[PHP] curl ,response headers and gzip encoding

2011-11-28 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
hi i am trying to build a proxy server for opera's turbo mod

$data=$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].' '.$domain;$data=$data.' HTTP/1.1';
$domainadi=@parse_url($domain) or die('Hata Kod :
if(empty($domain)) { die('Hata Kod : 4'); }
foreach (getallheaders() as $name = $value) {
$data.= \n$name: $value;
$data=str_replace('Host: w.com','Host: '.$domainadi,$data);
$data.=@file_get_contents('php://input'); }

#echo $domain;exit;
#echo $data;exit;

$ch = curl_init($domain);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST') { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, @file_get_contents('php://input')); }
$header = array();
foreach(getallheaders() as $key = $value)
$header[] = $key . ':' . $value;
curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , $header);

#header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
if(curl_getinfo($ch,CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)=='0') die('Hata Kod:36');
@list($reshead, $body) = @explode(\r\n\r\n, $donen, 2) or die('Hata Kod

$info = curl_getinfo($ch);
$reshead = substr($donen, 0, $info['header_size']);
$body = substr($donen, $info['header_size']);

header('X-Opera-Host: v07-16:12419');header('X-Opera-Info:

echo $body;

it returns the gzip content as damaged may be for split the headers and
body ,
when i take   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); to   curl_setopt($ch,
  header('Content-Encoding: gzip'); uncomment this line
hide these lines

if(curl_getinfo($ch,CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)=='0') die('Hata Kod:36');
@list($reshead, $body) = @explode(\r\n\r\n, $donen, 2) or die('Hata Kod

$info = curl_getinfo($ch);
$reshead = substr($donen, 0, $info['header_size']);
$body = substr($donen, $info['header_size']);

and return the original content   echo $donen; curl_close($ch);

it works nice,

but i cant forward the headers to client :( and not sure why the original
scripts returns the gzip content as damaged :/

Re: [PHP] array_unique by id multi-dimensional array

2011-10-28 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
let me explain again
this is my array
[0] = Array
[likes] = 137846
[name] = blabla
[access_token] = AAABZBD
[id] = 157644197612598
[link] = http://www.facebook.com/blabla

[1] = Array
[likes] = 137698
[name] = blabla
[access_token] = AAAnnL
[id] = 157644197612598
[link] = http://www.facebook.com/blabla

[2] = Array
[likes] = 134391
[name] = sieaq
[access_token] = AAA04
[id] = 163744743683729
[link] = http://www.facebook.com/zart

[3] = Array
[name] = defolaq
[access_token] = AAAZD
[id] = 139820007610
[link] = http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=239820007640
[likes] = 0

[4] = Array
[name] = falan
[access_token] = AAW4NNGAZDZD
[id] = 374971333999
[link] = http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=37495199
[likes] = 0

[5] = Array
[name] = filan
[access_token] = AAABZCTCw
[id] = 237184173662497
[link] = http://www.facebook.com/pages/filan/237184173662497
[likes] = 0

[6] = Array
[name] = bigit
[access_token] = Jj77twGFvS8YyB
[id] = 10497735291210
[link] = http://www.facebook.com/pages/bigit/10497735291210
[likes] = 0

but as you see there are 2 sub array with [id] =  157644197612598
i want to delete sub arrays repeated with same id.?

2011/10/28 tamouse mailing lists tamouse.li...@gmail.com

 On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Tontonq Tontonq root...@gmail.com
  i have an array like
   [0] = Array
  [likes] = 113091
   [name] = blabla
   [access_token] = AAABZCTx
  [id] = 188206217874932
   [1] = Array
  [likes] = 113091
  [name] = blabla
  [access_token] =   AAABZCTz
  [id] = 188206217874932
  i want to filter the array by [id] sub value?

 Not quite sure what you mean by filter in this case, but the
 function that pops to mind is
 http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-filter.php, which applies
 a callback function to each member of the array where you can
 determine if it should be included in the filtered list by returning

Re: [PHP] array_unique by id multi-dimensional array

2011-10-28 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
thanks it works

2011/10/28 sivaji j.g sivaji2...@gmail.com

 On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Tontonq Tontonq root...@gmail.comwrote:

 let me explain again
 this is my array
 [0] = Array
 [likes] = 137846
 [name] = blabla
 [access_token] = AAABZBD
 [id] = 157644197612598
 [link] = http://www.facebook.com/blabla

 [1] = Array
 [likes] = 137698
 [name] = blabla
 [access_token] = AAAnnL
 [id] = 157644197612598
 [link] = http://www.facebook.com/blabla

