[PHP] ldap_read() with NULL search base

2006-07-22 Thread Turbo Fredriksson
Is there something wrong with this, or am I missing

ldap_read(link, NULL filter)

IS supposed to return the RootDSE, but it doesn't (always).
On my Debian GNU/Linux systems, I have to remove the 'BASE ...'
config option from ldap.conf, but now I see the same strange
behaviour on a SuSE 10.0, Apache2 and PHP5 (ldap module linked
against the OpenLDAP libraries) connecting to a Fedora Directory

A 'ldapsearch' from the commandline works as expected, but
not the ldap_read() above...

Any ideas?

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[PHP] force load of ldap.conf

2003-08-01 Thread Turbo Fredriksson
It seems like the OpenLDAP libs is forcing a load of
the ldap.conf file... In that there's the BASE option
(which tells the clients where/what the base is).

In my development systems, I use LDAP as database for
users etc (together with Kerberos).

The problem is that I also run development database(s) on
localhost, with different base(s), sometimes different
ports etc. When (trying) to get the namingContexts from
the database, I can't retreive them if BASE is set...

Is there a way to get ldap_read() to NOT use this value,
OR is my string wrong ($attrib here is 'namingcontexts')?

- s n i p -
$sr = @ldap_read($this-ldap_linkid, NULL, '(objectClass=*)', array($attrib));
if(! $sr) die(Can't find base dn - .ldap_error($this-ldap_linkid));
$entry = ldap_get_entries($this-ldap_linkid, $sr);
print_r($entry); die();
- s n i p -

By having 'BASE dc=com' in ldap.conf (which is the only
base I have in my non-development system), I will get

- s n i p -
   Array ( [count] = 1 [0] = Array ( [count] = 0 [dn] = dc=com ) )
- s n i p -

Uncommenting the BASE value from ldap.conf and restart
apache, I get the intended values:

- s n i p -
   Array ( [count] = 1 [0] = Array ( [namingcontexts] = Array ( [count] = 2 [0] = 
c=SE [1] = dc=com ) [0] =
   namingcontexts [count] = 1 [dn] = ) )
- s n i p -

The intention is to copy the behaviour of the following
shell command:

ldapsearch -x -LLL -h localhost -s base -b '' objectclass=* namingContexts

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[PHP] ldap_read() and 'No such object'

2003-03-29 Thread Turbo Fredriksson
I'm using ldap_read() to get the namingContexts from the LDAP

- s n i p -
$sr = ldap_read($this-ldap_linkid, '', '(objectClass=*)', array('namingContexts'));
if(! $sr) die(Can't find base dn - .ldap_error($this-ldap_linkid));
$entry = ldap_get_entries($this-ldap_linkid, $sr);
- s n i p -

Unfortunatly, I get:
- s n i p -
   Warning: LDAP: Unable to perform the search: No such object in
   /afs/bayour.com/public/web/ldap/phpQLAdmin-CVS.latest/include/pql.inc on line 45
   Can't find base dn - No such object
- s n i p -

This only shows up if the namingContexts have a space in it (ie, base DN contains
a space):
- s n i p -
[papadoc.pts/9]$ /usr/bin/ldapsearch -x -LLL -h localhost -s base -b '' 
'(objectclass=*)' namingContexts
namingContexts: o=Turbo Fredriksson
- s n i p -

On my live server, I have 'namingContexts: dc=com', and the PHP page(s) work
on that...

Any ideas?

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[PHP] ldap_read() and 'No such object'

2003-03-26 Thread Turbo Fredriksson
I'm using ldap_read() to get the namingContexts from the LDAP

- s n i p -
$sr = ldap_read($this-ldap_linkid, '', '(objectClass=*)', array('namingContexts'));
if(! $sr) die(Can't find base dn - .ldap_error($this-ldap_linkid));
$entry = ldap_get_entries($this-ldap_linkid, $sr);
- s n i p -

Unfortunatly, I get:
- s n i p -
   Warning: LDAP: Unable to perform the search: No such object in
   /afs/bayour.com/public/web/ldap/phpQLAdmin-CVS.latest/include/pql.inc on line 45
   Can't find base dn - No such object
- s n i p -

This only shows up if the namingContexts have a space in it (ie, base DN contains
a space):
- s n i p -
[papadoc.pts/9]$ /usr/bin/ldapsearch -x -LLL -h localhost -s base -b '' 
'(objectclass=*)' namingContexts
namingContexts: o=Turbo Fredriksson
- s n i p -

On my live server, I have 'namingContexts: dc=com', and the PHP page(s) work
on that...

Any ideas?
FSF assassination Ft. Bragg Mossad counter-intelligence arrangements
Qaddafi PLO 747 supercomputer Marxist BATF South Africa kibo Serbian
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[PHP] Re: confirm unsubscribe from php-general@lists.php.net

2003-01-08 Thread Turbo Fredriksson
Ft. Meade cryptographic KGB munitions jihad nitrate class struggle
Semtex radar spy Iran supercomputer Treasury FSF nuclear
[See http://www.aclu.org/echelonwatch/index.html for more about this]

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[PHP] Kerberos and AFS module

2002-12-28 Thread Turbo Fredriksson
I'm creating (not from scratch, I've taken over an existing application)
an interface to my LDAP, Qmail-LDAP, Kerberos and AFS server system.

Everything works fine from the LDAP point of view, but I'd like to be able
to create Kerberos principals and AFS entries (volumes, users etc). Now,
I guess I could do this through external meens (shell/perl scripts etc),
but I'd like to have a module in PHP that gives me access to the
Kerberos/AFS API.

Checking through the 'Net for weeks, talking about this on the MIT Kerberos
and OpenAFS lists, I've came to the conclution that there is no such thing

What I'd like to know is 'how difficult task is this'. Naturaly some would
say 'piece of cake', while's some would say 'very difficult'. Anything is
easy once you know it, but I never made a PHP module/extension before...

I'm a C/Perl coder at heart (and for may years), but... If someone have done
the job for me previosly, I don't need to :)

I've looked at the LDAP module, and from what I can tell it's just a
wrapper to the LDAP API's... It doesn't do much it self, it relies on
the LDAP API's to take care of business. How true is this?
cryptographic Kennedy Rule Psix Qaddafi BATF Ortega terrorist 767
AK-47 toluene DES strategic Peking Mossad Waco, Texas
[See http://www.aclu.org/echelonwatch/index.html for more about this]

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