[PHP] How does one reply to messages on this list?

2010-12-16 Thread Sam Smith
If I just hit 'Reply' I'll send my reply to the individual who created the
message. If I hit 'Reply All' my reply will be sent to: Govinda 
govinda.webdnat...@gmail.com, PHP-General List php-general@lists.php.net
and the creator of the message.

Neither option seems correct. What's up with that?


[PHP] PDO: good, popular?

2010-12-14 Thread Sam Smith
Searching for PHP CRUD in hopes of learning the best way to access
databases and to use PEAR or what I came across PDO.

I want to know the communities opinion of PDO: everyone uses it or no one
uses it or it's great or what?


[PHP] Parse info from 1,000 files to file

2010-06-02 Thread Sam Smith
Can someone briefly point me to the functions I'll need to parse some
information from thousands of files in a single directory and then
prepare the extracted info into a single file for SQL import?

Like file() or readfile() and some regex and writefile??


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[PHP] preg_replace insert newline

2010-06-02 Thread Sam Smith
$string = 'text with no newline';
$pattern = '/(.*)/';
$replacement = '${1}XX\nNext line';
$string = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string);
echo $string;

text with no newlineXX\nNext line
Instead of:
text with no newlineXX
Next line

How does one insert a newline with preg_replace?


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[PHP] Website crawler auto image downloader

2009-01-16 Thread Sam Smith

I need a script that will crawl a list of websites and download all .jpg,
.gif, .png files.

I can think of some ways how to start like, fopen() or maybe curl(). And it
downed on me I'd need to handle files writing over with the same name. And
it would be cool to save the full URL to the file in a database with the
path on the local server where I'm saving them.

I was hoping someone might say, Dude, that's simple, just do this...
before I spent hours guessing.



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[PHP] FDF PDF - Content-type: application/vnd.fdf

2006-09-27 Thread Sam Smith

When loaded into a browser that can display PDF files (Win IE and  
Firefox, Mac Safari) the FDF file (snip below) should open linked PDF  
and populated it with the data from the FDF file.

It works fine when the FDF file is loaded from within the browser  
with Open File (or simply double-clicked from the desktop).

It works fine in Win IE (because IE doesn't play by the rules).

I just don't understand the header thing, the Content-type deal.

Why is the FDF file loaded as plain text when loaded via a URL?


PHP creates the .fdf file:

Content-type: application/vnd.fdf
1 0 obj

/FDF  /Fields [  /T (pg1_familyname1) /V (SMITH)

... dozens of other fields...

  /T (pdf_ExtraPages) /V (Additional other names from page 1 part  
/F (http://www.citizenshipzip.local/pdf/ud/SAM_SMITH_FORM_AND_DATA/ 
sys/naturalization.pdf) /ID [ 138ff91476c2ae9c9f192e15ac50d7bf



/Root 1 0 R

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Re: [PHP] Editing an existing pdf?

2006-03-10 Thread Sam Smith
 I wanted to add texts from an html form to existing pdf.
 I was able to create a pdf but not to edit it.
 Please give me guidance how to.

FDF is what you're after if I understand this brief post.

Google FDF PDF PHP. PHP writes the FDF file which fills out a linked PDF
form. Notice I said PDF form.

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Re: [PHP] Editing an existing pdf?

2006-03-10 Thread Sam Smith
 Thankyou for the quick reply Sam.
 Infact I took this option at first but I didnot proceed because creating a
 pdf form is new to me.
 And also I donot have the tool. what do you advise me.

I would like to hang out on a yacht off the coast of Saint Tropez where
Paris Hilton and her friends stop by most afternoons because they love
trying to beat me at strip poker but I'm poor and ugly, what do you advise.

Seriously, you need to tools and the education. Get the Acrobat demo for
free 30 days. http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobatpro/tryout.html

There's a companion app called Designer that builds forms.

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[PHP] What's a Blog?

2006-02-13 Thread Sam Smith

I have a client who wants to blog or he wants a blog on his website. I don't
know anything about these blogs except it's sort of a fad I think.