 [2] = Array
 [likes] = 134391
 [name] = sieaq
 [access_token] = AAA04
 [id] = 163744743683729
 [link] = http://www.facebook.com/zart

 [3] = Array
 [name] = defolaq
 [access_token] = AAAZD
 [id] = 139820007610
 [link] = http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=239820007640
 [likes] = 0

 [4] = Array
 [name] = falan
 [access_token] = AAW4NNGAZDZD
 [id] = 374971333999
 [link] = http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=37495199
 [likes] = 0

 [5] = Array
 [name] = filan
 [access_token] = AAABZCTCw
 [id] = 237184173662497
 [link] = http://www.facebook.com/pages/filan/237184173662497
 [likes] = 0

 [6] = Array
 [name] = bigit
 [access_token] = Jj77twGFvS8YyB
 [id] = 10497735291210
 [link] = http://www.facebook.com/pages/bigit/10497735291210
 [likes] = 0

 but as you see there are 2 sub array with [id] =  157644197612598
 i want to delete sub arrays repeated with same id.?

 If my understanding is right, a simple foreach loop and unset() will do
 this. Below is the untested version of snippet I would use to remove the
 duplicate sub arrays,

 $id = array();
 foreach ($items as $key = $item) {
   if (in_array($item['id'], $id)) {
   else {
 $id[] = $item['id'];

 @sivaji_ganesh https://twitter.com/#%21/sivaji_ganesh in twitter
 Gtalk / Skype: sivaji2009

[PHP] array_unique by id multi-dimensional array

2011-10-27 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
i have an array like

  [0] = Array
[likes] = 113091
  [name] = blabla
  [access_token] = AAABZCTx
[id] = 188206217874932


  [1] = Array
[likes] = 113091
[name] = blabla
[access_token] =   AAABZCTz
[id] = 188206217874932

i want to filter the array by [id] sub value?

[PHP] memory overflow :/

2011-08-04 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
hi  i can't see anything wrong that will cause memory problem

but parsing 1gb memory limit doesn't come enough for just parsing a 50 kb

but when i try to parse another file that is 24 kb 24 mb becomes enough

here is the script


if you go to

no problem

when you try to parse

Allowed memory size of 25165824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 90564532

Just tried to increase with

still same error
Allowed memory size of -2147483648 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate
2137883596 bytes) in rss.php  on line 24

any idea ?

[PHP] imap_search ?

2011-03-06 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
hi ! it works if there is / are emails in the box before script run (i use
cli not web based) but after it works 1 time it doesnt work again it enters
to  infinite loop ,
at that line
while(!$emails) { $emails = imap_search($inbox,'ALL'); echo email yok\n;
print_r($emails); }

 imap_search($inbox,'ALL'); it doesn't try to research emails in $inbox,
doesn't it stay as connected or it's just for 1 time use :S ? should i reuse
imap_open everytime when i need to use imap_search ?

$inbox = imap_open($hostname,$usernamex,$password) or die('Cannot connect to
domain:' . imap_last_error());

function onayla()
global $inbox;
$emails = imap_search($inbox,'ALL');
while(!$emails) { $emails = imap_search($inbox,'ALL'); echo email yok\n;
print_r($emails); }
echo \nyeaah; print_r($emails);
if($emails) {
echo Number of email:.imap_num_msg($inbox);
foreach($emails as $email_number) {

$overview = imap_fetch_overview($inbox,$email_number,0);
$message = imap_fetchbody($inbox,$email_number,1);
echo $message\n\r;
//$link=arasi('activate:','-- The',$message); //echo \n\r.$link;



[PHP] extract price by preg_match_all

2011-02-14 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
example data:

div class=picboxfooter
  span class=newpricespan class=productOldPriceold price 829,00
euro;/spanbr /your price 58,90 euro; */span

another :
  span class=newprice 9,90 euro; */span

i want to extract 829,.00  58,90 from first source , 9,90 from the second

i tried many way like preg_match_all('/span
it doesn't work

[PHP] curl rtmp

2011-01-09 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
does cUrl supports rtmp protocol? if so is there any example? do we need
enable different library? so if not can we save rtmp by curl? if not is
there any other rtmp downloader that u know ?

[PHP] range header in curl?

