[PHP] single signon Solution php and .net

2007-04-29 Thread Murtaza Chang

Hi, me and my fellow developer have built two applications that need to
authenticate users using LDAP, we have successfully accomplished it, but the
problem is his application is in .net and mine is in php, my php app needs
to call secure pages of .net and vice versa, now when the user is logged
onto let say my php app he is logged and his session is created and when I
redirect him to .net app he again sees a login form because the session isnt
created in .net app.
I need some single sign on solution I found lots of APIs and libraries for
java but have no idea what can I use for php and .net, kindly experience
programmers guide me.

Murtaza Chang

[PHP] single sign on Solution php and .net

2007-04-27 Thread Murtaza Chang

Hi, me and my fellow developer have built two applications that need to
authenticate users using LDAP, we have successfully accomplished it, but the
problem is his application is in .net and mine is in php, my php app needs
to call secure pages of .net and vice versa, now when the user is logged
onto let say my php app he is logged and his session is created and when I
redirect him to .net app he again sees a login form because the session isnt
created in .net app.
I need some single sign on solution I found lots of APIs and libraries for
java but have no idea what can I use for php and .net, kindly experience
programmers guide me.

Murtaza Chang

[PHP] Information Portal

2007-02-23 Thread Murtaza Chang

Hi Everyone,
I am developing an Information Portal for my university, and I am looking  a
good solid framework. can you provide me with links, currently I am a bit
confused and overwhelmed with lots of great stuff on net like drupal and
Ruby on Rails
If you could share your experience[if any on similar projects] I would be
really thankful.

Murtaza Chang

[PHP] Automatic email sending

2006-06-16 Thread Murtaza Chang

Hi everyone, my website need to automatically send an email to people
when thier account is about to expire, but iam not sure how to do it.
In other words its easy to put a check if an account is about to
expire and send automatic email when admin logs in to system, but how
is it possible to do it in background.

Murtaza Chang
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[PHP] Forms Validation library

2006-04-25 Thread Murtaza Chang
Hi I just wanted to know if there's a generalised library available for
Forms validation in php?
Murtaza Chang

[PHP] Date time Comparison

2006-04-18 Thread Murtaza Chang
Hi everyone,
this is the function I have written for comparing a date time please tell me
if my logic is correct ? and if there's a better alternative please let me
know of that as well.
// This function will return 1 if supplied date is expired
function is_expire($expiry_date){
if ($current_date>=$formated_expiry_date)
return 1;
return 0;
Murtaza Chang