Isn't a blog just a simple web form with a big textarea on the blogger's
side writing to a database and then the data is displayed in chronological
order on the readers side of a website? I could create that in under an

What don't I know? I searched up some scripts, some were free some were

Somebody like to point me at a good script that would enlighten me?


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Re: [PHP] how to learn php

2006-02-11 Thread Sam Smith

I started out by getting a reference manual, one with every function
describing what the function does. Just like the php.net online function
reference but one that can be read lying on the couch.

Now when I need some code to do something I'll remember there's a function
for it (maybe) and I go to php.net and search for it.

I search for PHP examples online for more advanced stuff than I can do and
study it. This gives me some knowledge of proper approach to coding; when to
use what.

Finally if the code looks funky I send a snip to this list and someone will
suggest a better function or approach.

Oh yea, this is great, I use Dreamweaver's (grimace) PHP coding abilities to
get projects started. Dreamweaver can do the preliminary basic database
connection stuff: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE pages. Then I hack the Dreamweaver

Doing a MySQL tutorial is a good idea too.

 i have been trying to learn php.
 what is the best approach to learning php for someone who has no
 programming experience?
 i am very familiar with html, xhtml, and css. i'm not an idiot when it
 comes to using computers.
 i have bought several books and have subscribed to a couple of the php
 mailing lists, but i feel that i could be doing more to learn php.
 what approach (and steps) did you take in learning this really cool
 scripting language? should i look into taking classes or stick with an
 autodidact approach?
 any advice and/or opinions would be greatly appreciated.

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[PHP] str_replace ? \r

2006-02-07 Thread Sam Smith

From a textarea on a web form I'm attempting to convert all returns(\r),
from the users input, to br /, for db INSERT, and then back again for
display in the textarea. (They remain as br /s for normal HTML web page

// From textarea to db UPDATE
function addBR($tv) {
$tv = addslashes($tv);
$tv = str_replace(\r,br /,$tv);
//  $tv = preg_replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/, br /, $tv);
//  $tv = preg_replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/, , $tv);
return $tv;}

// For display in textarea
function remBR($tv) {
$tv = str_replace(br /,\r,$tv);
$tv = stripslashes($tv);
return $tv;

IT ALL works fine accept if a return is entered in the form's textarea at
the very beginning:

mysql SELECT jbs_jobDesA FROM jobs WHERE jbs_ID=77 \G
*** 1. row ***
jbs_jobDesA: br /[the return is still here]
Lesequam coreet la feum nulla feu facil iriure faccummolut ulput num augait
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

the return is converted to br /\r (leaving the return). AND then when
converted back for for the textarea both are stripped out, that is, there
is nothing in front of the first character. When resubmitted for UPDATE:

 mysql SELECT jbs_jobDesA FROM jobs WHERE jbs_ID=77 \G
*** 1. row ***
jbs_jobDesA: Lesequam coreet la feum nulla feu facil iriure faccummolut
ulput num augait 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Q. Why is that first return treated differently? All other returns are
treated as expected.


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[PHP] shell_exec(zip.. ?

2005-08-03 Thread Sam Smith

shell_exec(zip -r ddd ddd); // don't work

safe_mode off, works from command line php. What could it be?


drwxr-xr-x  2 zamzmith  zamzmith  512 Aug  3 18:34 execTest/
-rw-r--r--  1 zamzmith  zamzmith  107 Aug  3 18:33 mkdir.php

shell_exec(mkdir ddd; touch ddd/fff;);

execTest$ php mkdir.php

execTest$ ls -l
drwxr-xr-x  2 zamzmith  zamzmith  512 Aug  3 18:36 ddd
-rw-r--r--  1 zamzmith  zamzmith  109 Aug  3 18:36 mkdir.php

#OK works from command line php

Let's delete ddd and have the web server run it:

Nope, probably permissions:

execTest$ chmod 777 ../execTest

Try again:


Now let's see if we can delete it.
shell_exec(rm -r ddd);


Yup, makes sense, user httpd created it.

