Dear All!

I try to have run a php-forum. It works fine, but it is unable to send mail
automatically (f.e.: if somebody registers or in case of forgotten
password). If sombody tries to register he will succeed, but without sending
an email. If sombody forgots his password, and tries to get his lost
password, there is the following warning:
Warning: Failed to Connect in c:\program files\apache
group\apache\htdocs\forum03\phpbb\sendpassword.php on line 87
The forum works at the moment on an Intranet, so it is not connected to the
operating system: windows98
server: apache 1.3.23 (win32)
php module: PHP 4.1.3
database server: MySql 3.23.47-max-debug

I am not familiar with php, but I would like to solve this problem. What do
I need if I want a correctly-workin mail-sending system on my forum?
Please help!

Thanks so much!

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