Re: [PHP] Stopping stolen / spoofed / linked sessions

2001-06-30 Thread adam (dahamsta)

Hi Rasmus, nice to see you still watching over us on the lists. I feel like 
I've been ticked off by my dad though... :)

Rasmus Lerdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  I want to use PHP4 sessions for authentication,
 Ok, stop right there.  Sessions and authentication have nothing to do with
 each other.  To create a secure authenticated site you should be using
 HTTP-based authentication over SSL.  Sessions are simply for maintaining
 state across http requests and have nothing to do with authentication.
Ah, have a little more faith in one of your older users Rasmus. I'm not 
talking about the be-all and end-all of authentication here - if I was doing 
that, I would set up a PKI. I'm talking about regular authentication on 
websites, like thousands - tens of thousands - of sites use every day. Sites 
like Hotmail, Yahoo!, even, which uses PHP sessions for tracking a 
users session after they been authenticated (which is really a follow-on type 
of authentication). It also uses the users IP address, which seems a bit icky 
for the reasons stated in my previous email, but maybe they've figured a way 
around the problem.

What I'm asking is basically What's the best and easiest way to go about 
this? I have come up with a solution of sorts though, and I'd be interested 
in your opinion. I set up a user with a PHP session, and of course a timeout. 
If they have cookies turned on, I set another cookie with a hash of the 
username and password, or somthing else. But my final line of defense for 
users that don't have cookies is a URL and HTTP_REFERER comparison check. 
That is, on every request I log the URL requested as a session variable. On 
every subsequent request I compare the HTTP_REFERER with the logged URL, and 
if they match there's a pretty good chance it's not someone spoofing. 
Granted, it's not foolproof, but it'd be pretty hard to spoof, right?

Anyway, I'd be interested in your opinion, and I'd also be interested in 
whether you're coming to Dublin for ApacheCon Europe? I hope to meet you 
there if you are.


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Re: [PHP] Stopping stolen / spoofed / linked sessions

2001-06-30 Thread adam (dahamsta)

Hi Richard,

Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  I want to use PHP4 sessions for authentication, but I'm having difficulty
 If it's as important as all that, go with SSL.
Ah, I'll be using SSL for the original authentication anyway. But the users 
will be browsing using regular HTTP, which means I need a session to *keep* 
them authenticated. I could use HTTP-AUTH of course, but I don't particularly 
want to - some users don't seem to be able to understand it (I kid you not).

 Otherwise, live with the risk and just use HTTP Basic Authentication,
 perhaps via PHP sending the headers.
See above.

 Unsolicited (and only slightly related) Tip:  I recently figured out that
 RaQ servers

I am on a RaQ(4) right now, gods love me, but this is an across the board 
thing. I'm developing this for my customers use, but I'll be releasing it as 
open source later. So it needs to be as compatible as possible, and cater for 
all possible eventualities - including users who don't use cookies and don't 
understand HTTP-AUTH. It's a wee bit ironic you mentioned it too, because 
I'll be using it to create a server management interface, so I can dump the 
RaQ altogether. They're great little machines, but they're about as secure as 
my tummy after 10 pints of Heineken. (Too graphic? :)

 have some funky-ass httpd.conf settings already in them

Very funky actually. They use Perl Sections (mod_perl) to configure the SSL 
VirtualHosts on the fly when httpd is started. I'm experimenting with it 
meself at the moment, but I'm going to use PHP instead of Perl, because 
mod_perl makes for very fat httpd processes, which is pretty annoying when 
you don't even use it on the server. Unfortunately, PHP can't be embedded in 
httpd.conf (add that to the wish list lads), so I'm building a custom 
apachectl to read configuration data from a MySQL database and build a 
httpd.conf, and then start Apache with that confid file. It's really quite 
cool, even if I do say so myself. :)

 doing HTTP Basic Authentication already, so trying to do HTTP Basic 
 Authentication via .htaccess just plain won't work.  (Or, rather, it will 
 only work for users already defined in their goofy interface...)

Kind of, but not really. Actually a RaQ has two httpd's running, one 
listening on ports 80 and 443, and one listening on 81. The regular httpd 
uses mod_rewrite to listen for requests for secured areas 
(/admin, /siteadmin, /personal and /stats on boxes that use Webalizer), and 
redirects to the port 81 server, which then authenticates using the users and 
groups defined on the machine. So you can use HTTP-AUTH as normal on the 
regular httpd, as long you define your AuthUserFile/AuthGroupFile's 
correctly, and the HTTP-AUTH protected areas don't clash with the RaQ secured 
areas. The server is configured with 'AllowOverride none' by default though, 
but you just need to change it to 'AuthConfig' to fix that.

