Re: [PHP] my paging task with PHP does not work. It uses cookie.

2007-09-19 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Hi Arvid,

thank you very much for your remark. It is useful for me.
On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 12:01:40 +0300
Arvids Godjuks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Don't use SQL_CALC_FOUND ROWS on simple queries, when you have to run a
 simple query on one or two (with join) tables with a simple WHERE. Especialy
 if tables are big. I found out that single SELECT COUNT(id) FROM table is
 far more faster when query has simple WHERE conditions. I use
 SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS only with a rather complex queries - that
 SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS doesn't affect query execution at all (well, it affects
 ofcourse, but affect is so small, you can't see it).

Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] my paging task with PHP does not work. It uses cookie.

2007-09-19 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear Brian,

My problem is solved. thank you very much for your help.
On Wed, 12 Sep 2007 14:04:11 -0400
brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Patrik Hasibuan wrote:
  Dear my friends...
  I am trying to display the content of a table. Each page must content
  only 5 records maximum. Each page has Previous and Next buttons
  (made from anchor).
  I dump the primary of the working table and keep it in a cookie. So
  than the paging task work with the index of cookie array. But the
  $curguruescomidiklan stays 0 each time I click Next button.
 Patrick, i can't say what the problem is, but i recommend using the PEAR 
 Pager package for this if you have PEAR available. It takes care of a 
 lot of the heavy lifting and is very configurable.
 This does not require setting any cookies.
 PHP General Mailing List (
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Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] my paging task with PHP does not work. It uses cookie.

2007-09-19 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear mike,

your thread solved my problem.

I really appreciate your help.

Thank you very much.

On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 14:49:29 -0700
mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 warning: this is VERY UGLY CODE. i wrote it 3-4 years ago now i think
 and it just keeps working.
 you call it this way:
 # pagination.
 if(isset($_GET['pg'])) {
 $page = intval($_GET['pg']);
 } else {
 $page = 1;
 $page = sprintf(%02d,$page);
 $query = Array(
 'query' = SELECT foo FROM bar,
 'itemsperpage'  = 50,
 'maxdisplay'= 20,
 'linkprefix'= $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?f=$forum_idpg=
 list($pages,$numpages,$items,$threads) = paginate_sql($page,$query);
 $pages is the html formatted links
 $numpages is the total number of pages
 i dont actually use $items much but i think it just tells you how many
 items (which is the same as itemsperpage... i believe)
 $threads is the mysql rows resource (you can use mysql_fetch_rows on it)
 function paginate_sql($thispage,$options) {
 $offset = $options['itemsperpage'] * ($thispage - 1);
 if(isset($options['server'])) {
 $results = db_query(eregi_replace(^SELECT,SELECT
 $rows = db_query(SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),$options['server']);
 } else {
 $results = db_query(eregi_replace(^SELECT,SELECT
 $rows = db_query(SELECT FOUND_ROWS());
 list($totalitems) = db_rows($rows);
 $html = ;
 $numpages = ceil($totalitems / $options['itemsperpage']);
 if(isset($options['maxpages'])  $numpages 
 $options['maxpages']) { $numpages = $options['maxpages']; }
 if($thispage  1 || $totalitems  $options['itemsperpage']) {
 $thispage = sprintf(%02d,1); }
 if($thispage  $numpages  $numpages  0) {
 header(sprintf(Location: %s01,
 $start = (ceil($thispage / $options['maxdisplay'])-1) *
 $options['maxdisplay'] + 1;
 if($start == 1) {
 $html .= laquo;;
 } else {
 $html .= sprintf(a href=\%s%02d\laquo;/a,
 $options['linkprefix'], $start-1);
 if(isset($options['maxdisplay'])  $options['maxdisplay'] !=
 0  $numpages  $options['maxdisplay']) {
 $numlist = $options['maxdisplay'] + $start - 1;
 } else {
 $numlist = $numpages + $start - 1;
 if($numlist  $numpages) { $numlist = $numpages; }
 for($x=$start; $x=$numlist; $x++) {
 if($x == $thispage) {
 $html .= sprintf( %02d, $x);
 } else {
 $html .= sprintf( a
 href=\%s%02d\%02d/a, $options['linkprefix'], $x, $x);
 if($numlist == $numpages) {
 $html .=  raquo;;
 } else {
 $html .= sprintf( a href=\%s%02d\raquo;/a,
 $options['linkprefix'], $numlist+1);
 if($totalitems = $options['itemsperpage']) { $html = ; }
 return Array($html,sprintf(%02d,$numpages),$totalitems,$results);
 On 9/13/07, Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Mike,
  I am intrested for the solution you gave me. But I am confused of the way 
  in implementing select FOUND_ROWS().
  I wrote another very simple codes as the first step for understanding this 
  if ($konek){
 for ($i=0;$i2;$i++){
 $sqlku=select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS id_iklan from lowongan limit 5;;
 $sqlkupage=select FOUND_ROWS();
 $kueri=mysql_query($sqlku,$konek) or die('MYSQL QUERY ERROR 
  ['.mysql_errno($konek).'] '.mysql_error($konek));
 $kueri=mysql_query($sqlkupage,$konek) or die('MYSQL QUERY ERROR 
  ['.mysql_errno($konek).'] '.mysql_error($konek));
 echo FirstItem a 
 echo I can't talk to the serverbr;
  I've put nine records into the table of lowongan, idiklan 1 to 9.
  Look I get of course only one record, namely the: '9'.
  This is the output of my codes in my internet browser.
  FirstItem 9
  FirstItem 9
  The output what I am expecting suppose to be:
  on the $i=0
  FirstItem 1
  FirstItem 2
  FirstItem 3
  FirstItem 4
  FirstItem 5
  and on the $i=1
  FirstItem 6
  FirstItem 7
  FirstItem 8
  FirstItem 9
  FirstItem 9
  I read on the documentation of MySQL but I couldn't find any code of sample 

Re: [PHP] my paging task with PHP does not work. It uses cookie.

