[PHP] Image resizing...

2005-10-02 Thread Sonia
Hi All

I've been working on finishing a project SGML2IMAGE and I am sort of having
trouble with resizing of images. I am trying to just use the GD library so
when I distro the package it will not need any other things installed to be
used. Now I am using...

imagecreatetruecolor ();
imagecreatefrom___ ();
imagecopyresampled ();
image___ ();

But the thumbnails look blurry for any image less than 50% of the original
image created by the PHP SGML parser. So my question seeing I am not very
good with the GD library. Am I using the best functions to do the resize or
should I be using some other image function(s) that may give better results!
To give you a idea of what I am doing see the demo running on my note



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[PHP] Re: php5--com terribly wrong ?

2005-10-02 Thread Sonia
If you need this functionality then you should go back to PHP 4 the version
that worked for you. I also have problems with this and winmgmts object.
some classes work others don't, most times it's a VARIANT type problems. I
know Wez is really busy but if you keep checking the snap shots you will see
he is fixing things as they come in. A good idea is to check  bugs.php.net
before upgrading as it will help determine if a update is a wise decision!


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[PHP] trying to understand PHP unpack();

2005-08-01 Thread Sonia

In Perl I have a part of a script

# cut..

my $line = '!v2005*08|05+09?04^19*!';

my ( $s_code, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $e_code ) =
unpack ( x1 A1 A4 x1 A2 x1 A2 x1 A2 x1 A2 x1 A2 A1, $line );

print $s_code . \n;
print $year . \n;
print $month . \n;
print $day . \n;
print $hour . \n;
print $minute . \n;
print $second . \n;
print $e_code . \n;

sleep 10; # so we can see it in the command window

In Perl this runs without trouble, in PHP it does not seem to work the same
way. Can someone explain to me what I need to do differently to
allow PHP to understand what I am trying to do!


my $line = '!v2005*08|05+09?04^19*!';

$output = unpack ( x1 A1 A4 x1 A2 x1 A2 x1 A2 x1 A2 x1 A2 A1, $line );

print_r ( $output );




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[PHP] hide bbcode for spell checking!

2005-07-30 Thread Sonia
This is what it needs to do!

The first tag that is found will set where the parser will insert '!-- /
sc' before that tag. Any bbcode tags that are in the current tag will be
skipped over until the parser finds the end of the current bbcode tag it is
working on. Once it finds the end of the current tag it will insert 'sc
/ --' after the end of the current tag. It will continue doing this until
no tags are left to be parsed in the string!

My script is below

My question...

Is there a better way to do this?

// script!


$res = array ( '!-- / sc', 'sc / --', '', '' );

$str = [quote=tinyman,Jul 29 2005, 11:27 PM]

Visit my site www.site.com . It provide Email Service(4gb), Free Forum, Free
File Hosting, Free Webhosting and Free Blog hosting.


[/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/b][/email][code]? echo 'hi';




echo bbcode_phase ( $str, $res[0], $res[1] );

function bbcode_phase ( $text, $es, $ee )


$bb = array ( 'q' = '5|quote',

'r' = '5|right',

'e' = '5|email',

'h' = '4|html',

'p' = '3|php',

'f' = '4|font',

'l' = array ( '4|list', '4|left' ),

's' = '4|size', 'b' = array ( '2|b]|b', '5|bible' ),

'u' = array ( '2|u]|u', '3|url' ),

'c' = array ( '4|code', '5|color', '6|center' ),

'i' = array ( '2|i]|i', '3|img', '6|indent' ) );

$a = ''; // the output string holder

$b = array (); // the current tag info array

$c = 0; // where we are in the substr

$d = strtolower ( $text ); // lower case the string

while ( ( $e = strpos ( $d, '[' ) ) !== false )


$a .= substr ( $text, $c, $e );

$c += $e;

/* if we have a current tag do this */

if ( ! empty ( $b ) )


/* if we match the end of the current tag process it */

if ( substr ( $d, ( $e + 2 ), $b[0] ) == $b[1] )


if ( isset ( $b[2] ) ) // for bbcode tags ([b], [i] ... )


$a .= '[/' . strtoupper ( $b[2] ) . ']' . $ee;

$c += ( $b[0] + 2 );

$d = substr ( $d, ( $e + $b[0] + 2 ) );