Now let's zip it.
shell_exec(mkdir ddd; touch ddd/fff;);
shell_exec(zip -r ddd ddd);


NOPE can't zip, must be something I don't know.

drwxrwxrwx  3 zamzmith  zamzmith  512 Aug  3 18:49 execTest/
drwxr-xr-x  2 httpd zamzmith  512 Aug  3 18:49 ddd
-rw-r--r--  1 zamzmith  zamzmith  109 Aug  3 18:36 mkdir.php
-rw-r--r--  1 zamzmith  zamzmith  109 Aug  3 18:44 rm.php
-rw-r--r--  1 zamzmith  zamzmith  107 Aug  3 18:49 zip.php

Let's try it form the command line php:

Delete it first:
execTest$ curl http://ssmith.com/execTest/rm.php
execTest$ php zip.php

drwxr-xr-x  2 zamzmith  zamzmith  512 Aug  3 19:10 ddd
-rw-r--r--  1 zamzmith  zamzmith  264 Aug  3 19:10 ddd.zip
-rw-r--r--  1 zamzmith  zamzmith  109 Aug  3 18:36 mkdir.php
-rw-r--r--  1 zamzmith  zamzmith  109 Aug  3 18:44 rm.php
-rw-r--r--  1 zamzmith  zamzmith  107 Aug  3 18:49 zip.php

Better check safe_mode anyway:


execTest: php phpinfo.php | grep safe
safe_mode = Off = Off
safe_mode_exec_dir = no value = no value
safe_mode_gid = Off = Off
safe_mode_include_dir = no value = no value
sql.safe_mode = Off = Off
Supported ciphers = cast-128 gost rijndael-128 twofish arcfour cast-256
loki97 rijndael-192 saferplus wake blowfish-compat des rijndael-256 serpent
xtea blowfish enigma rc2 tripledes
safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_ = PHP_
safe_mode_protected_env_vars = LD_LIBRARY_PATH = LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Hours lost, any help,


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2005-07-31 Thread Sam Smith

I need PHP fill out the form fields and prepare for download a PDF from an
HTML form submission.

One way would be to use a PDF with pre-configured form fields where an FDF
is created from PHP. The FDF 'merges' with the PDF when the FDF is opened.

I got all that from: http://koivi.com/fill-pdf-form-fields/.

I have the scripts from koivi.com producing the FDF correctly but I don't
know what to do with it next. The target PDF would need to be downloaded
first because when you open the FDF is says, hey where's the target.

fdf_open looked promising but the fdftk is not compiled in on the server.


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[PHP] what is this: dirname(__FILE__)?

2005-07-31 Thread Sam Smith

I don't recognize this something(__SOMETHING__) format. I know what it's
doing but I don't know how it's doing it.

The whole thing is $fdf_dir=dirname(__FILE__).'/results'; and of course
it's setting that var $fdf_dir to the path to a file.

Is there something significant about the double underscores __?

Why the parentheses, it's not a function?

Sorry lame question but I don't know this.


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[PHP] if(true false) //??

2005-07-09 Thread Sam Smith

I have some code that I barrowed that works but I don't get how it could
possible work, obviously I don't understand how false works:

How can this ever pass?:
if (isset($_SESSION['PrevUrl'])  false) {


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[PHP] phpMyAdmin authentication error

2005-05-13 Thread Sam Smith

On OS X 10.3 I installed the latest MySQL from dev.mysql.com for OS X 10.3.
It was a Apple style installer package with a binary of the server and the

The docs weren't exactly written for OS X but I survived the set up and am
able to login as the root  MySQL user with the command line MySQL client.

From version tracker I got phpMyAdmin-2.6.2-pl1.tar.bz2 which is just a .tar
of a bunch of files you drop into the web server path.

But phpMyAdmin gives the error, Client does not support authentication
protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client. I don't see
a way to change the auth protocol in the phpMyAdmin conf file:

If I create a MySQL user with no password phpMyAdmin works.

Because the install was from mysql.com I don't want to believe the client is
out of date. I also don't know how to install another client.

Any one have any ideas?


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[PHP] MySQL: Collation?