2010-11-21 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
hi im downloading files from h0tf1le as a premium user by curl i want to do
something like streaming i want it resend to user what it got from server
i couldnt find any resource about curl and streaming the executed source
so i did by the Range header but sometimes i see files are corrupted i check
the logs

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; tr; rv:1.9.2)
Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6
Host: s137.hotfile.com
Pragma: no-cache
Accept: */*
Connection: Keep-Alive
Range: bytes=1-2

i only get 1 byte for learn length

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=pimp.rar
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Range: bytes 1-2/5781810

i see the range

request:Range: bytes=0-2097152
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=pimp.rar
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Range: bytes 0-2097152/5781810
Connection: close

request:Range: bytes=2097152-4194304
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=pimp.rar
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Range: bytes 2097152-4194304/5781810
Connection: close

request:Range: bytes=4194304-5781810

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=pimp.rar
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Range: bytes 4194304-5781810/5781810
Connection: close

i can not see any error do you?

and this is a part of it

$kackb=arasi('Content-Range: bytes 1-2/','

if($bytes$ssinir) { $ssinir=$bytes; }
$header = array(Range: bytes=$bsinir-$ssinir);
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_URL, $sabiturl);
curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT
5.1; tr; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6');
curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, dirname(__FILE__).'/cookies.txt');
curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, dirname(__FILE__).'/cookies.txt');
curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, dirname(__FILE__).'/cookies.txt');
if($proxy) { curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy); }
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header );
curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1);
$cikti = curl_exec($ch);
echo $cikti;


[PHP] extract an image's elements by gd

2010-09-02 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
as first i want you look at this image http://i56.tinypic.com/2zic001.png

i can read all pixels , make picture black and white,add length of black
pixel's to array like (from 300x 20y to 320x to 20y).

I can dump coordinates blue square as easily but i cant say this for yellow

So there are 2 questions
How can i export an image's a part that i know x,y coordinates and save it
as image
All of you should know mspaint's free-form select,for able to export yellow
ellipse i will need something like that so how can i export an image's a
part like at mspaint's free-form select function

are these possible with gd library?

[PHP] a quick question about array keys

2010-08-31 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
a quick question
lets say i have an array like that

[300] = 300
[301] = 301
[302] = 302
[303] = 303
[304] = 304
[305] = 305
[306] = 306
[307] = 307
[308] = 308
how can i change keys to 0,1,2,3,.. by faster way
(it should like that) 
  [0] = 300
  [1] = 301
  [2] = 302
  [3] = 303

Re: [PHP] a quick question about array keys

2010-08-31 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
Ty four your all replies i got 9 replies less than 10 minutes :)

than can u answer this too
my array is like that for now
[300] = 300
[301] = 301
[302] = 302
[303] = 303
[304] = 304
[305] = 305
[306] = 306
[307] = 307
[308] = 308
[309] = 309
[310] = 310
[311] = 311
[312] = 312
[313] = 313
[314] = 314
[165] = 165
[166] = 166
[167] = 167
[168] = 168
[169] = 169
[170] = 170
[171] = 171
[172] = 172
[173] = 173
[201] = 201
[202] = 202
[203] = 203
[204] = 204
[205] = 205
[206] = 206
[207] = 207
[208] = 208
[209] = 209
[210] = 210
[211] = 211
[212] = 212
[213] = 213
[214] = 214
[215] = 215
[315] = 315

how can i make an array
that will store values like
  [0] = 300-314
  [1] = 165-173

i hope if u did understand me :D

2010/8/31 la...@garfieldtech.com la...@garfieldtech.com

 The fastest way is going to be array_values():


 --Larry Garfield

 On 8/31/10 10:43 AM, Tontonq Tontonq wrote:

 a quick question
 lets say i have an array like that

 [300] =  300
 [301] =  301
 [302] =  302
 [303] =  303
 [304] =  304
 [305] =  305
 [306] =  306
 [307] =  307
 [308] =  308
 how can i change keys to 0,1,2,3,.. by faster way
 (it should like that)
   [0] =  300
   [1] =  301
   [2] =  302
   [3] =  303

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] a quick question about array keys

2010-08-31 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
i think its my mistake it will begin from first value of array it will
continue until if its more big than +2 and it

2010/8/31 Ashley Sheridan a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk

  On Tue, 2010-08-31 at 19:06 +0300, Tontonq Tontonq wrote:

 Ty four your all replies i got 9 replies less than 10 minutes :)

 than can u answer this too
 my array is like that for now
 [300] = 300
 [301] = 301
 [302] = 302
 [303] = 303
 [304] = 304
 [305] = 305
 [306] = 306
 [307] = 307
 [308] = 308
 [309] = 309
 [310] = 310
 [311] = 311
 [312] = 312
 [313] = 313
 [314] = 314
 [165] = 165
 [166] = 166
 [167] = 167
 [168] = 168
 [169] = 169
 [170] = 170
 [171] = 171
 [172] = 172
 [173] = 173
 [201] = 201
 [202] = 202
 [203] = 203
 [204] = 204
 [205] = 205
 [206] = 206
 [207] = 207
 [208] = 208
 [209] = 209
 [210] = 210
 [211] = 211
 [212] = 212
 [213] = 213
 [214] = 214
 [215] = 215
 [315] = 315