2007-09-13 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Hi Mike,

I am intrested for the solution you gave me. But I am confused of the way in 
implementing select FOUND_ROWS().

I wrote another very simple codes as the first step for understanding this 
if ($konek){
for ($i=0;$i2;$i++){
$sqlku=select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS id_iklan from lowongan limit 5;;
$sqlkupage=select FOUND_ROWS();
$kueri=mysql_query($sqlku,$konek) or die('MYSQL QUERY ERROR 
['.mysql_errno($konek).'] '.mysql_error($konek));
$kueri=mysql_query($sqlkupage,$konek) or die('MYSQL QUERY ERROR 
['.mysql_errno($konek).'] '.mysql_error($konek));
echo FirstItem a 
echo I can't talk to the serverbr;

I've put nine records into the table of lowongan, idiklan 1 to 9.
Look I get of course only one record, namely the: '9'.

This is the output of my codes in my internet browser.
FirstItem 9
FirstItem 9
The output what I am expecting suppose to be:
on the $i=0

FirstItem 1
FirstItem 2
FirstItem 3
FirstItem 4
FirstItem 5

and on the $i=1

FirstItem 6
FirstItem 7
FirstItem 8
FirstItem 9
FirstItem 9

I read on the documentation of MySQL but I couldn't find any code of sample 
also in the

Would be so kind to give me a very simple code of sample?

Thank you very much in advance.
On Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:58:04 -0700
mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 9/12/07, Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear my friends...
  I am trying to display the content of a table. Each page must content only 
  5 records maximum. Each page has Previous and Next buttons (made from 
  I dump the primary of the working table and keep it in a cookie. So than 
  the paging task work with the index of cookie array. But the 
  $curguruescomidiklan stays 0 each time I click Next button.
 yeah there is no reason to be using cookies for this.
 just using query string parameters should work. for pagination you need to 
 total number of items
 number of items per page
 after that you know how many pages (numitems / itemsperpage) and work
 out the links appropriately (i.e. page1 has no previous, $maxpage has
 no next) and you can put the number of pages down how you want (if you
 want to do prev 3 4 5 next, or next 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 prev, there's a
 ton of strategies to print out what pages to show, and next, previous,
 jump to end, jump to beginning, etc)
 i've never used the PEAR class or anything else, i made a function a
 long time ago that actually works in conjunction with mysql's SELECT
 FOUND_ROWS() and uses a LIMIT offset,number to save the overhead of
 fetching every row from the database to only show the ones for that
 page. it's actually worked well for 4 years now without a single
 at some point perhaps i'll clean it up and post it somewhere, and
 someone might be able to make it even better.
 PHP General Mailing List (
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Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] my paging task with PHP does not work. It uses cookie.

2007-09-12 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear my friends...

I am trying to display the content of a table. Each page must content only 5 
records maximum. Each page has Previous and Next buttons (made from anchor).

I dump the primary of the working table and keep it in a cookie. So than the 
paging task work with the index of cookie array. But the $curguruescomidiklan 
stays 0 each time I click Next button.

The main part of doing the paging task is this lines:

for ($it=$curguruescomidiklan;$it$itot;$it++){
echo idad= $idadbr;
echo it: $itbr;

Please tell me why PHP does not work as I expect.

Thank you very much in advance.
$pageamount = 5;

table align=center
!--Bagian Pencari Kerja--
td valign=top background=gambar/gbkiri.gif
table align=right border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=300
td align=left
table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
if ($curguruescomidiklan0){ echo trtda href=\index.php?p=t\ 
style=\text-decoration:none;\Previous/a/td/tr; }
td align=right
table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
if (($jmli % $curguruescomidiklan)1 or $curguruescomidiklan==0){ 
echo a href=\index.php?p=n\ 
echo trth colspan=12Lowongan Kerja/th/tr;
include_once koneksi.php;
select l.id_iklan 
from perusahaan as p right join lowongan as l on 
where l.lama_tayang = (current_date-l.mulai_tayang) 
order by bid desc
$kelas=new koneksi();
if ( $jmli  0 ) {
while(list($idiklan)=mysql_fetch_row($klas)) {
//  echo ID Iklannya: $idiklanbr;
} else {
echo No Ad of job vacancy currently in our databasebr;
if (empty($curguruescomidiklan)){
//echo pa: $pageamountbr;
if (isset($p)){ $nt=$_GET['p']; }
//I meant this part should direct the page content to be the next array contents
if ($jmli=$pageamount){
echo curguruescomidiklan --$curguruescomidiklanbr;
if ($nt=='t'){
echo lewat sini $curguruescomidiklan $pageamountbr;
echo itot 1 --$itotbr;
echo itot 2 --$itotbr;
for ($it=$curguruescomidiklan;$it$itot;$it++){
echo idad= $idadbr;
echo it: $itbr;
echo curguruescomidiklan-- $curguruescomidiklanbr;