2005-05-13 Thread Sam Smith

I need a new book?

What's up with this filtering thing, Collation in phpMyAdmin?

It's defaulting to latin1_swdish_ci. What can I just set it to to forget
about it till I can read up on it?

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[PHP] Best CC gateway

2005-05-12 Thread Sam Smith

Any recommendation for the easiest credit card gate way for PHP running on



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[PHP] Editing PDF

2005-05-10 Thread Sam Smith

I have an existing PDF file that I want to add text to or make changes to
text with data from an HTML form via PHP.

The PDF looks like this:
20 0 obj/Length 5586/Filter[/ASCII85Decode/FlateDecode]stream
8;X-DgMYb:(An746bc%oU,Mo*Snfn`(:.P:CnHNZLL%2;CCTp,[EMAIL PROTECTED]'+2VqIkV

That is, not in plain text.

If I wanted to add text to the PDF, e.g., Mr. Jones, where the heck would it
go and what would it look like?


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Re: [PHP] Editing PDF

2005-05-10 Thread Sam Smith
 Sam Smith wrote:
 I have an existing PDF file that I want to add text to or make changes to
 text with data from an HTML form via PHP.
 The PDF looks like this:
 20 0 obj/Length 5586/Filter[/ASCII85Decode/FlateDecode]stream
 8;X-DgMYb:(An746bc%oU,Mo*Snfn`(:.P:CnHNZLL%2;CCTp,[EMAIL PROTECTED]'+2VqIkV
 That is, not in plain text.
 If I wanted to add text to the PDF, e.g., Mr. Jones, where the heck would it
 go and what would it look like?
 it's a compressed pdf. make uncompressed pdf and you should see the raw text

Got it. In the distiller settings file: /CompressPages false


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[PHP] if($var) vs. if(isset($var))

2004-11-23 Thread Sam Smith

What's the difference between:




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[PHP] MySQL Excel

2004-11-12 Thread Sam Smith

I've got it working writing out a file (fopen) to CSV (comma delimited) and
the header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=myFile.csv')
method but it's clumsy for the user to figure out how to use the file.

Is there some totally slick way of spitting out a file that Excel can open
right up?



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[PHP] POST losing SESSION vars?

2004-11-09 Thread Sam Smith

I have a page that will be redirected to a login page if the SESSION var
'authenticatedUser' is not set.

The page has a form in it.

When the page is loaded http://thePage the authentication works fine. When
the submit button is pressed it doesn't. With POST it acts as if the
required session var is not set.

When redirected to the login page the login page DOES recognize the the
session var and redirects back to the first page a logged in user would
usually see.

if(!isset($_SESSION['authenticatedUser'])) {
$_SESSION['loginMessage'] = You must first login.br ;
header(Location: index.php);

form action=?php echo $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']; ? method=POST
name=purch_form id=purch_form
input name=Submit ...

function logged_on($errorMessage) {
header (Location: authTest.php); //tmp Loc while testing
function login_page ($errorMessage) {
require_once login.php; //page where login pair entered

// BEGIN authentication
// First visit
if (!isset($_SESSION['loginMessage'])) {
login_page(Registered users please login.);
if(isset($_SESSION['authenticatedUser'])) {
logged_on(need some control here);
else {

In other words the same page should load after the submit button is pressed
but instead the authentication is redirecting.

Thanks for any help.

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Re: [PHP] Square brackets tags

2004-10-19 Thread Sam Smith

I was just reading a little on this. This is the way you build a template
system. Smarty uses { }. Maybe you could check out the Smarty page and get
an idea. http://smarty.php.net/

Or maybe you could just use Smarty, you can change the { } to anything you

 Hi All,
 I need to write a PHP extension or a PHP template system (this is the
 question) to parse some commands enclosed in square brackets inside web
 pages. Please note that the commands are in the form [command1] and not
 ?php [command1] ?.
 I want use PHP because these commands needs to be remapped with a web
 oriented language.
 Is it technically possible to remap these square brackets tags to php?
 And if yes, what is the best way? A custom template system or a C PHP

Get Smarty.

