Re: [PHP] getting filenames from dir

2005-04-01 Thread Vaibhav Sibal
And does one manage recursive sub directories for the same thing ?

On Apr 1, 2005 3:38 AM, Stanislav Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do you read php manual sometimes? ;o)
 just replace
 echo $file\n;
 (PHP 3, PHP 4 , PHP 5)
 readdir -- read entry from directory handle
 string readdir ( resource dir_handle)
 Returns the filename of the next file from the directory. The filenames are
 returned in the order in which they are stored by the filesystem.
 Please note the fashion in which readdir()'s return value is checked in the
 examples below. We are explicitly testing whether the return value is
 identical to (equal to and of the same type as--see Comparison Operators for
 more information) FALSE since otherwise, any directory entry whose name
 evaluates to FALSE will stop the loop (e.g. a directory named 0).
 Example  1. List all files in a directory
 // Note that !== did not exist until 4.0.0-RC2
 if ($handle = opendir('/path/to/files')) {
echo Directory handle: $handle\n;
echo Files:\n;
/* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
echo $file\n;
/* This is the WRONG way to loop over the directory. */
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
echo $file\n;
 Note that readdir() will return the . and .. entries. If you don't want
 these, simply strip them out: Example 2. List all files in the current
 directory and strip out . and ..
 if ($handle = opendir('.')) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != .  $file != ..) {
echo $file\n;
 -Original Message-
 From: Merlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 01 April 2005 12:32
 Subject: [PHP] getting filenames from dir
 Hi there,
 does anybody know how to get all file names from a specified directory into
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[PHP] Auto logout

2005-03-15 Thread Vaibhav Sibal
I wanted to implement an auto-logout feature for my project so that if
a terminal is left unattended for say 10 minutes, it should
automatically logoff the user. Apart from this, there is another
problem that I am encountering with my authentication scheme, the
scene is as follows :
(1) I am using a $_SESSION variable to transfer the username across
pages, what happens is that I cannot login more than one user from the
same machine since if i try the same the SESSION[username] variable's
value gets changed to the most latest login name. How do i get around
this ?

(2) Secondly, What happens is, when the user logs off from the system,
there are two things that happen at that time, first is that the
session variable is killed manually. The second is that the logged in
status of the user is updated in the database. So what happens is that
when the user is logged on the system, the database shows the user
logged in status as 1 otw it shows it as 0. Now the problem is that if
by chance the user closes the current browser window without actually
logging off, the session variable gets killed automatically but the
database is not updated accordingly. Please suggest some way around
this also.

I would be really happy if you guys can help me with this.

Thanks in advance


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[PHP] FTP functions

2005-03-07 Thread Vaibhav Sibal
I checked ou the ftp functions of PHP, what I wanted to ask was that
if I connect to a remote server and issue and ftp_fget() command the
file will be downloaded to the server running the PHP code and Apache
webserver or the client machine from which we are calling it ? In the
sense for example I have a client machine running on windows XP, I
launch the mozilla firefox browser in that and call for the
ftp_code.php on my server (http://server). The ftp_code.php contains a
code which connects to a remote ftp server and then using the
ftp_fget() function downloads a file from the remote server. Now where
will this file be downloaded ?

Though I have an inkling that since PHP is a server side scripting
language, the file will be downloaded to the server only... But i
still wanted to confirm

Please confirm

Thanks in advance

Vaibhav Sibal

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[PHP] A general question

2005-03-07 Thread Vaibhav Sibal
How can I click on a link which is linked to a JPG file and instead of
displaying it in the browser save it somewhere on the local machine or
open in a different software ?

Please help very urgent


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[PHP] Opening files....

2005-03-06 Thread Vaibhav Sibal
I want to open files in a directory other than the Document root via
HTTP on the client machine. How do i do it ?
For example I have .JPG files in a directory /toallocate on my Server
running FC2, Apache2, Mysql, PHP5. I allocated certain .JPG files to
some users and moved them to a directory called /allocated and logged
the absolute path in a Mysql Table with the user name. Now we know the
username and the files allocated to him and their path. When the user
logs into his account, he should see the file allocated to him and
they should be clickable links so that when he clicks them they open
in the required software. I tried just providing links to their
absolute path but then it doesnt work because Apache looks for them
relative to the Document Root. Please some one help me in this
concern, I will wait for a quick reply.

