
I've been trying to get a file upload form to work, but am not having any
success. So, I dropped the file part from the form, leaving just text input,
and have discovered that when I use the POST method, my variables may or may
not be available on the receiving page. GET works fine. I've tried using
HTTP_POST_VARS and ..._RAW_..., but both are empty. The variables simply do
not come through every time. I am running the latest version of Apache
(1.3.x, not 2.x) and PHP 4.0.6. I've been unable to find any information on
this problem.

 - Steven Sullivan
"Sandra Rascheli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Hi everybody,

I hope someone is able to help me with this, I've been having this problem
for  a couple of months now and I have not been able to find a solution. I
have a form to upload a file which submits to itself, and has two submit
buttons, one called "eliminarfoto" (deletephoto) and "salvar" (savephoto),
but for some weird and unexplainable reason (it only happens to some users,
not all of them) when they hit any of these two submit buttons, the form
returns empty variables.

This is part of my script, has anybody had a similar problem before??? Any
help would be greatly appreciated.


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