 how can i make an array
 that will store values like
   [0] = 300-314
   [1] = 165-173

 i hope if u did understand me :D

 2010/8/31 la...@garfieldtech.com la...@garfieldtech.com

  The fastest way is going to be array_values():
  --Larry Garfield
  On 8/31/10 10:43 AM, Tontonq Tontonq wrote:
  a quick question
  lets say i have an array like that
  [300] =  300
  [301] =  301
  [302] =  302
  [303] =  303
  [304] =  304
  [305] =  305
  [306] =  306
  [307] =  307
  [308] =  308
  how can i change keys to 0,1,2,3,.. by faster way
  (it should like that)
[0] =  300
[1] =  301
[2] =  302
[3] =  303
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
  To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

 Oops, I slightly mis-read the question there in my last post. I'm not
 actually sure what it is you *are* after though.


[PHP] multi thread work?

2010-08-04 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
how to make a script multi task  based like this



$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://www.facebook.com/ajax/reqs.php?__a=1'
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; tr)
Presto/2.6.22 Version/10.50);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, http://www.facebook.com/reqs.php;);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY,;


lets say this takes 1000 seconds and it doesnt focus to another curl process
before it finish the previous one

is it possible to let the script focus another curl process without wait
answer of the previous one

i hope if u could understand me ^^

[PHP] a for loop and probability random all i need is make them to reverse

2008-11-22 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
i want it returns *Raptor +1 (1 in 62,000) *
but it returns me nearly everytime how can i make them reverse help me


include( 'lib.probabilityRandom.php' );

$prExample = new probabilityRandom;

function arasi($a,$b,$data)
$x = explode($a,$data);
$z = explode($b,$x[1]);
$oh = $z[0];
if($x  $z) { return $oh; } else { return false; }

$x=Raptor +1 (1 in 62,000)
Glave +1 (1 in 12,400)
Chitin Armor Pauldron +1 (1 in 1,240)
Full Plate Armor Pauldron +1 (1 in 310)
Potion of Soul (1 in 83)
Blade Axe +1 (1 in 62,000)
Bone Cleaver +1 (1 in 12,400)
Chitin Armor Pads +1 (1 in 1,240)
Full Plate Armor Pads +1 (1 in 310)
Potion of Wisdom (1 in 83)
Graham +1 (1 in 62,000)
Slayer +1 (1 in 12,400)
Chitin Helmet +1 (1 in 1,240)
Full Plate Armor Helmet +1 (1 in 310)
Water of favors (1 in 83)
Totemic Spear +1 (1 in 62,000)
Harpoon +1 (1 in 12,400)
Chitin Gauntlets +1 (1 in 1,240)
Full Plate Armor Gauntlet +1 (1 in 310)
Water of grace (1 in 83)
Iron Bow +1 (1 in 62,000)
Iron Crossbow +1 (1 in 12,400)
Chitin Boots +1 (1 in 1,240)
Full Plate Armor Boots +1 (1 in 310)
Pink Rice Cake (small) (1 in 83)
Elixir Staff +1 (1 in 62,000)
Salamander Staff +1 (1 in 12,400)
Rogue Chitin Armor Pauldron +1 (1 in 1,240)
Rogue Full Plate Armor Pauldron +1 (1 in 310)
Pink Rice Cake (middle) (1 in 83)
Shard +1 (1 in 62,000)
Mirage Dagger +1 (1 in 12,400)
Rogue Chitin Armor Pads +1 (1 in 1,240)
Rogue Full Plate Armor Pads +1 (1 in 310)
Pink Rice Cake (large) (1 in 83)
Priest Impact +1 (1 in 62,000)
Priest Bone crasher +1 (1 in 12,400)
Rogue Chitin Helmet +1 (1 in 1,240)
Rogue Full Plate Armor Helmet +1 (1 in 310)
Gold bar (1 in 620,000)
Blessed Upgrade Scroll (1 in 12,400)
Rogue Chitin Gauntlets +1 (1 in 1,240)
Rogue Full Plate Armor Gauntlet +1 (1 in 310)
Upgrade Scroll (1 in 83)
Silver bar (1 in 62,000)
Blessed Elemental Scroll (1 in 12,400)
Rogue Chitin Boots +1 (1 in 1,240)
Rogue Full Plate Armor Boots +1 (1 in 310)
Crimson Robe +1 (1 in 1,240)
Crystal Robe +1 (1 in 310)
Green Rice Cake (small) (1 in 83)
Crimson Pants +1 (1 in 1,240)
Crystal Pants +1 (1 in 310)
Green Rice Cake (middle) (1 in 83)
Crimson Helmet +1 (1 in 1,240)
Crystal Helmet +1 (1 in 310)
Green Rice Cake (large) (1 in 83)
Crimson Gloves +1 (1 in 1,240)
Crystal Gloves +1 (1 in 310)
Glutinous Rice Cake (1 in 83)
Crimson Boots +1 (1 in 1,240)
Crystal Boots +1 (1 in 310)
Stone of life (1 in 83)
Priest Chitin Armor Pauldron +1 (1 in 1,240)
Priest Full Plate Armor Pauldron +1 (1 in 310)
Bezoar (1 in 83)
Priest Chitin Armor Pads +1 (1 in 1,240)
Priest Full Plate Armor Pads +1 (1 in 310)
Priest Chitin Helmet +1 (1 in 1,240)
Priest Full Plate Armor Helmet +1 (1 in 310)
Priest Chitin Gauntlets +1 (1 in 1,240)
Priest Full Plate Armor Gauntlet +1 (1 in 310)
Priest Chitin Boots +1 (1 in 1,240)
Priest Full Plate Armor Boots +1 (1 in 310);

