[PHP] multiple constructor question

2004-04-08 Thread jdavis
 I have looked around for information on using multiple constructors 
with OO PHP. I have found little, and from what I have seen I'm thinking
that  it's not supported. Is this true. I wrote the code below to try
to emulate multiple constructors.. is this what everyone else does to
try to get the same functionality?


Bad spellers of the world untie!


$args = $_SERVER['argv'];

 $tc = new TestCon($args[1]);
 $tc = new TestCon();

class TestCon{
 function TestCon($name = NULL){
 function doIt($string){
  echo Hello $string\n;


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Re: [PHP] path to binary for php on linux

2004-04-08 Thread jdavis
On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 18:17, Andy B wrote:
 it was installed with get
 and which php doesnt do anything just returns to the prompt with no output
 - Original Message - 
 From: Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 8:11 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] path to binary for php on linux
  * Thus wrote Andy B ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   anybody know what the exact path for the php binary on linux is?

locate finds all files containing the search string ... this works..
but you can just find binaries and important conf-files with

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~---whereis php4
php4: /usr/bin/php4 /etc/php4 /usr/lib/php4 /usr/include/php4 

also depending on what linux you are using ...
you can just ask the package manager...

redhat- rpm -qa | grep php4 
then rpm -qp --filebypkg php4_main.rpm // or whatever the above command tells you the 
name is

debian- dpkg -L php4

good luck,

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[PHP] PHP OO concepts

2004-04-07 Thread jdavis
 I have am checking out PHP OOP and it's pretty smooth. I have a decent
amount of Java experience so PHP OOP is  really easy
to pick up. However I have a few questions I was hoping someone
could help me with.

Can php have a main()? If not ... how to you start a program that is
purley PHP OOP or is this even possible?

How popular is PHP OOP? Should I use PHP OOP for small dynamic web
pages? Is this the convention?



Bad spellers of the world untie!

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[PHP] simple mysql_result() question

2004-04-07 Thread jdavis
 I am trying to authenticate users. I run this MySQL query using
vars provided via a form

select password from dealers where username = '$user'

this works great if $user is actually a user in the database.
otherwise i get this error

Warning: mysql_result(): Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 3
in /var/www/php/AuthTool.php on line 52

its because of this

$thePass = mysql_result($result,'0','password');

is there a way to stop this error, should i be using mysql_fetch_array
instead? Code below.


function auth(){
 $user = $_POST['user'];
 $pass = $_POST['pass'];
 $query = select password from dealers where username = '$user';
 $result = $this-sqlQuery($query);
  echo Sorry there was a error\n;
  $thePass = mysql_result($result,'0','password');
   echo $thePass\n;
   echo no such user - $user\n;

Bad spellers of the world untie!

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[PHP] problems with md5()

2004-04-07 Thread jdavis
 I have a database containing usernames and md5 encrypted passwords.
When i use md5() to encrypt a users password recived via a form
to compare to the md5ed passwd in the database i get problems...

for instance ...

user foo has passwd 'pass' 
'pass' md5ed in database is this 


i got this using phps md5.

Then ... when i md5 a pass i recieve later to compare
for a login the password 'pass' comes up like this...


they are the same except the trailing 944bc72

this happens when i try other password too.

here is the code that is giving me the problems...

function auth(){
 $user = $_POST['user'];
 $pass = rtrim($_POST['pass']);  // i added this trying to fix :(
 $pass = md5($pass);
 $query = select password from dealers where username = '$user';
 $result = $this-sqlQuery($query);
  echo Sorry there was a error, please try again later.\n;
  $thePass = mysql_fetch_array($result);
   if(strcmp( $pass , $thePass[0]) == 0){
echo match\n;
echo pass = $pass br; // from from   
echo hash = $thePass[0];// from db  

can some one tell me what im doing wrong



Bad spellers of the world untie!

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RE: [PHP] problems with md5()

2004-04-07 Thread jdavis
On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 22:59, Chris wrote:
 The second, longer, one is the correct one.
 It looks like the column you've got the password stored in is too small, it
 must be 32 characters long

On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 22:57, Jason Wong wrote:
md5() returns a 32 character string so whatever is stored in your DB is 
obviously truncated. Make sure the field holding the password is of 
sufficient size/length.

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *

thank you both so much , that was exactly the problem :)


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[PHP] test - ignore

2004-03-25 Thread jdavis


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[PHP] problem with mail()

2004-03-25 Thread jdavis
hello,  I have a 
php script that i have ran on a linux and bsd box, on both boxes the script will work 
and sendmail for a while, then it just seems to stop working. Does anyone have a idea 
why this is.


header(Location: http://www.xxx.com/CSacknowledge.html;);
$sendTo = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
$subject = 'Cutomer Service Request';
$body = Customer Service Request \n\n;
$body .= ip :  . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . \n;
$body .= date :  . date(l dS of F Y h:i:s A) . \n;
foreach($_POST as $key = $value){
if($value != NULL){
if($value == checkboxValue ){
$value = Add to Mailing List;
$body .= $key : $value\n;

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