Re: [PHP] Calling Curt Z, Curt Z to the white courtesy phone please

2006-03-09 Thread Max Schwanekamp

Curt Zirzow wrote:

I'm including the list in this reply in case any wants to give some
feedback. is no longer valid. 
 I mean, the list is no longer there, though the URL is still valid. 
It got pretty out of date anyhow. is a good alternative 

Max Schwanekamp

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[PHP] php-cgi limitations

2006-03-09 Thread Max Schwanekamp
Can anyone offer or point me to a summary of differences between running 
php as an Apache module vs as a cgi executable?  Specifically, I'm 
wanting to upgrade our servers to php 5 but there is one crucial 
third-party app we're using that still needs php 4, so I'm hoping I can 
run just that app under php 4 cgi until the vendor updates to support 
php 5.  Google is unusually laconic on this, but perhaps I just offended 
it with too many daft queries on the subject... :)

Max Schwanekamp

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Re: [PHP] Re: php-cgi limitations

2006-03-09 Thread Max Schwanekamp

El Bekko wrote:

Max Schwanekamp wrote:
Can anyone offer or point me to a summary of differences between 
running php as an Apache module vs as a cgi executable?  Specifically, 
I'm wanting to upgrade our servers to php 5 but there is one crucial 
third-party app we're using that still needs php 4, 

Are you sure that app won't work under PHP5?

Thanks for the reply.  The app in question is FogBugz, and they state 
emphatically that it does not yet work under PHP5.  I guess there's only 
one way to find out, really - test test test.

Max Schwanekamp

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Re: [PHP] help with nl2br

2006-03-03 Thread Max Schwanekamp

canobit canobit wrote:

I have cobbled the following code that when it retrieves the data from
Mysql, the data is displayed with no line breaks which results in one large
paragraph. I have been trying for quite awhile without sucess to get
nl2br working with this code. The original data is entered by the user via a
textarea form.
snip /snip /
 while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
echo trfont color=blue size =4;
echo .$row[1]/b;
echo trfont color=black size = 3;
echo .$row[2];
echo  br \n;
echo  br \n;  snip /

There is no nl2br in your code sample, so I'm assuming you want to put 
$row[2] through it?  It's about as simple as nl2br($row[2]).  If that 
doesn't work, then perhaps you should post sample code that is failing, 
and the output you get, along with the output you're expecting.

All that said, you might want to invest some time in learning a DB 
abstraction layer such as ADODb or PEAR::DB (there are lots of others). 
 You'll commonly find convenience functions to do things like output 
query results into an HTML table.  Why waste time debugging the wheel?

Max Schwanekamp

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Re: [PHP] Editing an existing pdf?

2006-02-28 Thread Max Schwanekamp

Jay Contonio wrote:

I am just looking for someone to point me in the right direction. I
need to be able to *edit* an existing pdf, not create a new one. I
basically would be adding an image or text from a form to an existing
pdf. Does the PDFLib have an overlay function? These will not be 72
DPI pdf's either.

Never used it myself, but FPDF says it can do this using the FPDI 
extension.  (see item 17)

Max Schwanekamp

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Re: [PHP] Editing an existing pdf?

2006-02-28 Thread Max Schwanekamp

Jay Contonio wrote:

With FPDF you have been able to add jpegs or pngs to existing high-res
pdfs? I understand adding data using the FDF file but what about an

Yeah, I use FPDF on a fairly busy site to generate PDFs that have one of 
various logos embedded.  The PDF can be regular 72DPI - that's print 
quality for text.  But the image should be at print resolution, i.e. 
300DPI or better, preferably a 24-bit PNG.

Max Schwanekamp

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Re: [PHP] Reverse Engineering of Smarty

2006-02-05 Thread Max Schwanekamp

Zareef Ahmed wrote:

 Accidentally I got deleted all of my php code in one of my application, I was 
using smarty and its compiled directory has the code in its native format.
Is there any way so I can do some type of reverse engineering to bring back my 
original code?

No, Smarty's compiled PHP is strictly for the output.  There is little 
connection (or there shouldn't be anyway) between your application php 
and the compiled php that Smarty produces when it parses a template file.

Max Schwanekamp

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Re: [PHP] Get timestamp?

