I'm extracting a list of items from an XML document using PHP. The desired
items are the attributes of different occurances of a specific element
within the document; the code will not need a callback for character data or
for closing tags.

$list = new Array();

function start_tag($p_id, $element, $attribs)
    global $list;
    if ($element = 'building')
        $list[] = $attribs['address'];
    return true;

//.. snip .. snip ..

    xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'start_tag', create_function ('',''));

//.. snip .. snip ..

Two questions:

1.  create_function ('',''); works just fine, but I was wondering if there
was a proper way to declare a void anonymous function?

2.  If I were to place the parser related code within it's own function to
increase readability of the script, how would start_tag be rewritten as an
inline anonymous function? I've tried several ideas but I'm not sure how to
handle $location and it's change in scope.

Thanks in advance,


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