Hi All,
I have a kind of unique problem that I've had trouble finding information 
on around the net. I have a site that I pay a hosting company for that 
expects my php scripts to have #!/usr/local/bin/php at the beginning of 
each script which works fine. Now, I'd like to keep a development server 
at home that uses Apache 22 and the latest php. 

I followed the installation instructions carefully can got php running 
great at home. The only problem is that it serves up the #!/usr... at the 
beginning of file, which wouldn't bother me except that it causes major 
problems with redirects.

Any ideas on how to tell my development server to ignore that line or to 
reconfigure my apache/php in some such that it won't serve up that line??

I promise that I did due diligence in looking around but came up empty 
handed... keyword searching has its limitations...

Thanks very much in advance.

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