[PHP] feedback form

2003-10-13 Thread merryE
I create a feedback form in html and the action si to post to the php. It doesn't wotk 
well and i don't know what's is the problem. please help me to look at it. Tell me the 
errors, thank's. 

This is the form.php code:

This is the form.html code:

name :

email :

feedback :



[PHP] undefined variable

2003-08-29 Thread merryE
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my code? I tried to create a form in html and 
redirect it to php. but result said:  
Notice: Undefined variable: sender_name in c:\program files\apache 
group\apache\htdocs\do_feedback.php on line 2 and for all the variables 
("sender_email", "like_site", and "text area").
I have been tring to use variable but it is always said "Undefined variable".
Please help, Thanks.

This is the code for form

your name: 
your email: 
 Did you like the site?

Additional message:

Code for php:
We appreciate your feedback";

[PHP] configure smtp error

2003-08-14 Thread merryE
I am using LAN in my college and there is firewall. will it effect my mail function in 

I configure my server name as localhost at apache http.conf. and inphp.ini i configure 
my SMTP like this:

[mail function]

; For Win32 only.

SMTP= POP ; for Win32 only

; For Win32 only.

sendmail_from= [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; for Win32 only

but i got warning: mail(): Failed to connect to mailserver at "POP" port 25, verify 
your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in c:\program 
files\apache group\apache\htdocs\do_feedback.php on line 12

[PHP] configure smtp in php.ini

2003-08-14 Thread merryE
Help.How to configure SMTP in php.ini ? I am a beginner. no clue at all.

[PHP] mail error

2003-08-14 Thread merryE
I am using php 4 with apache in windows. I created a form in html with this code:

your name: 
your email: 
Additional message:

In php, I wrote this and save as do_feedback.php:
Thank You, $sender_name";
echo "We appreciate your feedback";
I got an error message ssy Undefined variable:sender_name
bla bla bla and
Warning: mail(): Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your 
"SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in c:\program files\apache 
group\apache\htdocs\do_feedback.php on line 12

 what's that means? Is anyone got a clue. please help