[PHP] Re: newbie array question

2002-08-13 Thread S.P. Telgenhof Oude Koehorst

Hi Alexander,

Have a look at the 'explode'-function
(http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.explode.php). That should do the


Sacha Telgenhof

Alexander Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 If I have a string variable that is already of the form
 ('item','item2','item3')   [including the parens and quotes in the
 is there an easy way to change that variable into an array??
 Array($var) doesn't work. Thanks

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[PHP] Re: newbie array question

2002-08-13 Thread S.P. Telgenhof Oude Koehorst

Ignore my first reply. I didn't read the question properly.


Sacha Telgenhof

Alexander Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 If I have a string variable that is already of the form
 ('item','item2','item3')   [including the parens and quotes in the
 is there an easy way to change that variable into an array??
 Array($var) doesn't work. Thanks

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Re: [PHP] Help: Constants

2002-06-29 Thread S.P. Telgenhof Oude Koehorst

Thanks alot,

I changed the reporting level. I found it myself later on. Just was a bit to
quick when posting this question.

Sacha Telgenhof

John Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Maybe it's already discussed here, but PHP is generating errors of
  constants. These constants are defined in my scripts. Als the
  $_ENV is empty.

 Use quotes when using associative arrays.

 $_ENV['something'] rather than $_ENV[something]

 The warnings have always been there, PHP 4.2 just defaults to a higher
 error reporting level, so now you notice them. The problem comes from
 PHP looking for a constant called something and when it's not found,
 it issues a warning. Then it assumes you meant to use a string and tries
 it that way.

 You can adjust the error reporting in PHP.ini or with the
 error_reporting() function.

 ---John Holmes...

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[PHP] Help: Constants

2002-06-28 Thread S.P. Telgenhof Oude Koehorst


Maybe it's already discussed here, but PHP is generating errors of undefined
constants. These constants are defined in my scripts. Als the superglobal
$_ENV is empty.

Can anyone tell what's wrong here?

I'm using a W2K server, with Apache 1.3.26 and PHP 4.2.1

Thanks in advance,

S. Telgenhof

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[PHP] Re: Formatting phone numbers

2002-06-23 Thread S.P. Telgenhof Oude Koehorst

Hi Corinne,

Maybe you have a look at the sprintf function in PHP
It returns a string produced according to a formatting string (i.e.
phonenumber) format.

Also have look at the other formatting functions in PHP.

Sacha Telgenhof

Corinne Shea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I'd like to write a function that will take a string of characters and
 output it in a phone number format (xxx)xxx- and one for credit
 cards ---. What I have below will currently remove
 non-numeric characters from the string, but I'm not sure how to do the
 rest of the formatting. Any help would be appreciated.

 By the way, any recommendations for good php tutorials for beginners?



 function formatPhoneNum($prmValue)


 for($i=0; $istrlen($prmValue); $i++)

 if(ereg('[0-9]', substr($prmValue, $i,1)))


 return $returnValue;

 $phoneNum= '415123kjdf4567';

 pPhone Number: ?=formatPhoneNum($phoneNum)?/p

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