[PHP] File Type Validation problem.

2003-03-29 Thread Webmaster MBT
Hi I am wondering if any one can help me please:


I'm trying to validate a file when uploading it. I want only to accept .jpg
and .gif files so I'm trying to use.


If(($file_type = = " image/JPEG") || ($file_type = = "image/GIF"))


But it will not let through even the .jpg or .gif images.


I was thinking of validating the filename to end up in .gif or .jpg, but
since it exists the $file_type, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.


Your help is greatly appreciated.


LRC Elliot J. Balanza


M&B Trading Co., SA de CV

Bringing the world together





[PHP] Image size, (not weight) help

2003-03-29 Thread Webmaster MBT

I would like to know if there is a way to know the size foan image when
uploading it from a form page on PHP.
I know the weight can be measured with $file_size but what Im looking for is
to be able to validate if an image is more than 220pixels width or of

Thanks in advance


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[PHP] How to delay a header( Location: )

2003-03-21 Thread Webmaster MBT
Hi I need to delay the jump of a page that uses header(location: ) to jump.

Ive tried adding a , after the file name (that's how we do it on html) but
it doesn't work


Any Ideas?



[PHP] How to detect if a cookie is set?

2003-03-21 Thread Webmaster MBT
Hi I'm trying to make a script that first figures out if a cookie is set, if
not,do this, if so, do that.

Can I use:

Isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['nick'] or what should I use?


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[PHP] problem with importing fields.

2003-02-14 Thread Webmaster MBT
Hi List.

I have been working on a problem that is driving me crazy.

I have to create a process in which I upload some info to a table. Since I
have to add some different information to that table, I decided to do it
like this.

1.I create a temporary table copying the structure of my final table. I.E.
$query_temp_table="CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tguias SELECT * FROM guias WHERE
$temp_table=mysql_query($query_temp_table, $cosmo_logistic) or
I do this in PHP.
It works fine It seems.
2. I populate the temporary table.
$query_populate_tguias="LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
'c:/cosmo/www/upload/guias.txt' INTO TABLE tguias FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','
$populate_tguias=mysql_query($query_populate_tguias, $cosmo_logistic) or
3. Then I pass the information along with some other variables to the real
mysql_select_db($database_cosmo_logistic, $cosmo_logistic);
$query_poblar = "SELECT * FROM tguias";
$poblar = mysql_query($query_poblar, $cosmo_logistic) or die(mysql_error());
$row_poblar= mysql_fetch_assoc($poblar);
$totalRows_poblar= mysql_num_rows($poblar);
   do { 
mysql_select_db($database_cosmo_logistic, $cosmo_logistic);
$query_poblar_guias="INSERT INTO guias
$poblar_guias=mysql_query($query_poblar_guias, $cosmo_logistic) or
die("No pude insertar el registro ".mysql_error());
} while ($row_poblar=mysql_fetch_assoc($poblar));?>

with this source file:
"13DAN010","D79406","13DAN010", 1 ,"20430002201","75301;753","PAQUETE","1"
"13DAN010","D55816","13DAN010", 1.32

it Does not work at all. I wonder if it is because it has a . in the number
even as the field receiving it is a decimal(10,2) or if it is because in one
of the field I have ;. 

The thing is that it will import one, and skip one full record each time.
But the one it inserts, is correctly inserted with the ; and the decimal
point correct. Any idea why it might be pasing one row and adding one?

This is driving me crazy.

When I do this same procedure on another table with source code like: 

it Works correctly even as it has two false or true fields.

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