$a .= '[/' . strtoupper ( $b[1] ) . ']' . $ee;

$c += ( $b[0] + 3 );

$d = substr ( $d, ( $e + $b[0] + 3 ) );


$b = array ();


else /* not a current tag substr 1 character forward */


$a .= substr ( $text, $c, 1 );

$d = substr ( $d, ( $e + 1 ) );

$c += 1;



else /* no current tag, find one if it is there */


$f = false;

$g = substr ( $d, ( $e + 1 ), 1 );

if ( isset ( $bb[$g] ) )



* some tags have more than 1 value so they

* are arrays other are just string values.


if ( is_array ( $bb[$g] ) )


for ( $i = 0; $i  sizeof ( $bb[$g] ); $i++ )


$b = explode ( '|', $bb[$g][$i] );

if ( substr ( $d, ( $e + 1 ), $b[0] ) == $b[1] )


$f = true;







$b = explode ( '|', $bb[$g] );

if ( substr ( $d, ( $e + 1 ), $b[0] ) == $b[1] )


$f = true;




/* we have found a starting tag process it */

if ( $f )


if ( isset ( $b[2] ) ) // for bbcode tags ([b], [i] ... )


$a .= $es . '[' . strtoupper ( $b[2] );

$c += $b[0];

$d = substr ( $d, ( $e + $b[0] ) );




$a .= $es . '[' . strtoupper ( $b[1] );

$c += ( $b[0] + 1 );

$d = substr ( $d, ( $e + 1 + $b[0] ) );



else /* not a good starting tag substr 1 character forward */


$a .= substr ( $text, $c, 1 );

$b = array ();

$d = substr ( $d, ( $e + 1 ) );

$c += 1;





* if the string has more characters after the last

* closing tag put back what is left...



if ( ! empty ( $d ) )


$a .= substr ( $text, $c );


return ( $a );





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[PHP] php://input (multipart support)

2005-07-28 Thread Sonia

Will HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA (php://input) multipart ever be supported?

I have asked this question a few times and was told it would not happen
until around php 4.3 release. Although I do appreciate the PHP teams added
support for all the other (PUT/POST) methods when dealing with the input
stream, I think multipart support is also greatly needed.

Thanks Sonia

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[PHP] Re: PHP error on form

2005-07-28 Thread Sonia

First some of your $_POST array variables are written like $POST['var'], you
need to change them
to $_POST['var']. Then because you are not using the dot operator in your
string variables and you
are using a associative array you must enclose the array variable in
{$arr['var']} tags!

// enclose with {...}

$msg .=Senders Name: {$_POST['senders_name']}\n;
$msg .=Senders E-MAIL: {$_POST['senders_email']}\n;
$msg .=Senders Name: {$_POST['message']}\n\n;
$mailheaders .=Reply-To: {$_POST['sender_email']}\n;

// or use the dot operator

$msg .=Senders Name:  . $_POST['senders_name'] . \n;
$msg .=Senders E-MAIL:  . $_POST['senders_email'] . \n;
$msg .=Senders Name:  . $_POST['message'] . \n\n;
$mailheaders .=Reply-To:  . $_POST['sender_email'] . \n;


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[PHP] Re: How Can I send mail in php in HTML format?

2005-07-28 Thread Sonia
Also Richard Heyes has a updated his class to work with PHP 5, you can also
get updated version of the PHP 4 class!



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[PHP] Re: PDFs are blank in e-mail sent via PHP

2005-07-28 Thread Sonia


Without seeing the clients resulting email it is very hard to see what is
wrong. It could be line endings or a host of other things. Maintaining RFC
2049 standards is important because even though your server might support
one method the client may not support what you are using!

RFC 2049 and RFC822 state...

(2) Many systems may elect to represent and store text data
using local newline conventions. Local newline
conventions may not match the RFC822 CRLF convention --
systems are known that use plain CR, plain LF, CRLF, or
counted records. The result is that isolated CR and LF
characters are not well tolerated in general; they may
be lost or converted to delimiters on some systems, and
hence must not be relied on. Always use CRLF in any
mail header or body entity following RFC2049 standards


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[PHP] unsuscribe

2003-10-05 Thread Sonia
How cant i unsuscribe from this list? Thanks

Como puedo darme de baja? Gracias

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