[PHP] Need Help Please

2006-05-21 Thread marvin hunkin

doing an assignment, for my Certificate Four In Website Administration.
now got a couple of problems.
will explain what i have to do.
create a html form, which i have done.
in textpad.
now, when i open the form, it does not set focus to the first form field 
which is the user name.

goes to the login button.
why is this?
can any one help me?
okay, will explain.
and to create a script for a login page, on a network.
and using php, and now got the user to enter their username and password, 
and then to display a message, saying the person logged in, and to display 
the date.
if the user, types in the wrong user name and password, then a error message 
is displayed, and a link back to the form, is displayed.
now got the problem of a error, when checking to see if the error happened 
or not, and whether to let them in or not.

so will paste the html form, and the php code below.
if any one can help me how to fix these problems, then let me know asap.
cheers Marvin.

Html Form:

Code Starts Here:

script language=text/javascript
function SetFocus
titleUser Login Form/title
body onload=SetFocus();
form action=UserDetails.php method=post
pUser Name: input type=text name=username /p br
pPassword: input type=password name=password /p br
pinput type=submit value=Login /p

Php Code:

Code Starts Here:

if ('username'='username')  ('password'='password')
echo Letting you login into the tafe network. br\n;
echo Marvin Hunkin has successfully logged into the Tafe network. br\n;
echo Please Wait ... Loading Your Personal Settings ... br\n;
gmdate('d-m-Y', time()+(10*60*60));
echo Not letting you login into the tafe network. br\n;
echo Error! You did not type in a correct username! Please try again... 
echo Click on the link below to return back to the login form and enter 
your correct user name and password. br\n;

echo'a href=UserDetails.htmlReturn To Login Form/a';

Code Error:

Code Starts Here:

Parse error: parse error in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\userdetails.php 
on line 4

I am Using Easy Php 1-8, and using http://localhost in the browser, and 
sending my files to the www folder of easy php.

Have A Great Day.

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[PHP] Thank You for Helping Me

2006-05-21 Thread marvin hunkin

would like to give a big thanks for helping me with my php problems.
have resolved them, and just tested it, and works fine.
thanks for chris, john and paul with their help.
now have just uploaded my assignment.
and now it works fine, when i tested it.
typing in the correct username and password, and getting the message, i have 
logged in..., and reran the form, if it is not the correct username and 
password, a error message, a link back to the form, which it goes back 
there, setting focus on the first edit field.

thanks for all your great help.
cheers Marvin.

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[PHP] Php function to Set focus On A form Field

2006-04-25 Thread marvin hunkin

is there any php or java script function, where i can embed into my php or 
html file, to set focus on to the first form field, like a text box, to go 
to that field first, and not to go to the link or button first.
if there are any tips, tricks, or links or code examples, how to fix this 

let me know.
cheers Marvin.

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[PHP] Instalation Nightmares For Word Press Please Help

2006-04-11 Thread marvin hunkin

need to install word press version 2.0.
and now using easy php 1-8, and set up my my sql settings in the 
wpConfig.php file, and my username is localhost and the password is root.
when i try to load it in the browser, using http://localhost/install.php 
which i put in the www. folder of easy php 1-8, i get this error in the 

There doesn't seem to be a wp-config.php file. I need this before we can get 
started. Need more help?

We got it.
You can
create a wp-config.php file through a web interface,
but this doesn't work for all server setups. The safest way is to manually 
create the file.

and will paste the code for the wpConfig.php file.

// ** MySQL settings ** //
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress');// The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'localhost'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'root'); // ...and password
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');// 99% chance you won't need to change 
this value

// You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a 
unique prefix

$table_prefix  = 'wp_';   // Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!

// Change this to localize WordPress.  A corresponding MO file for the
// chosen language must be installed to wp-includes/languages.
// For example, install de.mo to wp-includes/languages and set WPLANG to 

// to enable German language support.
define ('WPLANG', '');

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/');
if any one has had nightmares trying to install this, and have tried several 
times, downloading, unzipping, into a folder called WordPress, copying and 
pasting in to easy php, can any one help me how to get it to the first 
install screen?

this one is driving me insane!
if any one has had the same problem, how did they get round this one?
let me know asap.
cheers Marvin.

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[PHP] Need MySql Help Please

2006-04-10 Thread marvin hunkin

any mysql gurus out there using a tool called EasyPHP 1-8?
i am using a my sql tutorial, and says needs the command line interface, so 
can run my sql commands from the dos prompt.

have got the PHP MYSQL ADMIM to load into the easy php 1-8, gui interface.
and when i type http://localhost/mysql/ it loads the browser, but would like 
the command line interface for version 5.0 of the my sql databaser admin 
now if any good soul, who uses my sql, or my sql admin, or easy php, can 
show me how to set up the command line interface for Easy Php 1-8, then let 
me know.
have tried looking on the net, and looking in the documentation, and 
folders, but cannot seem to set it up.

okay if any one can help me out, let me know.
cheers Marvin.
ps: need this info, as doing the tutorial towards the database assignment 
for my course.

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[PHP] Php Script Stumped!

2006-04-06 Thread marvin hunkin

doing this script for an assignment, and got it basically working.
the only problems are:

1. wen i load the user form, the focus goes to the login button, and not the 
first form field.

did try putting one it, did not like it.
so how do i do this?
is there a basic dom example, how to set focus on a form field, when the 
form loads?

2. got a user name and password.
and enter username and password, and when the php script loads, it shows the 
user name and the password.

want to hide this, and only have the message, now how do i accomplish this?
tried things on the web and tried on google, but could not find any thing 
for this.
3. and got to provide the time, but how do i format it say for australian 
east standard time?

just got the standard time, and jaws reads it out, as one line of text.
will paste the user form and php code.
if any one can offer code snippets, or point me to links, and examples, let 
me know.
sorry about this, but these are stumping me and banging my head up against 
the brick wall, so, would ask.

cheers Marvin.

User Form:

titleUser Login Form/title
form action=UserDetails.php method=post
pUser Name: input type=text name=username /p br
pPassword: input type=text name=password /p br
pinput type=submit value=Login /p

Php Script:

echo $_POST['username'];
echo $_POST['password'];
echo Marvin Hunkin has successfully logged into the Tafe network. br\n;
echo Please Wait ... Loading Your Personal Settings ... br\n;
echo time();

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