function bukaiklan($myid){
//echo myid=$myidbr;
select p.company_fullname, p.company_address,,, 
p.postcode,, p.fax, p.url, p.company_description, l.iklan, l.id_iklan 
from perusahaan as p right join lowongan as l on 
where l.lama_tayang = (current_date-l.mulai_tayang) and 
order by bid desc
$kelassqlbukaiklan=new koneksi();
if ( mysql_num_rows($klassqlbukaiklan)  0 ) {
while(list($namaprsh, $alamat, $kota, $negara, $kodepos, $telfon, $faks, $url, 
$comdesc, $iklan, $idiklan)=mysql_fetch_row($klassqlbukaiklan)) {
echo trtd valign=\top\Employer/tdtd valign=\top\:/tdtd 
valign=\top\ colspan=10$namaprsh/td/tr;
echo trtd valign=\top\Address/tdtd valign=\top\:/tdtd 
valign=\top\ colspan=10$alamat/td/tr;
echo trtd valign=\top\City/tdtd valign=\top\:/tdtd 
valign=\top\ colspan=10$kota/td/tr;
echo trtd valign=\top\Country/tdtd valign=\top\:/tdtd 
valign=\top\ colspan=10$negara/td/tr;
echo trtd valign=\top\Postcode/tdtd valign=\top\:/tdtd 
colspan=10 valign=\top\$kodepos/td/tr;
echo trtd valign=\top\Fax/tdtd valign=\top\:/tdtd 
valign=\top\ colspan=10$faks/td/tr;
echo trtd valign=\top\Website/tdtd valign=\top\:/tdtd 
colspan=10 valign=\top\$url/td/tr;
echo trtd valign=\top\Business Field/tdtd 
valign=\bottom\:/tdtd valign=\bottom\ colspan=10$comdesc/td/tr;
echo trtd colspan=12$iklan/td/tr;
echo trtd colspan=12 height=16/td/tr;
} else {
echo No Ad of job vacancy currently in our database, possibly 


!--Bagian Toko Buku Guru--
td valign=top

!--Bagian Employer--
td valign=top


[PHP] clickbank (merchandise provider) for creditcard based internet online transaction.

2007-09-03 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear all of my friends in this mailing-list,

Has anybody here ever tried creating a creditcard based internet online 
transaction with PHP to clickbank (

Which PHP Library should I use to develop the payment process? Can I use CURL 
for clickbank?

Among all of my friends in this mailing-list, has anybody ever get problem or 
find the disadvantage to use the service of clickbank?

Thank you very much in advance.
Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] Does JavaScript not work in php web file?

2007-08-26 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear Sanjeev,

you're right. I am sorry for my carelessness. I corrected my code and than try 
it again. But again, it does not work as I expect.

I even put  prompt(this function is being called);  in the jsopsi() but 
again the prompt does not come out. Pffuih... I am desperate only because of 
this small thing.

Please keep telling me what's wrong with my code. Do I have to write the 
JavaScript in another way if the javascript is placed in php file?
//This is my current code:
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN

  META name=generator content=HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 31 October 
2006), see - Menu for new customer/TITLE

Script Language=JavaScript
function jsopsi(){
prompt(This prompt comes out if this function is really being called);
if (document.formulir.opsinegara.value!=Virgina Islands (USA);){
if (isset($pid)){
echo Produk ID: $idprodukbr;

table border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=800
trtd/tdtdtable border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 
form method=post action=cgi/cgipelangganbaru.php?pid=$idproduk 
td align=right bgcolor=#F5D78B
3. Country:
td align=center
td align=left
select name=negara onchange=jsopsi() name=opsinegara
include_once koneksi.php;
$sqlnya=select country from countries;
$kelas=new koneksi();
if ( mysql_num_rows($klas)  0 ) {
while( list($negara) = mysql_fetch_row($klas) ) {
echo option id=\opsi.$negara\ 
} else {
echo 'No results found';
td align=right bgcolor=#F5D78B
4. State:
td align=center
td align=left
select name=opsistate
include_once koneksi.php;
$sqlnya=select state,statename from states;
$kelas=new koneksi();
if ( mysql_num_rows($klas)  0 ) {
echo option name=\state\ value=\\/option;
while( list($state,$statename) = mysql_fetch_row($klas) ) {
echo option name=\state\ value=\$state\$statename 
} else {
echo 'No results found';
On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 22:26:49 +0530
Sanjeev N [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 JavaScript codes works in php files. Yours code is also fine. 
 But check your calling function and defined functions. Calling function is
 jsopsi and defined function is opsi. Please check. Other than this
 everything is ok
 Warm Regards,
 Sanjeev - Submit your website URL - Choose your best web hosting plan
 -Original Message-
 From: Patrik Hasibuan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 9:17 PM
 Subject: [PHP] Does JavaScript not work in php web file?
 Dear my friends...
 I am confused to implement JavaScript code in php web file.
 I want my JavaScript change the selected item of select tag based on the
 selected item of previous selected in same php page.
 Please help me tell my where is my mistake.
 Here is my code pelangganbaru.php
 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
   META name=generator content=HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 31 October
 2006), see - Menu for new customer/TITLE
 Script Language=JavaScript
 function opsi(){
 if (document.formulir.opsinegara.value!=Virgina Islands (USA);){
 if (isset($pid)){
   echo Produk ID: $idprodukbr;
 table border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=800
 trtd/tdtdtable border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
 form method=post action=cgi/cgipelangganbaru.php?pid=$idproduk
   td align=right bgcolor=#F5D78B
   3. Country:
   td align=center
   td align=left
   select name=negara onchange=jsopsi() name=opsinegara
   include_once koneksi.php;
   $sqlnya=select country from countries;
   $kelas=new koneksi();
   if ( mysql_num_rows($klas)  0 ) {
   while( list($negara) = mysql_fetch_row($klas) ) {
   echo option id=\opsi.$negara\

[PHP] Does JavaScript not work in php web file?