2006-01-25 Thread Max Schwanekamp

Jay Paulson wrote:
 How would I go about getting the timestamp of a day of the week from 
7 weeks

 $lastSunday = strtotime(last Sunday);
 $Sunday7Weeks = $lastSunday - ???;

$lastsunday = strtotime(last Sunday);
$sunday7weeks = $lastsunday - (86400 * 49); // 7 weeks = 49 days

echo 'Last Sunday\'s date was '.date(m/d/y,$lastsunday);
echo 'br7 Weeks prior to Last Sunday, the date was 

Max Schwanekamp

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Re: [PHP] Get timestamp?

2006-01-25 Thread Max Schwanekamp

Max Schwanekamp wrote:

Jay Paulson wrote:
 How would I go about getting the timestamp of a day of the week from 
7 weeks


$lastsunday = strtotime(last Sunday);
$sunday7weeks = $lastsunday - (86400 * 49); // 7 weeks = 49 days

Oops, that would be the sunday 7 weeks prior to _last_ Sunday, which 
would really be Sunday 8 weeks ago, so maybe change the 49 to 42...

Max Schwanekamp

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2005-12-28 Thread Max Schwanekamp

William Stokes wrote:
I have one MySQL table with about 500 rows. I need to read the table one row 
at a

time, make some changes to data in one field and then store the changed data
to another table.
I'm using PHP to change the data but I have no idea how to select one row at
a time from the DB table.

A couple of possible options, depending on your specific situation:
1. Use INSERT...SELECT syntax.  If you're doing a regular transformation 
on all selected rows that can be handled by MySQL function(s), this 
would be easiest and fastest.  e.g. ( is an auto-incremented 
primary key):

INSERT INTO table_b (id, table_a_id, transformed_value)
FROM table_a

2. Depending on the size of the records, you might want to just read all 
500 rows into a two-dimensional array and use an array fn such as 
array_walk to apply a function to change the relevant data and insert 
into your new table.  To get all rows into an array, you set an array 
variable and iterate over the MySQL result set to build the members of 
the array.

If you need details on how to do *that*, you'll need to indicate which 
version of PHP you're using and whether you're using an abstraction 
layer for database access.  For an example in PHP 4, you might have:

$db_cursor = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM my_table, $db);
//check for errors [omitted]
//count the records
$recordcount = mysql_num_rows($db_cursor);
//assemble the recordset array
$recordset = array();
for($i=0;$i$recordcount; $i++)
$recordset[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($db_cursor);   
//clean up, etc. [omitted]

Then use array_walk() or similar...


Max Schwanekamp

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Re: [PHP] Re: PhpMailer vs Pear:Mail

2005-11-29 Thread Max Schwanekamp

Richard Heyes wrote:

Petr Smith wrote:
I tried all and ended with

fast, stable, usable.

A very good choice. ;-)

But but but, what *is* the advantage of one over the other?  I've been a 
PhpMailer devotee for some time.  PEAR::Mail is too spare, PhpMailer is 
reasonably quick and has proven quite stable (I've built a couple 
newsletter apps using it).  What's the advantage of Richard's package 
vs. the Pear one (on which he is a lead dev) vs. PhpMailer?

Max Schwanekamp

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Re: [PHP] probably a simple mysql copy multiple rows question

2005-11-27 Thread Max Schwanekamp

Dave Carrera wrote:
 so if the output of my current table is
 BASE   600   1.99
 BASE   601   2.99
 then i would like to copy these rows so that the table looks like this
 BASE   600   1.99
 BASE   601   2.99
 NEW600   33
 NEW601   33

This is a SQL question, not PHP.  That said, what you're describing is 
INSERT...SELECT syntax.  In your example, something like:

INSERT INTO mytable (name, code, price)
SELECT 'NEW', code, '33' FROM mytable
WHERE name = 'BASE' /* or whatever rows you need to copy */

Supported by MySQL, PostGres and others.

Max Schwanekamp

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Re: [PHP] Re: please shed some light on SQLsyntax error

2005-11-13 Thread Max Schwanekamp

Bruce Gilbert wrote:

//build and issue query
$sql = INSERT INTO $table_name values ('', '$_POST[f_name]',
'$_POST[l_name]', '$_POST[address1]', '$_POST[address2]',
'$_POST[address3]', '$_POST[postcode]', '$_POST[country]',
'$_POST[prim_tel]', '$_POST[sec_tel]', '$_POST[email]',

Holy riddled-with-security-holes batman!  Strange that no one has jumped 
on this.  That code could be easily hijacked to do nasty things to your 
server.  Google sql injection php or something like that and you'll 
get lots of resources.  E.g.:

PS - Hello all!  This is my first post to the list;  I've been lurking 
for a week or two.

Max Schwanekamp

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