[PHP] update query not working

2003-02-23 Thread Peter Gumbrell
I wonder if anyone can see why the following code is not working. this is
taken from a larger functions, the rest of which seems to be working well:

print INPUT TYPE=\Submit\ NAME=\Submit\ Value=\Update\/td;
print td/tdtd/td/tr;

print /table;
print /form;
if ($_POST['Update'])
print updated!!;
$rank = $HTTP_POST_VARS['rank'];
$title_new = $HTTP_POST_VARS['titles'];
$query_update = UPDATE choices_peter SET rank = $rank, workshop_id =
$title_new WHERE choice_ID = $choice_id;
$update = mysql_query($query_update, $link) or die(display_db_query: .


I do not see the statement updated!!! printed, but I cannot see anything
wrong with my syntax. Any help would be appreciated.

Peter Gumbrell

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[PHP] PHP_SELF syntax

2003-02-23 Thread Peter Gumbrell
Could someone tell me why this code prompts a parse error. I have tried it
several different way. The statement is called from within a function:

print form method=\POST\ name=\update_workshop\

Many thanks


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[PHP] Variables not being received from form

2003-02-23 Thread Peter Gumbrell
Thanks to those who have helped me with my two other questions this
In the function below, the update query at the end is inserting empty values
into the database. For some reason the lines:
$rank = $HTTP_POST_VARS['rank'];
$title_new = $HTTP_POST_VARS['titles'];

re not picking up the form values.

Here is the complete function. I do not have a form action set so that I can
read the SQL message. The update query is working.

function retrieve_select_listing($link, $workshop, $session, $username)
$query_retrieve = SELECT choice_ID, rank, workshop_id FROM choices_peter
WHERE workshop_ID = '$workshop' AND username ='$username';
$result1 = mysql_query($query_retrieve, $link) or die(display_db_query: .
$row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1);
$choice_id = $row1[0];
$query_title = SELECT title, CONCAT(sessionlet, sesnumber) AS SessionID
FROM ECOO2003 WHERE sessionlet = '$session';
$result2 = mysql_query($query_title, $link) or die(display_db_query: .
while ($columns = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
$column = $columns['title'];
$sessionid = $columns['SessionID'];
$selected = ;
if ($sessionid == $row1['workshop_id'])
$selected = SELECTED;
$title_block .= OPTION name='title' value=\$sessionid\

print trtd colspan=\4\;
$selected_session = $HTTP_POST_VARS['titles'];
print form method=\POST\ name=\update_workshop\ action=\\\n;

print Change the rank of this workshop, or select another workshop from
this session and click the update button.brbr/td/tr;

print trtd colspan=\4\table border=\1\ width=\80%\;
print trthworkshop/ththRank/ththWorkshop Title/th/tr;
print trtd$row1[2]/tdtdinput type = \text\ name =\rank\
print trtd colspan =\3\;
print input type=\hidden\ name=\update_select\ value=\v\;
print brAfter you have made your changes, click the Update button to
confirm these.br/td/trtrtd;
print INPUT TYPE=\Submit\ NAME=\Submit\ Value=\Update\/td;
print td/tdtd/td/tr;

print /table;
print /form;

if ($_POST['Submit']=='Update')
print updated!!;
$rank = $HTTP_POST_VARS['rank'];
$title_new = $HTTP_POST_VARS['titles'];
print rank =$rankbr;
print title# = $title_newbr;
$query_update = UPDATE choices_peter SET rank = '$rank', workshop_id =
'$title_new' WHERE choice_ID = '$choice_id';
$update = mysql_query($query_update, $link) or die(display_db_query: .


Many thanks


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[PHP] ereg usage

2003-02-16 Thread Peter Gumbrell
Could someone please tell me why this code is not working:

ereg ('^[A-H]*([0-9]+)-$', $rank, $matches);
$workshop_ID = $matches[1][2};

where $rank is something like C12-1 and I just need the C12 part.