 PHP sending the headers, however, works just fine and dandy. :-)


 I have decided I don't really like RaQ servers.  They don't totally suck, 
 especially if you're in a hurry, but if you can do it a little later and 
 way better, don't go RaQ.  YMMV.
Well, it the same old problem, isn't it? Convenience V security. The RaQ's 
are *very* convenient for a small but reasonably busy webdev/hosting company 
that doesn't have their own interface. When it comes to security though, it's 
not the best solution in the world by any manner of means. But if we were to 
be 100% secure all the time, everyone would use SSH and SC. If only life were 
that simple... :)

Like I said above though, I'll be losing the RaQ as soon as I get the chance. 
I'd prefer to write and use my own code, I'd prefer to take the 
responsibility myself. And I'd just like to point out that I'm on this box 
now for conveniences sake, because it's closer to home than my prefered box 
(Red Hat, sorry :).

Anyway, thanks Richard,

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Re: [PHP] Stopping stolen / spoofed / linked sessions

2001-06-30 Thread adam (dahamsta)

Hi again Rasmus, thanks for your reply.

Rasmus Lerdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 I wasn't trying to be overly critical, I just worry that new users are
 reading these posts and see these insecure solutions to this problem and
 don't realize that they are inherently insecure.
I understand Rasmus, and don't worry, I wasn't being overly-sensitive. 
However as I said, I'm not looking for the ultimate authentication solution 
here, I'm looking for the best I can possibly do - without making it too 
awkward - in a forms- and sessions- based situation. What I have difficulty 
with is understanding how the thousands of websites I mentioned manage it 
without being overly concerned about security. Or is that the problem - 
they're not concerned enough, and we should all be using PKI's? For regular 
websites though, I think that might be overkill, especially when a huge 
majority of people don't understand even the fundamentals of security and 
encryption. (I tried to explain it to my Dad last night, it was painful but 
productive. :)

 Well, pretty hard to spoof is very relative.  It is basically security
 through obscurity.  From the description you just provided it is trivial
 to spoof it.  Remember that the HTTP_REFERER comes from the client and can
 very easily be spoofed.
I know security through obscurity is a bad thing (or at least it's *seen* as 
a bad thing. I don't necessarily subscribe to it being inherently bad, just 
something that should be used with care) but in this case I have to clench my 
teeth, put my hands over my head and say I think you're missing my point, or 
that you're not following me fully.

I realise that the HTTP_REFERER can be spoofed - quite easily in fact, I 
could spoof it myself in a few lines of PHP code - but the chances of Eve 
guessing the right HTTP_REFERER to send are pretty remote, don't you think? 
Unless they're standing behind Alice and looking over her shoulder - in which 
case Alice's security is compromised anyway - Eve isn't going to know which 
page Alice last visited. So the only way Eve could take over Alice's session 
is to visit every page on the site using Alice's session ID. And if Alice is 
still browsing the site, it makes it even harder, because Alice will be 
moving the target around.

Yes, it's security through obscurity, but isn't is so obscure that It Just 
Might Work? Please, I'm not saying your wrong here, I'm genuinely interested 
in your opinion. If you think I'm wrong, tell me, I'd prefer to know. And if 
you have a better solution for the problem I'm facing, I'd love to hear about 
it. I just have a blank wall in front of me and I can't find my sledge. :)


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RE: [PHP] Stopping stolen / spoofed / linked sessions

2001-06-29 Thread adam (dahamsta)

David Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 They way I got around this was to create a session key using a MD5 hash of
 the session id and the user's IP address.


 I know that the IP address can be spoofed, but I'm not sending the session
 id in the url, so no one knows what it is and without the session id the
 session key can not be spoofed.
IP spoofing is only a side issue - some users IP address changes from request 
to request. WebTV is an example, and users behind proxies is another.

I guess I'm looking for the perfect solution here, which just doesn't appear 
to be possible with HTTP. Maybe a better question is: What is the ideal 
model for a PHP4 sessions authentication scheme?

Thanks anyway,

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[PHP] Stopping stolen / spoofed / linked sessions

2001-06-27 Thread adam (dahamsta)

[Please copy replies off-list.]

I want to use PHP4 sessions for authentication, but I'm having difficulty 
understanding how to get around users spoofing, stealing or linking sessions. 
Here's an example: Alice sends Bob a link from a site she's logged into. 
Alice has cookies turned off in her browser, so the session id will be in the 
URL she sends Bob. Eve intercepts the message, follows the link and now she 
can take over Alice's session, and any data that is associated with that 
session. For that matter, Bob can do the same thing.

I can think of lots of ways around this, but most of them are kludges that 
don't really cut it. I can store a second authentication value in a cookie, 
but that would require cookies, which isn't acceptable. I could propogate a 
second authentication variable in the URL, but that's a lot of hassle and 
defeats the purpose of PHP sessions. I can check the HTTP_REFERER to see if 
the user came from my own site, but that can be spoofed. I can log and check 
the users IP address, but that can't be relied upon.

Is there any reliable way around this? Am I missing something obvious?


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