[PHP] PHP error tracking on new server

2005-08-07 Thread Terry Romine
My hosting service recently switched to a newer server and in  
transporting the websites (many) over, they set up php different  
(vers 4.3.10). I know it's not nice to show errors on a published  
website, but I don't have a testing server, and I need to debug  
scripts once in a while. The problem is that when an error occurs,  
the page just comes up blank, and I have to practically pick it apart  
one line at a time to track down the problem.

I tried
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
but that doesn't seem to matter either.

From phpinfo() it says display_errors is set off and error_reporting  
is 7.

Any ideas on what flag may need to be set and how to do it on a file- 
by-file basis so I am only tweaking it when testing?


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RE: [PHP] 404 Not Found - refresh to directory

2005-07-15 Thread Terry Romine
An interesting idea. I'll work on this next week and see how it goes. Can I 
ask: why two versions of $uriparams?


-Original Message-
From: Andras Kende [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Jul 14, 2005 9:53 PM
To: 'Terry Romine' [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
'php' php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: RE: [PHP] 404 Not Found - refresh to directory

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^([\w-]+)$ index.php/$1

$uriparams = explode(/,$REQUEST_URI);
$uriparams = explode(?,$REQUEST_URI);
$agent = $uriparams[0];
$agent = eregi_replace(/,,$agent);

// Select from mysql where agent = agent   etc.. etc..

echo (Location: agent_profile.php?agent=.$agent); 

Best regards,

Andras Kende

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[PHP] 404 Not Found - refresh to directory

2005-07-14 Thread Terry Romine
I have a website that has several hundred agents in a mysql database. The 
client wants to be able to enter the domain.com/agentname and be redirected to 
a standard page where we show the agent information. An example would be an 
agent named John Smith whose agentname would be jsmith. So the user would enter 
domain.com/jsmith and get the agent's profile.

I tried initially to dummy up a 404 page, where if the link was like: 
domain.com/jsmith that it would parse the agent name and pass it through to 
domain.com/agent_profile.php?agent=jsmith. It failed to work, ending up with a 
recursive call to the 404 page and getting hung.

Right now, I have directories set up for each agent, with an index.php that 
does the redirect. It's really getting to be a mess with so many directories.

I need to be able to check the mysql database for the agent name, and if found, 
do a redirect (header(Location: agent_profile.php?agent=agentID) and if not, 
continue to a standard 404 error page, or a sorry not found page.

I think my question is: is there an easy way to use a 404 page written in php 
to capture the parameters from the missing page request and test against a db, 
resulting in either a valid page redirect or a not found redirect?


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Re: [PHP] Re: iPowerWeb ISP Are they good?

2005-07-08 Thread Terry Romine
I had a client hosted on Powweb and I dropped that service pretty fast. Now I 
host primarily on eHostPros.com (past 2-3 years). I've had a few problems, but 
they work pretty close with the clients to handle issues. Maybe a 90-95% 
satisfaction rate for me. The nice thing is their billing system; they use 
PayPal and can charge monthly/quarterly/yearly as the customer needs.


-Original Message-
Sent: Jul 7, 2005 4:51 PM
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP] Re: iPowerWeb ISP Are they good?

I have used iPowerWeb for a few years now and have only had maybe 5 min. 
worth out outages. Even when I had a question on a Sunday, there was someone 
to answer the tech phone. It did take a while but still, its all good in my 


Jason Manaigre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
Hi everyone, currently I have a site hosted with Powweb and suffice it
to say, it's not good, so I wanted to get everyone's opinion here on
iPowerWeb? Or can you recommend another ISP that you swear by which has
similar features http://www.ipowerweb.com/products/webhosting/index.html

Thanks people. 

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Re: [PHP] Register globals and ini_set

2005-07-08 Thread Terry Romine
I'm having a serious pain with globals.. maybe someone can help.

My major client moved her service from one server to another, and with it, PHP 
went from 4.1 to 4.2+. 
Register Globals was turned off, and when everything failed to work, tech 
support turned them back on via .htaccess. I'm planning to update the hundreds 
of scripts over the next weekend or so, but for right now, 
my $_SESSION['variable'] seem to be failing sporatically. It doesn't seem to 
make a difference whether I have session_start() at the top of the file or not. 

Shouldn't something like this work?

where $global_var is set in one file and then used in another?

Thanks for any help


-Original Message-
From: Sebastian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Jul 8, 2005 6:42 AM
Cc: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP] Register globals and ini_set

if you have php = 4.2.3 yes, otherwise no.
it has to be set in php.ini, .htaccess, or httpd.conf



If i use, at the beginning of my scripts, ini_set('register_globals', 0), 
register globals will be turned off?


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Re: [PHP] Register globals and ini_set

2005-07-08 Thread Terry Romine
I was setting the $_SESSION by:
$_SESSION['var_name'] = this;
$my_local = this;
$_SESSION['var_name'] = $my_local;

I had stopped using session_register() some time back.

Sporatically meaning that some of my variables are working fine, while others 
seem to become empty when referenced by a later script. These scripts were 
working fine on the older PHP version. I'm sure it's just a quick determination 
as to what to change, and then I can do a global update across the site. There 
are about 20-30 websites that this affects, so you can see my frustration in 
trying to do this by bits and pieces. I had done a test file like this:

  $_SESSION['check'] = test 1;
a href='test2.php'Click/a

test1.php displays test1 but test2.php displays nothing.


-Original Message-
From: Jason Barnett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Jul 8, 2005 9:15 AM
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP] Register globals and ini_set

Since you mention the PHP version was old (4.1) then I have to ask: were 
you using the $_SESSION array all along or were you using 
session_register to register session variables?  Although you probably 
aren't since that would be rather easy to debug.