If you get into Smarty could you let us know how 'steep' it was? 

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Re: [PHP] textarea vs. type=text data difference?

2004-10-10 Thread Sam Smith

##The data is the same. I've been up a long time.

BUT something is still very weird.

Doc1.php (loaded in web browser)
//contents of Doc1.php
include functions.php
include formProcessor.php
include form.php

Calling the protectText() function in functions.php from
formProcessor.php with data posted from form.php works on data posted
from textarea fields but does NOT on data posted from type=text.

//contents of functions.php ONLY works on textarea fields
The fundtion in function.php is:
function protectText($tv) {
$tv = stripslashes($tv);
$tv = str_replace(\,[QT],$tv);
$tv = str_replace(\r,br,$tv);
return $tv;

BUT if I put the same function in formprocessor.php it works!??

//contents of formprocessor.php THIS works on both
function TSTprotectText($tv) {
$tv = stripslashes($tv);
$tv = str_replace(\,[QT],$tv);
$tv = str_replace(\r,br,$tv);
return $tv;


Now how can that be?

 Can you be a little more specific on what differences you get?
 I normally use textarea for multi-line data and input type=text for one
 line, short data... the only difference you might encounter that I can think
 off the top of my head is maybe line break?
 - Original Message -
 From: Sam Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2004 3:28 PM
 Subject: [PHP] textarea vs. type=text data difference?
 I have a form with both textarea and text type fields.
 I submit it and do some processing on identical data and get different
 What's up with that.
 Thank you.
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Re: [PHP] textarea vs. type=text data difference?

2004-10-10 Thread Sam Smith


Thanks a lot for taking the time but it was just my nubie error.

What had me going all off in the wrong direction was textarea fields don't
need htmlentities to display quotes correctly like a text field does.

you know like this:  value=some text with important info
Displays in textarea fine but in type=text of course you get
some text

What a female dog.

 Okay, so in other words...
 include functions.php //this file contains the function definition for
 include formProcessor.php //this file contains the code that calls
 include form.php //this file gets the form data from user
 By any chance, are ANY of the include files classes?  I'm not 100%
 sure(unless you put up some more code), but it sounds like it's maybe a
 scope error... especially if you define the function in formProcessor and it
 works fine...
 - Original Message -
 From: Sam Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2004 4:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] textarea vs. type=text data difference?
 ##The data is the same. I've been up a long time.
 BUT something is still very weird.
 Doc1.php (loaded in web browser)
 //contents of Doc1.php
 include functions.php
 include formProcessor.php
 include form.php
 Calling the protectText() function in functions.php from
 formProcessor.php with data posted from form.php works on data posted
 from textarea fields but does NOT on data posted from type=text.
 //contents of functions.php ONLY works on textarea fields
 The fundtion in function.php is:
 function protectText($tv) {
$tv = stripslashes($tv);
$tv = str_replace(\,[QT],$tv);
$tv = str_replace(\r,br,$tv);
return $tv;
 BUT if I put the same function in formprocessor.php it works!??
 //contents of formprocessor.php THIS works on both
 function TSTprotectText($tv) {
$tv = stripslashes($tv);
$tv = str_replace(\,[QT],$tv);
$tv = str_replace(\r,br,$tv);
return $tv;
 Now how can that be?
 Can you be a little more specific on what differences you get?
 I normally use textarea for multi-line data and input type=text for one
 line, short data... the only difference you might encounter that I can
 off the top of my head is maybe line break?
 - Original Message -
 From: Sam Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2004 3:28 PM
 Subject: [PHP] textarea vs. type=text data difference?
 I have a form with both textarea and text type fields.
 I submit it and do some processing on identical data and get different
 What's up with that.
 Thank you.
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[PHP] Quotes in form textarea fields

2004-10-08 Thread Sam Smith

I swear I googled for an hour first.

