[PHP] PHP not working on Win95/Apache

2001-01-17 Thread Phil Scopes

I am trying to run PHP in Windows '95 with Apache server.  I followed all
the instructions in the installation doc, including editting the Apache and
PHP configuration files, and putting the PHP.INI file in my Windows
directory, and when I try to run a PHP file, I just see everything from the
file as plain text in the browser.  What might I be doing wrong?


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[PHP] PHP locking up

2001-01-17 Thread Phil Scopes

I have installed PHP 4.0 with Apache 1.3 under Windows '95.  When I run a
PHP script, even the simplest script, the browser just sits there and never
displays any data.  Is there anything I might be doing wrong?  I'm sure the
scripts are valid, because I got them off sample code sites (although you
can't be too confident of that, I'm 99% sure the code is OK.)  Static pages
load fine from my web server.


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