Re: [PHP] php-ldap works in commandline but not through browser

2009-10-15 Thread xfedex
Did you check both php.ini files?

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Re: [PHP] security/deployment issue

2009-10-15 Thread xfedex
 Rsync should work fine, but personally I like to see exactly which
 changes are being deployed especially when deploying to production.
 While I realise this recommendation is not Open Source software, I
 have found it to be an excellent piece of software for this task. I
 use Beyond Compare which has the ability to connect over SFTP or SCP
 as well as regular FTP. It allows you to 'diff' the files as you go
 and view exact changes and you can transfer only the changes you want
 or whole files if you choose to. I would not be surprised if an Open
 Source equivalent exists.

What about SVN? you can do a svn export. Or you can have a working
copy for production too.
Just dont forget to deny access to .svn in your webserver.
Here are directives for Apache:

Directory ~ ^(.*/)?\.svn/?
Order allow,deny
Deny from all

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Re: [PHP] hotmail don't accept this message function any more!!

2005-11-01 Thread xfedex

On 11/1/05, Rasim ÞEN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This function was working until this morning, but now I couldn't send any
 email to hotmail. What is the problem, any idea?




   or die(neither text nor html part present.);
  $Text=$Text?$Text:Sorry, but you need an html mailer to read this mail.;
  $From or die(sender address missing);
  $To or die(recipient address missing);

  $headers =MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n;
  $headers.=From: .$FromName. .$From.\n;
  $headers.=To: .$ToName. .$To.\n;
  $headers.=Reply-To: .$FromName. .$From.\n;
 // $headers.=Reply-To: \n;
  $headers.=X-Priority: 1\n;
  $headers.=X-MSMail-Priority: High\n;
  $headers.=X-Mailer: My PHP Mailer\n;
  $headers.=Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n\tboundary=\.$OB.\\n;
  $headers .= BCC:.$bcc.\n;
  //Messages start with text/html alternatives in OB
  $Msg =This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n;
  $Msg.=Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\n\tboundary=\.$IB.\\n\n;

  //plaintext section
  $Msg.=Content-Type: text/plain;\n\tcharset=\iso-8859-9\\n;
  $Msg.=Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\n\n;
  // plaintext goes here

  // html section
  $Msg.=Content-Type: text/html;\n\tcharset=\iso-8859-9\\n;
  $Msg.=Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n;
  // html goes here

  // end of IB

  // attachments
   foreach($AttmFiles as $AttmFile){
$patharray = explode (/, $AttmFile);
$Msg.= \n--.$OB.\n;
$Msg.=Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n;

//file goes here
$fd=fopen ($AttmFile, r);
fclose ($fd);

  //message ends

 if(mail($To,$Subject,$Msg,$headers)){ //1.test


 thanks in advance

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The function works fine if you send it to a different domain? I think
it's not a hotmail problem, instead, may be a configuration problem in
your webserver.


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Re: [PHP] Question about Rasmus' 30 second AJAX Tutorial

2005-09-30 Thread xfedex
On 9/30/05, Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm guessing that trhe onclick and onsumbit handlers you set are hanging
 on a 'submit' type input? .. if so the form is submitting - in whcih case
 AJAX request will arrive back at your page - and the page won't be there
 to speak). try changing your onsubmit to something like:

 input type=submit value=submit onclick=myAjaxFunction(); return

 the return false tells the browser block form submission.. the same
 is used to validate forms and stop submission in case of errors (in such
 the boolean return is conditional e.g.:

 input type=submit value=submit onsubmit=return

  Sorry about my english (I'm from the third world ;) )

 whatever happened to the 'second world'? and since
 when is it a competition? ;-)

Ok, its working now...

input type=submit value=submit onclick=myAjaxFunction(); return

There was the form submision that was making troubles.

Thank you all!!

[PHP] Question about Rasmus' 30 second AJAX Tutorial

2005-09-29 Thread xfedex

I did the Rasmus' 30 second AJAX Tutorial just for testing and everything
works fine, by the way... thanks Rasmus, for this and for all !!.
My little script have a single input and for every keystroke (calling the
javascript function with onkeyup) the value of the input is parsed by
another php script that just return the lenght of the string. So, if I start
typing the word hello, when i press the h key it displays 1, for ho it
displays 2 and so onvery simple, just for testing.

But (theres always a but!!) it seems that only work if I call the function
sndReq(); with onkeyup. If I call the function from a onsubmit it
Then alert('response:'+http.responseText); it's EMPTY.

Im absolutely sure that the difference between the two scripts is that the
one that works is the onkeyup, and the one that not is the onsubmit.

So, anybody knows why this is happening?