Many thanks

Peter Gumbrell

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] function problem

2003-02-14 Thread Peter Gumbrell
I have a function below which populates a select list, based on the query
string and the field name. It then prints a string:

function populate_selects($query_name, $db_field, $link, $string)
$result = mysql_query($query_name, $link) or die (Could not execute
while ($columns = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$column = $columns[$db_field];
global $option_block;
$option_block .= OPTION name='vendor1'
print $string;

Part of the string that is printed in $string is the $option_block which is
in the function. There seems to be some problem with scope here. I made the
$option_block variable global but it still won't print. I have tested that
the $column field is being populated and it is, so I believe that it must be
the $option_block part that isn't working. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Peter Gumbrell

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP] function problem

2003-02-14 Thread Peter Gumbrell
Here is the string that is being used in this function example. Everything
print except the option_block

// Vendor string
$vendor_string .= EOVS
td colspan=4br
form method=POST name=insert_url action=week6.php?view=vendorq
Select the vendor of your choice: SELECT NAME=vendor2
 input type=hidden name=vendor_select value=v

INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit Value=Submit


-Original Message-
From: Kevin Stone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 6:41 PM
To: Php-General
Subject: Re: [PHP] function problem

Exactly where does $option_block get put into $string?

- Original Message -
From: Peter Gumbrell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 4:11 PM
Subject: [PHP] function problem

 I have a function below which populates a select list, based on the query
 string and the field name. It then prints a string:

 function populate_selects($query_name, $db_field, $link, $string)
 $result = mysql_query($query_name, $link) or die (Could not execute
 while ($columns = mysql_fetch_array($result))
 $column = $columns[$db_field];
 global $option_block;
 $option_block .= OPTION name='vendor1'
 print $string;

 Part of the string that is printed in $string is the $option_block which
 in the function. There seems to be some problem with scope here. I made
 $option_block variable global but it still won't print. I have tested that
 the $column field is being populated and it is, so I believe that it must
 the $option_block part that isn't working. Does anyone have any

 Peter Gumbrell

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] problems with ==?

2003-02-06 Thread Peter Gumbrell
In the following code

$view = $HTTP_GET_VARS[view];
print $view;
if ($view == vendor)
{ code here

print $view produces 'vendor'

but the if statement in the next section isn't being triggered. Can anyone
see what is wrong here? I have tried double quotes, single quotes and no
quotes around 'vendor' but none of them work.


Peter Gumbrell

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] selecting from an array based on form content

2003-02-02 Thread Peter Gumbrell
The following code loops through a multidimensional array, printing the
subject heading and then the strand:

foreach( $strandx as $subjectx=$strandy )
print  lib.$subjectx./b.br /\n;

print  ul\n;
asort( $strandy ); // sorts the strands
foreach( $strandy as $str )

{ print li;
print /li\n;
print  /ul\n;
print /ol\n;

This is the array so far:
$strandx = array('English' = array('Reading', 'Writing','Oral and Visual
'Mathematics' = array('Number Sense and Numeration', 'Measurement',
'Geometry and Spatial Sense','Patterning and Algebra','Data Management and

I would like to limit the subject and strand being printed based on the
subject selected in a form. So, for example, if English is selected in the
form, only the subject name and the strands for English would be published.
Could someone please help me with the code for this.

Many thanks,

Peter Gumbrell

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

RE: [PHP] selecting from an array based on form content

2003-02-02 Thread Peter Gumbrell
Thanks for the suggestion, John. When I implement your code, however, I get
an error saying
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
home/student/peter/public_html/week4.php on line 153

where line 153 is

foreach($strandx[$subject] as $strandy )

This is the code as I have it now:

case English:
$subject = English;
case Mathematics:
$subject = Mathematics;
Print h4Now select the strands for Grade $grades:

print td;
print $subject; //this tells me that I have the correct value
foreach($strandx[$subject] as $strandy )
//print  lib.$subject./b.br /\n;

print  ul\n;

foreach( $strandy as $str )

{ print li;
print /li\n;

Any help would again be appreciated.

-Original Message-
From: John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 1:28 PM
To: 'Peter Gumbrell'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] selecting from an array based on form content

 The following code loops through a multidimensional array, printing
 subject heading and then the strand:

 foreach( $strandx as $subjectx=$strandy )
 print  lib.$subjectx./b.br /\n;

 print  ul\n;
 asort( $strandy ); // sorts the strands
 foreach( $strandy as $str )

 { print li;
 print /li\n;
 print  /ul\n;
 print /ol\n;

 This is the array so far:
 $strandx = array('English' = array('Reading', 'Writing','Oral and
 'Mathematics' = array('Number Sense and Numeration', 'Measurement',
 'Geometry and Spatial Sense','Patterning and Algebra','Data Management

 I would like to limit the subject and strand being printed based on
 subject selected in a form. So, for example, if English is selected
 form, only the subject name and the strands for English would be
 Could someone please help me with the code for this.

Since you already know $subjectx (English or Math), then just use that
value in your foreach() loop...