A user enters in a textarea field of FORM1.php:
Bob is high

Submitted to FROM2.php we get:

Bob is \high\

In a hidden field in FROM2.php we store the value: type=hidden, value=?
echo stripslashes($_POST['textarea']); ? Value now Bob is high

Then from FROM2.php we Submit BACK to FROM1.php and enter it back into the
textarea field with:
type=textarea, value=? echo $_POST['hidden']); ?

we have;
Bob is

Everything after the first double quote is clobbered.

I can fix this by putting this in FORM2.php:
$APParea1 = $_POST['textarea'];
$APParea1 = str_replace(\,[QT],$APParea1);

and then back by putting this in FORM1.php:
$APParea1 = $_POST['hidden'];
$APParea1 = str_replace([QT],\,$APParea1);

type=textarea, value=? echo $APParea1; ?

BUT THIS must have happened many times a long long time ago to many good
people and some smart function was developed, right?


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Re: [PHP] mail() and Verizon

2004-10-05 Thread Sam Smith

The solution was a simple -f (see it in the extra headers just before the

Sets the  envelope sender address when using sendmail with the  -f sendmail

mail([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], Testing the simple mail
functions, Did you get this one?, From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] \n,

 I  believe the problem is that Verizon checks the MAIL FROM address
 during the SMTP session against the domain portion of the From
 header. If they don't match, the mail is rejected (or dropped). This
 was an issue for a webboard I use...

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Re: [PHP] mail() and Verizon

2004-10-05 Thread Sam Smith

The solution was a simple -f (see it in the extra headers just before the

Sets the  envelope sender address when using sendmail with the  -f sendmail

mail([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], Testing the simple mail
functions, Did you get this one?, From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] \n,

 I  believe the problem is that Verizon checks the MAIL FROM address
 during the SMTP session against the domain portion of the From
 header. If they don't match, the mail is rejected (or dropped). This
 was an issue for a webboard I use...

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Re: [PHP] Re: mail() and Verizon

2004-10-01 Thread Sam Smith
 On 10/01/2004 12:47 AM, Sam Smith wrote:
 Can anyone tell why the mail (see below) is not being relayed to
 #Note: There were 2 To: addresses. Below is the header from the successful
 mail to the second address.
 Each address will receive different message copies.

I wish.

The problem is the first address is not receiving the message. I suspect the
verizon mail server is rejecting it thinking it's spam because of something
missing in the header.

I put the Note in so no one would be confused by the fact the example mail
*was* delivered successfully.

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Re: [PHP] Re: mail() and Verizon

2004-10-01 Thread Sam Smith
 have you tried sending the same message, via the same path (i.e.,
 smtp server), but not generated via php, to this recipient?  by
 same that includes the same rfc821 from/return-path.

I logged on to the web server where php is running and did telnet localhost
hello ...

The mail was reported to have not been received.

 do make certain that your correspondent doesn't have some funky spam
 filtering of their own.

Excellent idea.

 the bottom line, however, is that this isn't a php issue. you're
 successfully getting the message, so your script is working fine.

Yes, thanks.

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[PHP] mail() and Verizon

2004-09-30 Thread Sam Smith

Can anyone tell why the mail (see below) is not being relayed to

#Note: There were 2 To: addresses. Below is the header from the successful
mail to the second address.

Received: (qmail 70862 invoked by uid 399); 1 Oct 2004 00:49:10 -
Received: from unknown (HELO web2.nsservers.org) (
  by mail.nsservers.org with SMTP; 1 Oct 2004 00:49:10 -
Received: from web2.nsservers.org (localhost [])
by geb2.nsservers.orw (8.12.9p2/8.12.8) with ESMTP id i910WJwe018715;
Thu, 30 Sep 2004 17:32:19 -0700 (PDT)
(envelope-from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Received: (from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
by web2.nsservers.org (8.12.9p2/8.12.8/Submit) id i910WJDE018714;
Thu, 30 Sep 2004 17:32:19 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 17:32:19 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Testing the simple mail functions

Could the mail server running on web2.nsservers.org be mis-configured?

Is there something missing in the header?

This mail is being generated from the PHP mail function in a web page.

The PHP line is:

mail([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], Testing the simple mail
functions, Did you get this one?, From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] \n);


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