i had compiled php php-4.3.0 for apache. When i start apache:
httpd: [Tue Feb 18 15:13:49 2003] [warn] Loaded DSO /usr/libexec/libphp4.so uses plain 
Apache 1.3 API, this module might crash under EAPI! (please recompile it with -DEAPI)

as wrote i had recompiled php:
> CFLAGS='-DEAPI' configure ..... <RET>
and nothing had been changed.

what should i do?

php do not register variables submitted with url-name (host/index.php?param=value) ?
php.ini contains:
variables_order         =       "EGPCS" ;
register_globals        =       On              ;
register_argc_argv      =       On              ;

what have i missed? how to fix it?


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