[PHP] Using IP as an identfier

2002-02-02 Thread Razorfish

Last week a thread went by that was a discussion on the merits of using the
REMOTE_ADDR as an element of several parts to secure (other unique items
were to be the USER_AGENT, etc.).  I'd like to incorporate the lists
collective wisdom.

What was the list's conclusion on this matter?  It seems that the IP can be
problematic due to proxy servers, and some AOL'ers can morph during their

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[PHP] help writing cookie 2 hosts same domain

2002-02-01 Thread Razorfish

I'm trying to write a cookie that is properly read by two hosts of the same

The hosts:

With PHP 4.1.1 for Linux on Apache (as module) I've written

setcookie(session,$sesscode, /, domain.com, 0);
setcookie(session,$sesscode, /, .domain.com, 0);

(diff is the leading 'dot' in the domain)

Neither of these are writing a cookie to Netscape 6.2 without the hostname
as part of the cookie.

How do you write the cookie so that BOTH SERVERS can read it?
Thx, RF.

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[PHP] session_set_save doesnt write for 4.1.1?

2002-01-30 Thread Razorfish

I am converting my sessions code to use the new $_SESSION method for
addressing session variables.  My session_set_save_handler is written for
MySQL and was working until I started changing external routines to not use
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS and session_register.

My debugging shows that the $_SESSION array contains the values I want
during the test script, but they aren't written to the database.  However
the 'start' and 'read' handlers are working.

Anything that PHP 4.1.1 presents differently for it's session_write method!?

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[PHP] Help! What would prevent/break session writing?

2002-01-30 Thread Razorfish

I must've set something somewhere so that my session writes don't commit
anything.  My reads work if I dummy-up some data.  My system used to work.
I haven't changed user or group on Apache, user rights seem ok, Mysql is ok,
Mysql rights are ok.

My env: PHP 4.1.1, RH Linux 7.1, Apache 1.3.22, PHP as Module, MySQL
Have tried session_set_save_handler to use a Mysql session data store and
have also tried reverting back to the php.ini setting for
session.save_handler = file

This is really odd.  HELP!!

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[PHP] sessions bw http and https hosts in same domain

2002-01-29 Thread razorfish

Problem: hosts http://www.; and https://secure.; of the same domain need
to work with the same browser session_id.  This is a
login/authenticate/redirect scenario.  In this case the session data store
is a common MySQL database, so the issues of /tmp sharing, NFS, etc. are set
aside.  My platform is Apache 1.3.22 and RH Linux 7.1.

What PHP v4.1.x method of exchanging the session_id and session_name is most
secure, most effective, and generally makes good soup?

I've had some success with initial tests in appending
'?PHPSESSID=29AE490...' to the URL and link hrefs, but that really seems
ugly and unnecessary. hopefully there's a better way!?

This question seems to get asked a lot in the archives but there doesn't
seem to be a guideline resolution.


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Re: [PHP] Re: HOW TO: How can I retrieve the HTTP Response Headers

2002-01-29 Thread razorfish

check into libcurl and the php/curl integration.  You are certainly able to
process the response headers in curl.


 Alexandre Ferreira Novello wrote:

 Hello guys,

 I asked that before, but I will explain my problem with more details.

 How can I retrieve the HTTP Response Headers using iPlanet or an
 independent SAPI function?

 Does these variables could come in any $HTTP_*_VARS or $_*?

 AFAIK there is no function to do that. Since your script is the one
 that generates the headers, you are supposed to keep track of what
 headers your script generates.

 A whole project that is already done is dependent of just this


 Why don't you create a replacement for the Header() function that
 besides calling that function also stores the headers in a global array
 variable as you need?

 Manuel Lemos

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[PHP] setting/reading session_id before session_start

2002-01-29 Thread razorfish

Maybe I'm having a brain fart, please set me straight:

I want to use session_id($myval) to use a roll-my-own MD5 session id (SID).

I don't obviously want to assign the session_id() if the session is already

Given that session_id() must come before session_start() how do you tell if
a session_id has already been set before session_start()?!

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