The script in which your global_variable was set makes absolutely no 
difference.  PHP is just looking for the SID someplace anyways (whether 
that's COOKIE, GET or POST) and then it goes and retrieves that session 
that matches that SID.

OK... when you say that it fails sporadically, what do you mean exactly?

Probably, based on what you've just said, you're somehow assigning into 
your $_SESSION variables through the use of global variables that have 
the same name as your $_SESSION indexes.


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[PHP] reg split address

2004-02-24 Thread Terry Romine
I have a submit field that may have an address formatted like:
1234 main st
or may just be the street name: 
I need to split the number off if present so I can test against 
database fields.

I need a eregi, split or preg_split that could do that. I've tried a 
few and either get the whole string in the first array element, or it 
fails to see the digits.

  if(eregi('[:digits:]+',$streetSearch,$streetArray))	die(num: 
$streetArray[0] name=$streetArray[1]);
  if(eregi('([\d]+) (.+)',$streetSearch,$streetArray)) die(num: 
$streetArray[0] name=$streetArray[1]);
  $streetArray=preg_split('/^(\d+) (.+)/',$streetSearch);
	die(street number: $streetArray[0] street name:$streetArray[1]);

any help would be appreciated.


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[PHP] set global working??

2004-02-21 Thread Terry Romine
Not quite a mystery, but I wondered if anyone could throw a couple of 
suggestions my way.

My client's websites were moved last year from an old php server to a 
newer one. At that time, I had to upgrade all her scripts because 
set_globals were off on the new server, and so I went to using 
$_SESSION variables. All seemed to be doing fine until sometime last 
week when the scripts on a new website I am working on, being hosted on 
her server, started flaking out. Variables were becoming persistent, 
retaining previous values and refusing to change.

I checked the php settings and found that the version running on the 
sever is 4.1.2 with globals on. That surprised me. I don't have admin 
access and would be cautious about trying to change this and possibly 
messing up someone else's site.

Anyway, to test my theory, I created a simple script that turns 
session_start on and off. If session_start is off, variables work fine. 
With session_start on, variable will change once, and then refuse to 
change. I've attached the script.

Does this indeed mean that I have to go through all my scripts and 
comment out session_start and convert my $_SESSION defines back?? 


// check for persistance
if(!$ag) $ag=8; // set as default
case 8: $office=Modesto; break;
case 7: $office=Livermore;break;
case 9: $office=Fremont; break;
case 10: $office=San Lorenzo; break;
case 28: $office=Berkeley; break;
case 25: $office=Mountain View; break;
if($switch) $pers=(!$pers); // switch persistence on/off
		div align=centerfont size=5 color=#00015d 
		br /
		a href=check.php?ag=?=$ag?pers=?=$pers?switch=1Switch 
Persistence ?=$pers?/a
		br /
		a href=check.php?ag=7pers=?=$pers?Livermore/a
		a href=check.php?ag=8pers=?=$pers?Modesto/a
		a href=check.php?ag=9pers=?=$pers?Fremont/a
		a href=check.php?ag=10pers=?=$pers?San Lorenzo/a
		a href=check.php?ag=28pers=?=$pers?Berkeley/a
br /

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[PHP] Assist with session persistance

2003-12-23 Thread Terry Romine
I have a site that is using $_SESSION['variablename'] for many 
variables that are loaded when the user first enters the site 
(index.php), and then referenced on each page (display.php):

ex: index.php
$_SESSION['agencyID'] = $agencyID;
$_SESSION['agencyName'] = $agencyName;
ex: display.php
But after awhile, the session seems to fail and I end up back at the 
index page because the $agencyID gets voided. Is there a timeout on 
sessions other than closing the browser? If so, is there a way to set 
timeout if one doesn't have server admin access? Should I be doing 
something like:

ex: display.php
$_SESSION['agencyID'] = $agencyID;
$_SESSION['agencyName'] = $agencyName;
to update the session variables with each page?


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[PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] RE: [PHP-DB] Best way to check if a query succeeded

2001-03-29 Thread Terry Romine

On Thursday, March 29, 2001, at 08:32 AM, Nick Davies wrote:

 Doesn't the command return 1 or 0 in success or failure?

 You may not have a result

 Probably wrong but something like

 if (mysql_query($query)) {

 } else {


What I understand is that the return from the query only tells you if 
the syntax is correct. NOT whether there were any records returned. That 
is what the mysql_num_rows gets you-- the number of records returned.


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Re: [PHP] passing variables

2001-03-03 Thread Terry Romine

I do this kind of thing all the time.

Consider using hidden for the various values you are passing, and name the
buttons "doAction" and set the values to "Add", "Delete", "View" ...

Then the php file can do:

switch($doAction) {
case "Add":
// your code
case "Delete":
// your code
case "View":
// your code

 From: Ben Weinberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2001 08:57:30 -0600
 To: "george" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [PHP] passing variables
 You could still use a form, but just have a very small one... something like:
 form method=post action="yourpage.html"
 input type=IMG name=REPLY value=submitimg src="ImageForReplies"
 input type=IMG name=DELETE value=submitimg src="ImageForDeletions"
 This would then pass any variables you wanted to the next page...
 At 03:49 PM 3/3/2001 +0100, Ernest E Vogelsinger wrote:
 At 15:41 03.03.2001, george said:
 I plan to add hidden fields for all the information pulled out the db my
 question is this how do you pass variables into the next page without using
 a form.
 can it be done say instead of a form there was a link next to each message
 which said view, clicking on this takes you to a page where you read the
 full mail, then there are another 2 links on for reply and one for
 delete.How could that be done

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