2007-08-25 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear my friends...

I am confused to implement JavaScript code in php web file.

I want my JavaScript change the selected item of select tag based on the 
selected item of previous selected in same php page.

Please help me tell my where is my mistake.

Here is my code pelangganbaru.php
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN

  META name=generator content=HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 31 October 
2006), see - Menu for new customer/TITLE
Script Language=JavaScript
function opsi(){
if (document.formulir.opsinegara.value!=Virgina Islands (USA);){

if (isset($pid)){
echo Produk ID: $idprodukbr;

table border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=800
trtd/tdtdtable border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 
form method=post action=cgi/cgipelangganbaru.php?pid=$idproduk 
td align=right bgcolor=#F5D78B
3. Country:
td align=center
td align=left
select name=negara onchange=jsopsi() name=opsinegara
include_once koneksi.php;
$sqlnya=select country from countries;
$kelas=new koneksi();
if ( mysql_num_rows($klas)  0 ) {
while( list($negara) = mysql_fetch_row($klas) ) {
echo option id=\opsi.$negara\ 
} else {
echo 'No results found';
td align=right bgcolor=#F5D78B
4. State:
td align=center
td align=left
select name=opsistate
include_once koneksi.php;
$sqlnya=select state,statename from states;
$kelas=new koneksi();
if ( mysql_num_rows($klas)  0 ) {
echo option name=\opsi.$state.\ value=\\/option;
if ($negara==Virgin Islands (US)){
echo option name=\nonusa\ value=\00\ selectedNon 
echo option name=\nonusa\ value=\00\Non USA/option;
while( list($state,$statename) = mysql_fetch_row($klas) ) {
echo option name=\state\ value=\$state\$statename 
} else {
echo 'No results found';
td align=right
input type=submit
td align=center
td align=left
input type=reset
Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:


2007-08-15 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear my friends,

This is the first time for me to use OOP concept of PHP. I wrote still a very 
simple codes but it doesn't work as my manual book taught. the book titled 
MySQL/PHP Database Application by Jay Greenspan say these lines should work 
but in fact it don't work as expected.
Here is my code:
require koneksi.php;
$sqlnya=select country from countries;
$klas=new koneksi($sqlnya);
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN

  META name=generator content=HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 31 October 
2006), see


class koneksi{

function koneksi($sqlnya){
echo superclass koneksi dipanggilbr;
if ($konek){
echo koneksi berhasil (connection succeeded)br;
echo I can't talk to the serverbr;
return $kueri;


Theoritically if Class koneksi is being initialized than it prints koneksi 
berhasil (connection succeeded) but it doesn't.

Please tell me what is my mistake.

Thank you very much in advance.
Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] OOP in PHP

2007-08-15 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear Jim,

You've solved my problem, Jim. Thank you very much.

Now, my code give the output as my expectation:

superclass koneksi dipanggil
koneksi berhasil
But come another problem, namely: the $negara is empty. I tried to read the 
documentation on

but I didn't manage to find the answer.

I suspect the return $kueri could be only for 'returning' a variable of 
boolean or string or number but not 'returning' an array (such as the result of 
mysql_query(select country from countries,$koneksi) ) or an object (such as 
the result of mysql_connect() ).

So how should I get the content of mysql_query() so I can get the value with 
mysql_fetch_row() or inherit array?
Is is also possible to re-use the result of mysql_connect() or inherit the 

Here is my current code:

include_once koneksi.php;
$sqlnya=select country from countries;
$klas=new koneksi($sqlnya);
echo option value=\$negara\$negara/option;

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN

  META name=generator content=HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 31 October 
2006), see


class koneksi{
var $namakompie=;
var $un=root;
var $pw=mysuccess;
var $sqlnya;
var $kueri;

function koneksi($sqlnya){
echo superclass koneksi dipanggilbr;
if ($konek){
echo koneksi berhasilbr;
echo I can't talk to the serverbr;
return $kueri;


Please keep telling me.

Thank you very much in advance.
ps: Thanks a lot too to Nathan Nobe and Robert Gegen for their responds...

