+/,  , $subject );  


mail($recipient, $subject., $Message,
From: $Email ($Senders_Name)\nReply-To: $Email\n
Sent by:   $Senders_Name
Email Address: $Email);
Thanks for any guidance

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[PHP] Uploading Multiple Files

2003-07-14 Thread Martin E. Koss
I'm having a little struggle getting a PHP file to upload 2 files
The code follows. The first image always gets uploaded but the second one
sometimes does but when it does it is a duplicate of the first image but
named as the second.

There's probably a real simple solution but obviously I'm not seeing it.

Here's the code:

if (($userfile==) OR ($userfile==none)) {
// $Description=nl2br($Description);
if ($userfile!=) { // can only check all aspects of the upload it if it is
// prep the image
$newname = $userfile_name;
$Image=$userfile_name;  // the name that will be saved to the database
// get the size of the image
$imagehw = GetImageSize($TheImage);
$ImageWidth = $imagehw[0];
$ImageHeight = $imagehw[1];

function do_upload($filename,$newname) {
  $file = basename($filename);
  $tmp_upload_path = /tmp/;
  $new_file_name = /home/httpd/vhtdocs/ramco/uploaded/.$newname;

if (!copy($tmp_upload_path.$file, $new_file_name)) echo failed to copy
filebrPossibly due to it being larger than 30k (30,000 bytes).\n;

if ($CurrentImage!=) { // means we need to delete the existing file if it
if(file_exists(/home/httpd/vhtdocs/ramco/uploaded/.$CurrentImage)) {
$filename=/home/httpd/vhtdocs/ramco/uploaded/ .$CurrentImage;
} // file deleted if it exists
} // end looking for existing file if $CurrentImage!=

// extract file extension of uploaded file
if ($file_type!=jpg) {

// allow upload only for specific types

elseif ($ImageWidth400) {
else {

if ($userfile_size$MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) {
$filename=/home/httpd/vhtdocs/ramco/uploaded/ .$userfile_name;
if (unlink($filename)) {
} // if first upload was successful, do the next image

function do_upload2($filename2,$newname2) {
  $file2 = basename($filename2);
  $tmp_upload_path2 = /tmp/;
  $new_file_name2 = /home/httpd/vhtdocs/ramco/uploaded/.$newname2;

if (!copy($tmp_upload_path2.$file2,$new_file_name2)) echo failed to copy
filebrPossibly due to it being larger than 30k (30,000 bytes).\n;

// now do userfile2
if (($userfile2==) OR ($userfile2==none)) {

if ($userfile2!=) { // can only check all aspects of the upload it if it
is used
// prep the image
$newname2 = $userfile2_name;
$Image2=$userfile2_name;// the name that will be saved to the database
// get the size of the image
$imagehw2 = GetImageSize($TheImage2);
$ImageWidth2 = $imagehw2[0];
$ImageHeight2 = $imagehw2[1];

if ($CurrentImage2!=) { // means we need to delete the existing file if
it exists
if(file_exists(/home/httpd/vhtdocs/ramco/uploaded/.$CurrentImage2)) {
$filename2=/home/httpd/vhtdocs/ramco/uploaded/ .$CurrentImage2;
} // file deleted if it exists
} // end looking for existing file if $CurrentImage!=

// extract file extension of uploaded file
if ($file_type!=jpg) {

// allow upload only for specific types

elseif ($ImageWidth400) {
else {

if ($userfile_size$MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) {
$filename2=/home/httpd/vhtdocs/ramco/uploaded/ .$userfile_name2;
if (unlink($filename2)) {
} // if the uploads were successful, save the entry into the database

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[PHP] myODBC from Access to mySQL (Failing)

2001-05-09 Thread Martin E. Koss

I know it's off topic, but I've struggled to find a more responsive stream
of help than this list - and note that several other ODBC questions have
been answered.

Why is myODBC so hard to get working on different computers?

I just had to reinstall Win 95  Office 97 on one of our test computers AND
Win 98 with Office 2000 on another (due to virus hits on our network)...
Now, since then, we cannot update our mySQL database from either of them.

Fortunately, on my Laptop I can update the mySQL tables via ODBC from Access
2000... So I'm puzzled, trying to remember the various updates that I must
have done to get Access 97 on Win 95 to work and also to do the same from
Access 2K on Win 98.

