----- Original Message -----
From: "David Yee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 10:59 PM
Subject: [PHP] Upgrading PHP on Redhat

> Hi all. What's the correct procedure to upgrade PHP (in this case 4.0.6)
> a Red Hat system?  Usually I just get the PHP tarball compile it myself
> for this particular machine I just want to upgrade the Redhat PHP that's
> the system.  As you guys know Redhat puts its PHP (and Apache) files in
> different locations- e.g. php.ini is in /etc.  I looked for some RPMs but
> kept getting failed dependencies when trying to install them- e.g.:
> # rpm -Uvh php-4.1.2-7.2.4.i386.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
>         php = 4.0.6-15 is needed by php-manual-4.0.6-15
>         php = 4.0.6-15 is needed by php-imap-4.0.6-15
>         php = 4.0.6-15 is needed by php-ldap-4.0.6-15
>         php = 4.0.6-15 is needed by php-mysql-4.0.6-15
>         php = 4.0.6-15 is needed by php-odbc-4.0.6-15
>         php = 4.0.6-15 is needed by php-pgsql-4.0.6-15
> I'm not an expert in using rpm so I'm probably doing something completely
> wrong???
> David
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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This is a small script with step by step guide to recompile php from php
source tarball, to be full suitable for your distribution (RH 7.3 in my

------------ cut here -------
# config_php.sh

# This is simple 11 step guide to recompile PHP from tarball,suitable
#  for your distro (RedHat 7.3 im my case, users of other
distributions/versions should follow steps in comment and create your own
script... )
#   (assuming, you have php tarball installed, of course,and that you read
the small notes on the end of this file)
#  1: Get you PHP configuration .... Create script, that calls phpinfo() and
see its output
# in the 3rd line you could see "Configure command". Copy it all down to
your clipboard
#  2: create shell script config_php.sh, insert there content of prevoiusly
stored clipboard,
# remove all apostrofs ( ' ), make sure, that everything is on one single
# (Yes, this is the way, how this script was created)
#  3: get your distro CDs, ie that contain RPMs
#  4: copy the script config_php.sh in  the top level of your php sourcecode
tree and run it.
#  5: If you see any error like "extension blabla not found" you have to
chose if you need it or not
#  6: if you need it, just get your distros CD and instal
#      Maybe you should install some other rpms too, to solve the
# probably it take a lot of disk space
#  7: if you  don't need the particular extension , edit your config_php.sh
script ,
#    deleting from ./configure line "--with-blabla=something" and run your
script config_php.sh again
#  8: once script ended with no errors, you can do a standard MAKE procedure
#  9: make
#  10: make install
#  11 restart your system.... or just the affected things (db engines, web
servers etc)
#     and finito. This is called ZAVES  (zadny velky srani) in czech....

# A small note 1. Sometimes make_install may not overwrite your old
extensions and create   other directory
# whwere extensions lives. You must copy the extensions where they should be
manually . ie
# /usr/lib/2002xxx contain something like extension_name.so and all content
of that directory
# MUST be copied by hand to /usr/lib/php4

# A small note 2: You MUST have apache-devel installed to have core
feature - "apxs",
# that allow you to recompile PHP (and any other apache modules)  without
recompilling apache itself

echo "Redhat  PHP configconfig "

i386-redhat-linux   --prefix=/usr   --exec-prefix=/usr   --bindir=/usr/bin  
 --sbindir=/usr/sbin   --sysconfdir=/etc   --datadir=/usr/share   --included
ir=/usr/include   --libdir=/usr/lib   --libexecdir=/usr/libexec   --localsta
tedir=/var   --sharedstatedir=/usr/com   --mandir=/usr/share/man   --infodir
=/usr/share/info   --prefix=/usr   --with-config-file-path=/etc   --enable-f
orce-cgi-redirect   --disable-debug   --enable-dbg=shared   --with-dbg-profi
ler   --enable-pic   --disable-rpath   --enable-inline-optimization   --with
-bz2   --with-db3   --with-curl   --with-dom=/usr   --with-exec-dir=/usr/bin
   --with-freetype-dir=/usr   --with-png-dir=/usr   --with-gd   --enable-gd-
native-ttf   --with-ttf   --with-gdbm   --with-gettext   --with-ncurses   --
with-gmp   --with-iconv   --with-jpeg-dir=/usr   --with-mm   --with-openssl 
  --with-png   --with-pspell   --with-regex=system   --with-xml   --with-exp
at-dir=/usr   --with-zlib   --with-layout=GNU   --enable-bcmath   --enable-d
ebugger   --enable-exif   --enable-ftp   --enable-magic-quotes   --enable-sa
fe-mode   --enable-sockets   --enable-sysvsem   --enable-sysvshm   --enable-
discard-path   --enable-track-vars   --enable-trans-sid   --enable-yp   --en
able-wddx   --without-oci8   --with-imap=shared   --with-imap-ssl   --with-k
erberos=/usr/kerberos   --with-ldap=shared   --with-mysql=shared,/usr   --wi
th-pgsql=shared   --with-snmp=shared,/usr   --with-snmp=shared   --enable-uc
d-snmp-hack   --with-unixODBC=shared   --enable-memory-limit   --enable-bcma
th   --enable-shmop   --enable-versioning   --enable-calendar   --enable-dbx
   --enable-dio   --enable-mcal   --enable-mbstring   --enable-mbstr-enc-tra
ns   --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs

-------- cut here ----

I used described steps  for my  server and it works well and i  hope, that
it may be useful for somebody else. No warranthy of any kind.

Odchozí zpráva neobsahuje viry.
Zkontrolováno antivirovým systémem AVG (http://www.grisoft.cz).
Verze: 6.0.385 / Virová báze: 217 - datum vydání: 4.9.2002

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