[PHP] user running PHP

2003-12-22 Thread Niklas Saers

I've got an Apache 2 setup with PHP 4.3.4 running many virtual hosts. Each
user has a virtual host of his own, and many use php. I've set
SuexecUserGroup to the username and group of the individual user, yet
running phpinfo() as that user reveals under section apache2handler that
it runs as user www and group www rather than the user and group I set
with SuexecUserGroup. Why is that, and how can I make it use the user and
group the user belongs to? People are starting to complain that they have
problems using fopen() and the like.


  Niklas Saers

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[PHP] imap trouble

2003-03-19 Thread Niklas Saers Mailinglistaccount
I'm running FreeBSD 4.8RC, c-client 2002, imap-uw 2002 and PHP 4.3.1
(tried a couple of other versions, but they give me the same error).

Whenever I use imap_open() to localhost, I get the following error:

Mar 20 00:20:29 doriath imapd[43632]: Command stream end of file, while reading line 
user=??? host=localhost.saers.com []

How can I make it connect correctly? I've recompiled it about a zillion
times. LookOut!, Evolution, Mac Mail works just fine, and I can even
telnet in and do a good mail session through pop3. But trying pop3 through
imap_open() gives the same error. The error is the same for imap, imaps,
and pop3.



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[PHP] imap problem

2003-03-19 Thread Niklas Saers Mailinglistaccount
When contacting the imap-uw server I've built with plaintext and ssl
support, I get Certificate failure for localhost: self signed
certificate: /C=NO/ST=Oslo/L=Oslo/O=religion.no/OU=religion.no/CN=doriath/CN=localhost
when contacting it through php. How can I make php accept my certificate?
And if I cannot do this, how can I opt for plaintext passwords?



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[PHP] Links

2001-12-28 Thread Niklas Saers Mailinglistaccount

Hi. I've got the following problem. I've taken over a website of about
1200 static pages. Yes, that's right, 1200 static pages. Containing
roundabout a zillion working and broken links. I've done my job and made a
system that actually works, importing each page (manually with a
publishing tool written for the occation in PHP), adding the metadata
needed for nice searching and presenting in the three languages I need to
support, and actually got the system working. (yes, I will probably be
writing an article about the lot, because it contained multiple fun
challenges (and of course the bit about 1200 pages routine work :-/ ) ) To
finish off, I've got one last barrier. All these pages contained links.
Because I've actually categorized the information, in addition to the
already broken links, most are now totally broken. I've set up a handler
that takes care of the most 'duh'-style breaks (like index.html now being
index.php), but I've still go to go through all these funny links and
change them. Because I'm a user at the box, not root, and the webserver
owns most of the documents that I've only got read-access to, I need to
make a script that reads the document, extracts all the links (a href and
img src mainly) and lets me edit them. Does anyone have a decent regex
string that would allow me to get all the links and then do a
search-replace through the document to put in the correct ones?



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[PHP] Function by reference

2001-01-31 Thread Niklas Saers

Hi all. I was wondering, can a reference be a function as well? Reason is, I've got to 
do a little manipulating. I want to do a 


where I want \\1 to be fed into urlencode()  I was thinking somewhere along the lines



Niklas Saers

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