Foreach($strandx[$subjectx] as $strandy)

Where $subjectx would come from your form. Provide some validation

So something like this:

//Many ways to do this, just validate
//whatever is coming from your form
//matches a key in $strandx
case English
$subject = English
$subject = Mathematics;

print  ollib.$subject./b.br /\n;
foreach( $strandx[$subject] as $strandy )
print  ul\n;
asort($strandy ); // sorts the strands
foreach( $strandy as $str )
print li;
print /li\n;
print  /ul\n;
print /li/ol\n;

---John W. Holmes...

PHP Architect - A monthly magazine for PHP Professionals. Get your copy
today. http://www.phparch.com/

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP] selecting from an array based on form content

2003-02-02 Thread Peter Gumbrell
$strandx is defined with code at the top of the page, as follows

$strandx = array('English' = array('Reading', 'Writing','Oral and Visual
'Mathematics' = array('Number Sense and Numeration', 'Measurement',
'Geometry and Spatial Sense','Patterning and Algebra','Data Management and

Peter Gumbrell

-Original Message-
From: John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 2:50 PM
To: 'Peter Gumbrell'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] selecting from an array based on form content

Where do you define the $strandx array? What is it's value?

---John W. Holmes...

PHP Architect - A monthly magazine for PHP Professionals. Get your copy
today. http://www.phparch.com/

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Gumbrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 2:08 PM
 Subject: RE: [PHP] selecting from an array based on form content

 Thanks for the suggestion, John. When I implement your code, however,
 an error saying
 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
 home/student/peter/public_html/week4.php on line 153

 where line 153 is

 foreach($strandx[$subject] as $strandy )

 This is the code as I have it now:

   case English:
   $subject = English;
   case Mathematics:
   $subject = Mathematics;
 Print h4Now select the strands for Grade $grades:

 print td;
 print $subject; //this tells me that I have the correct value
 foreach($strandx[$subject] as $strandy )
 //print  lib.$subject./b.br /\n;

 print  ul\n;

 foreach( $strandy as $str )

 { print li;
 print /li\n;

 Any help would again be appreciated.

 -Original Message-
 From: John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 1:28 PM
 To: 'Peter Gumbrell'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [PHP] selecting from an array based on form content

  The following code loops through a multidimensional array, printing
  subject heading and then the strand:
  foreach( $strandx as $subjectx=$strandy )
  print  lib.$subjectx./b.br /\n;
  print  ul\n;
  asort( $strandy ); // sorts the strands
  foreach( $strandy as $str )
  { print li;
  print /li\n;
  print  /ul\n;
  print /ol\n;
  This is the array so far:
  $strandx = array('English' = array('Reading', 'Writing','Oral and
  'Mathematics' = array('Number Sense and Numeration', 'Measurement',
  'Geometry and Spatial Sense','Patterning and Algebra','Data
  I would like to limit the subject and strand being printed based on
  subject selected in a form. So, for example, if English is
  form, only the subject name and the strands for English would be
  Could someone please help me with the code for this.

 Since you already know $subjectx (English or Math), then just use that
 value in your foreach() loop...

 Foreach($strandx[$subjectx] as $strandy)

 Where $subjectx would come from your form. Provide some validation

 So something like this:

 //Many ways to do this, just validate
 //whatever is coming from your form
 //matches a key in $strandx
   case English
   $subject = English
   $subject = Mathematics;

 print  ollib.$subject./b.br /\n;
 foreach( $strandx[$subject] as $strandy )
   print  ul\n;
   asort($strandy ); // sorts the strands
   foreach( $strandy as $str )
   print li;
   print /li\n;
   print  /ul\n;
 print /li/ol\n;

 ---John W. Holmes...

 PHP Architect - A monthly magazine for PHP Professionals. Get your
 today. http://www.phparch.com/

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] select unique values from an array

2003-02-01 Thread Peter Gumbrell
I am attempting to populate form elements from a text file which has been
read and split into arrays. Some of the items are repeated many times: grade
level, for example. Is there a way of just selecting unique values so that
each value is displayed only once in the check boxes or radio buttons?

Many thanks

Peter Gumbrell


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] selecting items from an array

2003-02-01 Thread Peter Gumbrell
I have a text file which is read into an array $data using fgets(). The data
is then split into further arrays by tab delimiter. I would like to find a
way of extracting and printing items from $data using a form. The form
fields (e.g. grade, subject) are populated from the arrays. When the user
selects a subject and grade, then clicks the button, I would like to select
and print only the data, in this case from the array $expect, where the
grade is $grade_selected and the subject is $subject_selected.
I would appreciate help with how to select and print the relevant data.

Many thanks,

Peter Gumbrell

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