On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:00:56 -0700
Jim Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A few missing pieces in your code.  Take a look below within your class.  I 
 corrected it.
 try also using include_once instead of require
 and make sure that your error level and reporting are turned on so you can 
 see what is happening.
 Patrik Hasibuan wrote:
  Dear my friends,
  This is the first time for me to use OOP concept of PHP. I wrote still a 
  very simple codes but it doesn't work as my manual book taught. the book 
  titled MySQL/PHP Database Application by Jay Greenspan say these lines 
  should work but in fact it don't work as expected.
  Here is my code:
  require koneksi.php;
  $sqlnya=select country from countries;
  $klas=new koneksi($sqlnya);
  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
META name=generator content=HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 31 October 
  2006), see
  class koneksi{
 var $namakompie='';
 var $un='root';
 var $pw='mysqlpw';
 var $sqlnya;
 var $kueri;
  function koneksi($sqlnya){
  echo superclass koneksi dipanggilbr;
 $konek=mysql_connect($this-namakompie, $this-un, $this-pw);
  if ($konek){
  echo koneksi berhasil (connection succeeded)br;
  echo I can't talk to the serverbr;
  return $kueri;
  Theoritically if Class koneksi is being initialized than it prints 
  koneksi berhasil (connection succeeded) but it doesn't.
  Please tell me what is my mistake.
  Thank you very much in advance.
 Jim Lucas
 Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
 and some have greatness thrust upon them.
 Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
  by William Shakespeare
 PHP General Mailing List (
 To unsubscribe, visit:

Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] OOP in PHP

2007-08-15 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear Jim,

thanks for your help. I've modified my codes as you adviced.
But than the output is:

superclass koneksi dipanggil
koneksi berhasil
No results found

The column 'country' of table 'countries' already really contents complete all 
contry name from all over the earth. How come the query of select country from 
countries results empty value. So I believe the problem is still on the my OOP 
programming because if I do the query only with the procedural concept the 
$kueri will content the complete record of the column country.

Please keep telling what is my mistake on my OOP PHP5 codes.
include_once koneksi.php;
$sqlnya=select * from countries;
$klas=new koneksi($sqlnya);
if ( mysql_num_rows($klas)  0 ) {
while( list($negara) = mysql_fetch_row($klas) ) {
echo negara-$negarabr;
} else {
echo 'No results found';
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN

  META name=generator content=HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 31 October 
2006), see


class koneksi{
var $namakompie=;
var $un=root;
var $pw=mysuccess;
var $sqlnya;
var $kueri;

function koneksi($sqlnya){
echo superclass koneksi dipanggilbr;
if ($konek){
echo koneksi berhasilbr;
$kueri=mysql_query($sqlnya,$konek) or die('MYSQL QUERY ERROR 
['.mysql_errno($konek).'] '.mysql_error($konek));
echo I can't talk to the serverbr;
return $kueri;

On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 13:13:18 -0700
Jim Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Patrik Hasibuan wrote:
  Dear Jim,
  You've solved my problem, Jim. Thank you very much.
  Now, my code give the output as my expectation:
  superclass koneksi dipanggil
  koneksi berhasil
  But come another problem, namely: the $negara is empty. I tried to read the 
  documentation on
  but I didn't manage to find the answer.
  I suspect the return $kueri could be only for 'returning' a variable of 
  boolean or string or number but not 'returning' an array (such as the 
  result of mysql_query(select country from countries,$koneksi) ) or an 
  object (such as the result of mysql_connect() ).
  So how should I get the content of mysql_query() so I can get the value 
  with mysql_fetch_row() or inherit array?
  Is is also possible to re-use the result of mysql_connect() or inherit 
  the $konek?
  Here is my current code:
  include_once koneksi.php;
  $sqlnya=select country from countries;
  $klas=new koneksi($sqlnya);
 Try this instead
 if ( mysql_num_rows($klas)  0 ) {
   while( list($negara) = mysql_fetch_row($klas) ) {
   echo option value=\$negara\$negara/option;
 } else {
   echo 'No results found';
 And within your class change your mysql_query line to this
 $kueri=mysql_query($sqlnya,$konek) or die('MYSQL QUERY ERROR 
 This will make the system fail and kill the script if the query fails for 
 some reason.
 The die() part will then print the error number and what mysql thinks is 
 This isn't the best way to use error reporting in a production system, but 
 since you are new at 
 this, this is a simple way to do error reporting.
 It is always a good idea to use is_resource($resource_handle_from_mysql) as a 
 test to see if you did 
 in fact get a valid resource id from the mysql_connect() call.
  echo option value=\$negara\$negara/option;
  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
META name=generator content=HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 31 October 
  2006), see
  class koneksi{
  var $namakompie=;
  var $un=root;
  var $pw=mysuccess;
  var $sqlnya;
  var $kueri;
  function koneksi($sqlnya){
  echo superclass koneksi dipanggilbr;
  if ($konek){
  echo koneksi berhasilbr;
  echo I can't talk to the serverbr;
  return $kueri;
  Please keep telling me.
  Thank you very much in advance.
  ps: Thanks a lot too to Nathan Nobe and Robert Gegen for their responds...
  On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:00:56 -0700
  Jim Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A few missing pieces in your code

Re: [PHP] OOP in PHP

2007-08-15 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear my friend, Jim Lucas.

Thank you very much for your help. You've solved my problem one more time.

