[PHP] Question about setting up FTP Upload and using the FTP suite...

2008-05-14 Thread Mike McGonagle
Hello all,
I am just trying to see if I can connect up with my internal FTP server from
our website. The server is accessible from the outside world, as we can log
in using a client, etc. I am not really sure how to troubleshoot this, but
below is the script that I have. I "found" it on the net (and can't remember
where), and changed it a bit for my needs. It would appear that the call to
'ftp_connect' is where it fails. I tried this with both a URL as well as the
actual IP address, both error at the same place with the same error. Is
there a way to get an actual error message that is a bit more explanatory as
to what is happening?

Thanks for your help,


Peace may sound simple—one beautiful word— but it requires everything we
have, every quality, every strength, every dream, every high ideal.
—Yehudi Menuhin (1916–1999), musician

[PHP] Alright, how do you unsubscribe?

2006-03-17 Thread Mike McGonagle
I went through the instructions about how to remove my address from
the mailing list, but nothing happens. I sent this message almost 6
hours ago, and I am still getting traffic from the list.

Is there someone who could remove my address? Or do I need to keep
sending the unsubscribe message until it works?



PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php