
This message is being sent to you because you either sent / or requested
this information from me.  We are offering a full or part-time position using our
program.  You can work at home.  I do require that you have a computer and 
are familar with internet/email functions.  As to the salary, that is totally up to
you, as you will be running your own business.  The sky is the limit!  What you
will see represents a totally legal money making business that anyone can do.
You will receive full instructions, and we will always be available to help you 
and answer your questions.  This is a genuine home business.  This is not a 
chain letter, money game, telecom scheme, or any of the multitudes of dubious
"business" offers that come through your emailbox.  This business will generate
an income of $2,000 to $6,000 every month with a part-time commitment.  We do
not make promises that we cannot keep so that is why we GUARANTEE that 
you will make money with our program.  If the above opportunity interestes you 
in the least, and you would like more information about our business, please
contact our customer service department at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and type "Send Info" in the subject line.  Insert your name with your correct 
email address.  We are successful ONLY if YOU are successful, and therefore
we will do everything in our power to ensure that your relationship with us is a
profitable and successful one.  We look forward to your response.

Best Reguards,
Customer Service
J&H Marketing


This message is being sent in compliance with the new e-mail bill: Section 301.
Per section 301, paragraph (a)(2)(c) of S. 1618, http://www.senate.gov/
~murkowski/commercialemail/S771index.html  Further transmissions to you by
the sender of this email may be stopped at no cost to you by sending a reply to
this email address with the word "remove" in the subject line.

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