foreach($xx as $c = $y)
$yy = arasi( in ,),$y);
$yy = str_replace(,,,$yy);
#echo $yy.br;
$itemisim = explode((,$y);

$prExample-add( $xcx[isim][$i], $xcx[$i] );
print $prExample-get();


Jonas Raoni Soares Silva

Applications Developer
- CLASS ---
My user account at phpclasses.org
Get the latest version of this class at:
  2004-10-31 - Class creation


class probabilityRandom {
 #private vars
  $data = array(),
  $universe = 0;
 #add an item to the list and defines its probability of beeing chosen
 function add( $data, $probability ){
  $this-data[ $x = sizeof( $this-data ) ] = new stdClass;
  $this-data[ $x ]-value = $data;
  $this-universe += $this-data[ $x ]-probability = abs( $probability );
 #remove an item from the list
 function remove( $index ){
  if( $index  -1  $index  sizeof( $this-data ) ) {
   $item = array_splice( $this-data, $index, 1 );
   $this-universe -= $item-probability;
 #clears the class
 function clear(){
  $this-universe = sizeof( $this-data = array() );
 #return a randomized item from the list
 function get(){
  if( !$this-universe )
   return null;
  $x = round( mt_rand( 0, $this-universe ) );
  $max = $i = 0;
   $max += $this-data[ $i++ ]-probability;
  while( $x  $max );
  return $this-data[ $i-1 ]-value;

İlgi: [PHP] a for loop and probability random all i need is make them to reverse

2008-11-22 Thread Tontonq Tontonq
sorry i think i did tell u wrong about it problem is not showing name
of it as exaclty i just wanted give a point to it thats not real
problem real problem is i want it be more unpossible when i give the
class's add function's higher value

2008/11/22, Yeti [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 That should output the full line now

 $prExample = new probabilityRandom;

 function arasi($a,$b,$data)
 $x = explode($a,$data);
 $z = explode($b,$x[1]);
 $oh = $z[0];
 if($x  $z) { return $oh; } else { return false; }

 $x = gzinflate(base64_decode($x));

 foreach($xx as $c = $y)
 $yy = arasi( in ,),$y);
 $yy = str_replace(,,,$yy);
 #echo $yy.br;
 $itemisim = explode((,$y);
 $prExample-add( $xx[$i], $xcx[$i] ); // -- changed to $xx[i]
 print $prExample-get();

 class probabilityRandom {
  #private vars
  $data = array(),
  $universe = 0;
  #add an item to the list and defines its probability of beeing chosen
  function add( $data, $probability ){
  $this-data[ $x = sizeof( $this-data ) ] = new stdClass;
  $this-data[ $x ]-value = $data;
  $this-universe += $this-data[ $x ]-probability = abs( $probability );
  #remove an item from the list
  function remove( $index ){
  if( $index  -1  $index  sizeof( $this-data ) ) {
   $item = array_splice( $this-data, $index, 1 );
   $this-universe -= $item-probability;
  #clears the class
  function clear(){
  $this-universe = sizeof( $this-data = array() );
  #return a randomized item from the list
  function get(){
  if( !$this-universe )
   return null;
  $x = round( mt_rand( 0, $this-universe ) );
  $max = $i = 0;
   $max += $this-data[ $i++ ]-probability;
  while( $x  $max );
  return $this-data[ $i-1 ]-value;

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