On both I have installed myODBC and MDAC2.5 but I'm still pulling my hair

Any help will save my hair. Thanks.

Martin E. Koss
M: 07946-706459

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[PHP] [PHP-DB] ALTER TABLE - code not working.

2001-03-29 Thread Martin E. Koss

I have been trying to get a new column added to a table (vips) via a PHP
script, but having exhausted all the things I can find, I'm still
struggling. I've referred to TFM for all those who just can't wait to tell
to do so, and I believe my SQL statement is correct:

$NewCol = $Prod_Code;
$defaultvalue = "0.00";
// make usual connection
$conID = mysql_pconnect ("localhost","admin","mek1233");
mysql_select_db("FocusDynamics", $conID);
// set the query
// According to the mySQL manual:
// ALTER TABLE vips ADD column_name FLOAT (11,2) DEFAULT '0.00'
// So I used:
$AddColQuery = "ALTER TABLE vips ADD $NewCol FLOAT (11,2) DEFAULT '0.00'";
$result = mysql_query ($AddColQuery,$conID);
// now set the default value for all rows in vips table
$SetDefault = "UPDATE TABLE vips SET $NewCol=$defaultvalue";
$result = mysql_query ($SetDefault,$conID);

It is NOT adding the column, and obviously not setting the default.

Any help would be great, thanks.


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RE: [PHP] Line breaks in PHP

2001-03-29 Thread Martin E. Koss

When getting the data out of a mySQL table with PHP, use:

$TextArea = nl2br($TextField);

If you are opening it into a form you shouldn't need any formatting as it
will detect the new lines and if using a TEXTAREA the lines will be as you
typed them initially.

If you want to save BRs when saving the data into the table, use the above
but then you won't need it when you pull the data back out.


-Original Message-
From: Jason Lotito [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 29 March 2001 20:30
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Php Mailing List
Subject: RE: [PHP] Line breaks in PHP

 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 1:29 AM
 To: Php Mailing List
 Subject: [PHP] Line breaks in PHP

 I have a  form  that edits the text on a web page by putting the
 data into a
 db and then outputting to the webpage when it is called. When I enter my
 text into my form I use the return key to start new lines, but
 when the text
 appears on my webpage it  has no line breaks so the text just wraps to the
 width of the page.

 Is there any way of PHP picking up these line breaks so that the text will
 be formatted on my web page as it was on my form.



http://www.php.net/nl2br  Check out that function.  that is what you

Jason Lotito
Where those who can, teach;
and those who can, learn.

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[PHP] Dynamically build a form from mySQL table

2001-03-20 Thread Martin E. Koss

I've been trying to figure this out by looking through the code in
phpMyAdmin but I'm not getting very far. There's probably some help about it

What I want to do is dynamically generate a form where I get a table row
containing the field name in one cell and the input field in the next cell,
for example:

$DatabaseName = "FocusDynamics";
$TableName = "Items";

// open the table and get all field names, sizes, etc.,

// for each Field name, print something like:

PRINT "tr\n";
PRINT "td$FieldName/td\n";
PRINT "tdinput type=\"text\" name=\"$FieldName\" value=\"$FieldValue\"
PRINT "/tr";

How do I get all this info from the table?

Thanks for any help.

Martin E. Koss
M: 07946-706459

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[PHP] Rounding to strange results

2001-03-06 Thread Martin E. Koss

I use a product database for 2 sites, one of which adds sales tax and rounds
to the nearest .10 and on the other site there is no tax and also no

I am unable to figure out why a price of 1000.00 is being displayed as 1.00
and any price over 1000 does the same thing. 100.00 works fine, as does all
other prices, this is the same with and without rounding.

Anything I should look for to solve this problem?


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[PHP] Run a script for 20minutes

2001-02-12 Thread Martin E. Koss

I have PHP3 and MySQL on Win98 and am trying to run a script that loops
through a file making process and it needs about 20 - 30 minutes to run. It
generates static HTML files based on content in a database. I've increased
Internet Explorer's timeout to allow for this but for some reason only about
half the processing is done before everything seems to just stop.

Does anyone know of a very basic way of executing a PHP script on a Win98
machine without the need for a browser? Or, another way of running this
script that will take some time and create some 22,000 files through the



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