First of all, Hi!
I just started getting into php a week ago, but already ran into a problem I
can't seem to solve.
The issue is this : I code 2 different websites, each has it's own mySQL-DB.
Website A has a login-section, each time you successfully log in, a key is
generated which stays only valid for a certain period of time (done via
Now, I have a link from the login section on website A to a sign-up-form on
website B. This sign-up is supposed to only be accessible if you have a valid
key from website A, which qualifies you as a member.
Website B lets you fill out the form no matter what key you offer it, but
when you have finished, right before I insert the data into my DB, I want it to
check back with website A whether the key is valid or not. 

That's where I'm stuck right now. 
I have a php file in website A's directory, which, when given a key value,
will check whether it is valid or not. Is there any way I can treat this
website like a function and have it give me a return value after it has "run
through" ?
I tried it by putting a header from B to validate.php on A, and have that
only call the 'exit;' when a valid key is provided, but it seems to proceed
with website B's code no matter what the header to website A does.

Is there any other way or workaround that I can accomplish this ? I just
need a link to that validation page, and after the link the code should proceed
or not based on the "return value" from that link.

By the way, I work with php3, so I hope there's a solution for that version
Thanks in advance for any help, I hope my english wasn't too bad for you to
understand what I meant.

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