I'm trying to transfer a variable from one web-page to another

The source page (http://astenios.hn.org/php/wall.php) is like

echo '<TD> <CENTER> <A HREF="/php/detall.php?codi=', urlencode ($row[1]),
echo '<SPAN id=Texte>', $row[1], '</SPAN> </A> </CENTER> </TD>';

and target(http://astenios.hn.org/php/detall.php) catch it by:

$codi = urldecode($codi);
echo 'codi = ', $codi;

This do not work.

    isset($codi) returns TRUE
    empty($codi) returns TRUE

Something similar ocurrs with:

    if (!isset($PHP_AUTH_USER))

      header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Acceso restringido"');
      header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
      echo 'Authorization Required.';

   $fich = file("php/password.txt");
   $i=0; $validado=false;
   while ($fich[$i] && !$validado)

      $campo = explode("|",$fich[$i]);
      if (($PHP_AUTH_USER==$campo[0]) && ($PHP_AUTH_PW==chop($campo[1])))

   if (!$validado)

      header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Acceso restringido"');
      header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
      echo 'Authorization Required.';

It seems like the variables doesn't store the values.

What I'm doing wrong??

Thank's in advance and sorry for my english.


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