[PHP] ldap_connect(URI)?

2001-12-04 Thread Susanne Benkert


my problem is to enable a secure connection between a PHP script an an
LDAP directory using SSL.

The LDAP server is already recompiled and running with ssl/tsl-support.
PHP-4.0.6. is compiled with-openssl. But when I try to use
ldap_connect('ldaps://hostname/') like suggested in the manual, the
script can't connect the server. Also 'ldap://...' or 'http://..' don't
work, so it seems, that PHP doesn't support URIs in this position, but
according to the manual it should do.

What's wrong with my script or my installation?
Thank you for your support.


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Re: [PHP] ldap_connect(URI)?

2001-12-04 Thread Susanne Benkert

Hi Stig,

Unknown Sender wrote:
 This works for me. For ldap_connect(ldap://hostname;) to work, you need
 OpenLDAP 2.x libs but that's all. Are you sure PHP is using that library?

I'm quite sure, because other ldap functions work properly such as
ldap_connect(hostname); or ldapsearch()...
I already have a few PHP websites which are using these functions
without problems. Only the newer ones like ldap_set_option() or
ldap_start_tls() or (as mentioned) ldap_connect() with an URI don't
work, although I use a PHP version that should support these things.

Are there any additional libs for that?


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