I really appreciate your help.
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 14:17:02 -0700
Jim Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jim Lucas wrote:
  Patrik Hasibuan wrote:
  Dear Jim,
  thanks for your help. I've modified my codes as you adviced.
  But than the output is:
  superclass koneksi dipanggil
  koneksi berhasil
  No results found
  The column 'country' of table 'countries' already really contents 
  complete all contry name from all over the earth. How come the query 
  of select country from countries results empty value. So I believe 
  the problem is still on the my OOP programming because if I do the 
  query only with the procedural concept the $kueri will content the 
  complete record of the column country.
  Please keep telling what is my mistake on my OOP PHP5 codes.
  include_once koneksi.php;
  $sqlnya=select * from countries;
  ok, don't know why it took me this long to realize what the problem is.
  The following line will return the object of a the class that you are 
  initializing, not the result set pointer.
  So, what you need to do is this
  Change this
  function koneksi($sqlnya){
  to this
  function getkoneksi($sqlnya) {
 oops this should be get_koneksi($sqlnya)
  Then this
  $klas=new koneksi($sqlnya);
  to this
  $o = new koneksi();
  $klas = $o-get_koneksi($sqlnya);
  Now all should work.
 Jim Lucas
 Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
 and some have greatness thrust upon them.
 Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
  by William Shakespeare
 PHP General Mailing List (
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Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] subtitute of mysql_error()

2007-08-01 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear my friends

What is the substitute of mysql_error() ?

This line of my code does not work anymore:
$hslgbr=mysql_query($sqlgbr,$konek) or die ( mysql_error() 

Thank you very much in advance.
Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] I am confused to mysql_query.

2007-08-01 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear my friends...

This sql string produces proper output in my MySQL-Query:
select image_src from products where product_id='10';
the output is:

But my php code does not produce anything.

Please tell me what is my mistake.
if (isset($pid)){
$stringsql=select style, 
from styles 
where product_id='$pid';;
while ($brs=mysql_fetch_row($hsl)){

if ($konek){ 
echo konek berhasil br;
$sqlgbr=select image_src 
from products 
where product_id='$pid';;
echo $sqlgbr br;
if (!$hslgbr){ 
echo query gambarproduk tidak berhasil br; 
}elseif ($hslgbr){
echo array gambar;
while ($brsgbr=mysql_fetch_row($hslgbr)){
echo urlgambar: $gambarproduk br;
Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] global variable does not exist anymore?

2007-08-01 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
OK, Thanks Richards.
On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 23:54:37 +0100
Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Patrik,
 Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 11:30:56 PM, you wrote:
  Dear my friends...
  I create a very simple script in html and php as a first step. I use suse, 
  apache2, mysql and php.
  I wonder why this script does not work:
  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
meta content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 http-equiv=content-type
titleGuru - Virtual bookstore who understands you for those want to be 
  a GURU/title
  Help us for statistic data collection for increasing our service by 
  'filling our guestbook'.br
  form action=cgi/cgibukutamu.php method=post
  trtd align=rightName: /tdtd align=leftinput
  type=text name=tfnama/td/tr
  trtd align=rightLocation: /tdtd align=leftinput
  type=text name=tflokasi/td/tr
  trtd align=rightE-Mail: /tdtd align=leftinput
  type=text name=tfemail/td/tr
  trtd align=rightURL: /tdtd align=leftinput type=text 
  trtd align=rightComments: /tdtd align=leftinput
  type=text name=tfkomentar/td/tr
  trtd align=rightinput type=submit/tdtd
  align=leftinput type=reset/td/tr
  The value of tfnama is empty.
  trtd align=rightName/tdtd align=left?php echo $tfnama 
  I had a look the into the /etc/apache2 but I didn't find any
  global_variable switch as I used to find in httpd.conf
  suseonthelap:/etc/apache2 # grep -n -r global_variable ./*
  suseonthelap:/etc/apache2 #  
  I got used to find global_variable=on line in the httpd.conf.
 Try looking in php.ini
 Then leave it disabled, and code your script properly so it checks the
 user input and validates it before using it.
 Zend Certified Engineer
 Never trust a computer you can't throw out of a window
 PHP General Mailing List (
 To unsubscribe, visit:

Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] global variable does not exist anymore?

2007-08-01 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Thank you very much.
On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 00:26:24 -0500 (CDT)
Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's register_globals, and you should fix this ancient script to not
 rely on register_globals being on
 On Wed, July 25, 2007 5:30 pm, Patrik Hasibuan wrote:
  Dear my friends...
  I create a very simple script in html and php as a first step. I use
  suse, apache2, mysql and php.
  I wonder why this script does not work:
  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
meta content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
titleGuru - Virtual bookstore who understands you for those want
  to be a GURU/title
  Help us for statistic data collection for increasing our service by
  'filling our guestbook'.br
  form action=cgi/cgibukutamu.php method=post
  trtd align=rightName: /tdtd align=leftinput type=text
  trtd align=rightLocation: /tdtd align=leftinput
  type=text name=tflokasi/td/tr
  trtd align=rightE-Mail: /tdtd align=leftinput type=text
  trtd align=rightURL: /tdtd align=leftinput type=text
  trtd align=rightComments: /tdtd align=leftinput
  type=text name=tfkomentar/td/tr
  trtd align=rightinput type=submit/tdtd
  align=leftinput type=reset/td/tr
  The value of tfnama is empty.
  trtd align=rightName/tdtd align=left?php echo $tfnama
  I had a look the into the /etc/apache2 but I didn't find any
  global_variable switch as I used to find in httpd.conf
  suseonthelap:/etc/apache2 # grep -n -r global_variable ./*
  suseonthelap:/etc/apache2 #
  I got used to find global_variable=on line in the httpd.conf.
  What should I do now? Please tell me.
  Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Junior Programmer
  PHP General Mailing List (
  To unsubscribe, visit:
 Some people have a gift link here.
 Know what I want?
 I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
 Yeah, I get a buck. So?

Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] I am confused to mysql_query.

2007-08-01 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Hi Sichta,

That's what I am confused. Quoted or no Quote makes no effect. mysql_query does 
not work.

I tried to debug with ..or die (mysql_error()); but it seems mysql_error() 
does not exist anymore.

Please keep telling me. I've wasted to much time today hanging around with this 
weird problem.

On Wed, 1 Aug 2007 08:27:51 +0200
Sichta, Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi ,
 Try this:
 -Original Message-
 From: Patrik Hasibuan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 8:23 AM
 Subject: [PHP] I am confused to mysql_query.
 Dear my friends...
 This sql string produces proper output in my MySQL-Query:
 select image_src from products where product_id='10';
 the output is:
 But my php code does not produce anything.
 Please tell me what is my mistake.
 if (isset($pid)){
   $stringsql=select style, 
   from styles 
   where product_id='$pid';;
   while ($brs=mysql_fetch_row($hsl)){
   if ($konek){ 
   echo konek berhasil br;
   $sqlgbr=select image_src 
   from products 
   where product_id='$pid';;
   echo $sqlgbr br;
   if (!$hslgbr){ 
   echo query gambarproduk tidak berhasil br; 
   }elseif ($hslgbr){
   echo array gambar;
   while ($brsgbr=mysql_fetch_row($hslgbr)){
   echo urlgambar: $gambarproduk br;
 Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Junior Programmer
 PHP General Mailing List (
 To unsubscribe, visit:

Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] I am confused to mysql_query.

2007-08-01 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Sorry, for my recklessness

I missed, $bdku=mysql_select_db(guru,$konek);

Es ist peinlich It's embarassing.

But thanks for your help.
On Wed, 1 Aug 2007 15:15:43 +0700
Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Sichta,
 That's what I am confused. Quoted or no Quote makes no effect. mysql_query 
 does not work.
 I tried to debug with ..or die (mysql_error()); but it seems 
 mysql_error() does not exist anymore.
 Please keep telling me. I've wasted to much time today hanging around with 
 this weird problem.
 On Wed, 1 Aug 2007 08:27:51 +0200
 Sichta, Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi ,
  Try this:
  -Original Message-
  From: Patrik Hasibuan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 8:23 AM
  Subject: [PHP] I am confused to mysql_query.
  Dear my friends...
  This sql string produces proper output in my MySQL-Query:
  select image_src from products where product_id='10';
  the output is:
  But my php code does not produce anything.
  Please tell me what is my mistake.
  if (isset($pid)){
  $stringsql=select style, 
  from styles 
  where product_id='$pid';;
  while ($brs=mysql_fetch_row($hsl)){
  if ($konek){ 
  echo konek berhasil br;
  $sqlgbr=select image_src 
  from products 
  where product_id='$pid';;
  echo $sqlgbr br;
  if (!$hslgbr){ 
  echo query gambarproduk tidak berhasil br; 
  }elseif ($hslgbr){
  echo array gambar;
  while ($brsgbr=mysql_fetch_row($hslgbr)){
  echo urlgambar: $gambarproduk br;
  Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Junior Programmer
  PHP General Mailing List (
  To unsubscribe, visit:
 Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Junior Programmer

Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] $HTTP_POST_FILES always produces empty value.

2007-07-31 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Thank you very much for your help, Richard.

It's solved.

On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 00:47:51 -0500 (CDT)
Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try this:
 echo _FILES:br /\n;
 echo br /\nHTTP_POST_FILESbr /\n;
 On Mon, July 30, 2007 7:00 am, Patrik Hasibuan wrote:
  Dear my friends
  I don't understand why $HTTP_POST_FILES always produces empty value.
  This is my code
  echo gambarproduk: $gambarprodukbr;
  echo berkasgambarproduk: $berkasgambarprodukbr;
  This is the output in my Opera internet browser:
  gambarproduk: /tmp/phppd6DZy
  this is my php.ini:
  ; File Uploads ;
  ; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.
  file_uploads = On
  ; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default
  if not
  ; specified).
  ;upload_tmp_dir =
  upload_tmp_dir = /srv/www/htdocs/tmpphp
  ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
  upload_max_filesize = 100M
  Please tell me, where is my mistake?.
  Thank you very much in advance.
  Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Junior Programmer
  PHP General Mailing List (
  To unsubscribe, visit:
 Some people have a gift link here.
 Know what I want?
 I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
 Yeah, I get a buck. So?

Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

[PHP] $HTTP_POST_FILES always produces empty value.

2007-07-30 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear my friends

I don't understand why $HTTP_POST_FILES always produces empty value.

This is my code
echo gambarproduk: $gambarprodukbr;
echo berkasgambarproduk: $berkasgambarprodukbr;
This is the output in my Opera internet browser:
gambarproduk: /tmp/phppd6DZy
this is my php.ini:

; File Uploads ;

; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.
file_uploads = On

; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not
; specified).
;upload_tmp_dir =
upload_tmp_dir = /srv/www/htdocs/tmpphp

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 100M

Please tell me, where is my mistake?.

Thank you very much in advance.
Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: $HTTP_POST_FILES always produces empty value.

2007-07-30 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Hi David,

it's solved.

Your advise solved my problem. 