Also,  Is there a way that I can force the .JPG files to open in a
particular software ?

thanks in advance
Vaibhav Sibal

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[PHP] loggin into linux account

2005-03-02 Thread Vaibhav Sibal
The scenario is, I made a login interface wherein i accept usernames
and passwords from users and after comparing them to a database I log
them in. The server runs Linux Fedora Core 2. Now I want to know
whether there can be a scenario wherein I can make the logged in user
have access  to files of which he/she is the owner of or the file
belongs to a group whose membership he/she has. Is this possible ?
because as far as my knowledge goes, its only possible to give access
to users to specific files if the user logs in to a particular shell.
Please provide some help on this if you can. Thanks in advance !


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[PHP] how to move files from one place to another ?

2005-02-27 Thread Vaibhav Sibal
Can some please guide me as to how should I move files from one
directory to another on the server itself using PHP ? I use PHP 5.0.3
and Apache2 and Mysql.


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[PHP] Not able to add data to a MySQL database

2005-02-25 Thread Vaibhav Sibal
I am not able to insert data into my mysql database using php even if
i use a simple code as follows :
$query=INSERT INTO 'login' ('uname','access') VALUES ('try','super');

even after running this code on the server, there was no change in the
mysql database as seen by the phpmyadmin. Ive tried it with another
file and another table, but its not just happening. Though earlier
attempts with Mysql had worked, but those only involved reading data
from the database and I havent been able to write to it even once
since I have started working. Please help me out with this, in case
there is some information that I should have provided here and its not
there please ask for it, I will be more than happy to provide it.


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[PHP] how to select files from a directory and transfer to a different dir ?

2005-02-22 Thread Vaibhav Sibal
I need to select around 200 files at random out of a file pool of
10k-15k files from a directory and then transfer them to another
directory on my linux server which runs Apache 2.0.52, PHP 5.0.3 and
Mysql. I will also be requiring to add the paths of all those files
into a database. If someone can please suggest the way to do it, I
will be really grateful. I dont know how to select 200 files at random
and then transferring the files to another directory and then adding
those files to a database.


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[PHP] Is there a way I can read full path names of files on the server and enter it into the database ?

2005-02-20 Thread Vaibhav Sibal
I wanted to ask whether there is a way whereby a script can read
filenames from a particular directory on the server and enter those
filenames with the complete path into the MySQL database? I am trying
to do this, because I am developing an application where a supervisor
will be distributing files to different users, and those users are to
work on the files allocated to them by the supervisor. There is a big
pool of files containing around 10k-15k files and the supervisor will
be instructed to allocate around 200 files to a user each day, and the
user should be able to open that file and work on it. I am using a
Linux Fedora core 2 server running Apache 2.0.53 and PHP 5.0.3 and
MySQL, and my clients are Windows clients. So I wanted to ask all of
you people what would be a better approach to do this, the following
are the 2 options :

(1)As soon as the supervisor selects say around 200 files for a user
called robert, 200 files from the file pool automatically get copied
to the home directory of robert. While they are copied to the home
directory of Robert, the name of each file with their complete path
name gets logged onto the database. Now I am doing since because I
need to know where each file went and what user is working on what
file.  Now since robert is working on a client running on windows, we
can map a drive of windows onto the home directory of robert. In this
scenario can we instruct PHP to open files from a local directory
(i.e. the mapped directory of windows)? Because I need to, somehow,
log when a user opened the file and when he closed it.

(2) The second scenario is that, I just enter the name of the files
allocated to a user alongwith the complete pathnames to a database and
I have another column this time where I store the user's name. Now
whenever the user logs into our system using his username and
password, and checks to see his work, he sees a list of files on the
browser itself, but now we will have to convert this list of files
into links so that the user can click on the links and directly open
the file in the required software from the server itself. The issue,
again, in this kind of design is that how do i open the file in the
required software and even if i do it then how do i record when the
user opened the file and when he finished working on it.

I would request all of you to please help me in this, since I am a
student and in the learning phase and this is a part of my project. If
you have any doubts about whatever I have written here  please write
to me. I would be really grateful if you all could help me in this

Thanks in advance 


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[PHP] How to open a URL directly ?

2005-02-18 Thread Vaibhav Sibal
Hey ppl,
I have a scenario wherein the people logging into the system have
different kinds of status as in a person can either be a admin, a
user, or a supervisor etc. Now I have different web interfaces for all
these kind of people. What I want to know is what function do i use to
go to a URL directly in a case where status of the person is something
like admin or user etc. For ex. if a person Robert is the admin and
his name and password correctly matches from the database and the
status of Robert as stored in the database is admin then as soon as he
pressed the login button he should automatically be forwarded to a
page, eg. admin.php, where he can access his stuff. Please tell me
what function should I use ?


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