Thank you very much.
On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 22:03:06 +0930
David Robley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Patrik Hasibuan wrote:
  Dear my friends
  I don't understand why $HTTP_POST_FILES always produces empty value.
  This is my code
  echo gambarproduk: $gambarprodukbr;
  echo berkasgambarproduk: $berkasgambarprodukbr;
  This is the output in my Opera internet browser:
  gambarproduk: /tmp/phppd6DZy
  this is my php.ini:
  ; File Uploads ;
  ; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.
  file_uploads = On
  ; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if
  not ; specified).
  ;upload_tmp_dir =
  upload_tmp_dir = /srv/www/htdocs/tmpphp
  ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
  upload_max_filesize = 100M
  Please tell me, where is my mistake?.
  Thank you very much in advance.
 Unless you are using an old version of php 4.1.0 you probably should use
 the $_FILES array instead of $_HTTP_POST_FILES
 Try that and see what happens. More info at if
 you need it.
 David Robley
 Oxymoron: Working Vacation.
 Today is Sweetmorn, the 65th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3173. 
 PHP General Mailing List (
 To unsubscribe, visit:

Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] Re: $HTTP_POST_FILES always produces empty value.

2007-07-30 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Hi David,

it's solved.

Your advise solved my problem. 

Thank you very much.
On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 22:03:06 +0930
David Robley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Patrik Hasibuan wrote:
  Dear my friends
  I don't understand why $HTTP_POST_FILES always produces empty value.
  This is my code
  echo gambarproduk: $gambarprodukbr;
  echo berkasgambarproduk: $berkasgambarprodukbr;
  This is the output in my Opera internet browser:
  gambarproduk: /tmp/phppd6DZy
  this is my php.ini:
  ; File Uploads ;
  ; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.
  file_uploads = On
  ; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if
  not ; specified).
  ;upload_tmp_dir =
  upload_tmp_dir = /srv/www/htdocs/tmpphp
  ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
  upload_max_filesize = 100M
  Please tell me, where is my mistake?.
  Thank you very much in advance.
 Unless you are using an old version of php 4.1.0 you probably should use
 the $_FILES array instead of $_HTTP_POST_FILES
 Try that and see what happens. More info at if
 you need it.
 David Robley
 Oxymoron: Working Vacation.
 Today is Sweetmorn, the 65th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3173. 
 PHP General Mailing List (
 To unsubscribe, visit:

Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] global variable does not exist anymore?

2007-07-25 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Hi Richard,

You solved my problem.

Thank you very...very much.
On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 23:54:37 +0100
Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Patrik,
 Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 11:30:56 PM, you wrote:
  Dear my friends...
  I create a very simple script in html and php as a first step. I use suse, 
  apache2, mysql and php.
  I wonder why this script does not work:
  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
meta content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 http-equiv=content-type
titleGuru - Virtual bookstore who understands you for those want to be 
  a GURU/title
  Help us for statistic data collection for increasing our service by 
  'filling our guestbook'.br
  form action=cgi/cgibukutamu.php method=post
  trtd align=rightName: /tdtd align=leftinput
  type=text name=tfnama/td/tr
  trtd align=rightLocation: /tdtd align=leftinput
  type=text name=tflokasi/td/tr
  trtd align=rightE-Mail: /tdtd align=leftinput
  type=text name=tfemail/td/tr
  trtd align=rightURL: /tdtd align=leftinput type=text 
  trtd align=rightComments: /tdtd align=leftinput
  type=text name=tfkomentar/td/tr
  trtd align=rightinput type=submit/tdtd
  align=leftinput type=reset/td/tr
  The value of tfnama is empty.
  trtd align=rightName/tdtd align=left?php echo $tfnama 
  I had a look the into the /etc/apache2 but I didn't find any
  global_variable switch as I used to find in httpd.conf
  suseonthelap:/etc/apache2 # grep -n -r global_variable ./*
  suseonthelap:/etc/apache2 #  
  I got used to find global_variable=on line in the httpd.conf.
 Try looking in php.ini
 Then leave it disabled, and code your script properly so it checks the
 user input and validates it before using it.
 Zend Certified Engineer
 Never trust a computer you can't throw out of a window

Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

[PHP] global variable does not exist anymore?

2007-07-25 Thread Patrik Hasibuan
Dear my friends...

I create a very simple script in html and php as a first step. I use suse, 
apache2, mysql and php.

I wonder why this script does not work:
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN

  meta content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 http-equiv=content-type
  titleGuru - Virtual bookstore who understands you for those want to be a 


Help us for statistic data collection for increasing our service by 'filling 
our guestbook'.br
form action=cgi/cgibukutamu.php method=post
trtd align=rightName: /tdtd align=leftinput type=text 
trtd align=rightLocation: /tdtd align=leftinput type=text 
trtd align=rightE-Mail: /tdtd align=leftinput type=text 
trtd align=rightURL: /tdtd align=leftinput type=text 
trtd align=rightComments: /tdtd align=leftinput type=text 
trtd align=rightinput type=submit/tdtd align=leftinput 


The value of tfnama is empty.
trtd align=rightName/tdtd align=left?php echo $tfnama 

I had a look the into the /etc/apache2 but I didn't find any 
global_variable switch as I used to find in httpd.conf

suseonthelap:/etc/apache2 # grep -n -r global_variable ./*
suseonthelap:/etc/apache2 #  

I got used to find global_variable=on line in the httpd.conf.

What should I do now? Please tell me.
Patrik Hasibuan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Junior Programmer

PHP General Mailing List (
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