Sorry about my english (I'm from the third world ;) )
(from Argentina)

I find a lot of this AJAX stuff a bit of a hype. Lots of people have
 been using similar things long before it became AJAX. And it really
 isn't as complicated as a lot of people make it out to be. Here is a
 simple example from one of my apps. First the Javascript:

 function createRequestObject() {
 var ro;
 var browser = navigator.appName;
 if(browser == Microsoft Internet Explorer){
 ro = new ActiveXObject(Microsoft.XMLHTTP);
 ro = new XMLHttpRequest();
 return ro;

 var http = createRequestObject();

 function sndReq(action) {'get', 'rpc.php?action='+action);
 http.onreadystatechange = handleResponse;

 function handleResponse() {
 if(http.readyState == 4){
 var response = http.responseText;
 var update = new Array();

 if(response.indexOf('|' != -1)) {
 update = response.split('|');
 document.getElementById(update[0]).innerHTML = update[1];

 This creates a request object along with a send request and handle
 response function. So to actually use it, you could include this js in
 your page. Then to make one of these backend requests you would tie it
 to something. Like an onclick event or a straight href like this:

 a href=javascript:sndReq('foo') [foo]/a

 That means that when someone clicks on that link what actually happens
 is that a backend request to rpc.php?action=foo will be sent.

 In rpc.php you might have something like this:

 switch($_REQUEST['action']) {
 case 'foo':
 /* do something */
 echo foo|foo done;

 Now, look at handleResponse. It parses the foo|foo done string and
 splits it on the '|' and uses whatever is before the '|' as the dom
 element id in your page and the part after as the new innerHTML of that
 element. That means if you have a div tag like this in your page:

 div id=foo

 Once you click on that link, that will dynamically be changed to:

 div id=foo
 foo done

 That's all there is to it. Everything else is just building on top of
 this. Replacing my simple response id|text syntax with a richer XML
 format and makine the request much more complicated as well. Before you
 blindly install large AJAX libraries, have a go at rolling your own
 functionality so you know exactly how it works and you only make it as
 complicated as you need. Often you don't need much more than what I
 have shown here.

 Expanding this approach a bit to send multiple parameters in the
 request, for example, would be really simple. Something like:

 function sndReqArg(action,arg) {'get', 'rpc.php?action='+action+'arg='+arg);
 http.onreadystatechange = handleResponse;

 And your handleResponse can easily be expanded to do much more
 interesting things than just replacing the contents of a div.


Re: [PHP] Question about Rasmus' 30 second AJAX Tutorial

2005-09-29 Thread xfedex
On 9/29/05, Robert Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Aside from using ajax to clean the toilet once in a while I'm not really
 into it. But I do wrangle out some javascript from time to time :) Why
 are you using onsubmit? Wouldn't onclick work better?


Hi Robert,

I also try with onclick and i got the same result as with onsubmit, it seems
that only work with onkeyup but the point is why?


Re: [PHP] PHP and Active Directory

2005-08-12 Thread xfedex
 Is this something you're looking for?

Thanks, if i try one, i let you now


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Re: [PHP] PHP and Active Directory

2005-08-12 Thread xfedex
 Some years ago i did this with ASP and a VB activex component i belive you
 can access a Activex from php.

Maybe, but i prefer to get away as much i can from Activex.just to
think about it makes me shiver =P


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[PHP] Oracle Question

2005-08-11 Thread xfedex

Can PHP connect to a remote Oracle db?
Because all oracle connecting functions only require 'user' and 'pass'


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Re: [PHP] possible bug (string equality to zero)?

2005-08-11 Thread xfedex

 Is it a bug that ($var == 0) is always true for any string $var?
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Check this out!

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[PHP] PHP and Active Directory

2005-08-11 Thread xfedex

Have someone make PHP to authenticate against AD?
Any comment, suggestion will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [PHP] PHP and Active Directory

2005-08-11 Thread xfedex
 Have someone make PHP to authenticate against AD?
 Any comment, suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
 Are you, at all, familiar with TFM?

TFM?.m no, can you tell me where to start?

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Re: [PHP] PHP and Active Directory

2005-08-11 Thread xfedex
  Are you, at all, familiar with TFM?
 TFM?.m no, can you tell me where to start?
 You can start by RTFM and STFW and STFA. I gave you a link in the last
 e-mail. Here is another...

Sorry, dont have time for this right now...Anyway, thanks for your answer!


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Re: [PHP] PHP and Active Directory

2005-08-11 Thread xfedex
 Sorry, dont have time for this right now...Anyway, thanks for your
 You don't have time to read the manual?

Jay, maybe this way you can understand my first question:

IF (have you been able to make PHP to authenticate against AD) {
 echo $comments; //Only comments  experiences please
} else {

So, if you dont have any 'constructive' comment, suggestion or
experience, please dont reply.

English (as you can read) is no my native language, so I lost a lot of
(precious) time repling your non-sense answers.


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Re: [PHP] PHP and Active Directory

2005-08-11 Thread xfedex
 My non-sense answers pointed you to the LDAP functions for use with
 Active Directory. That is very constructive until you ask for something
 more specific.


I was specting something like:

Yes, i have php to authenticate against AD, and i can say that is
easy/hard. I make it work using LDAP (

or something like that.

Instead, WE lost time figuring out what would be a smart question or a
non-asked answer.
Really, is so hard to understand my original question??

Please, dont answer unless you sometime get it working (PHP + AD).

(and sorry again for my ugly english)


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Re: [PHP] PHP and Active Directory

2005-08-11 Thread xfedex
 Just to clearify what you're trying to do.  Maybe LDAP (or the ADLDAP? 
 suggestion) isn't what you need.
 Are you trying to have a user type their username and password into a web 
 form and have PHP pass that information to an active directory server?  Or 
 are you trying to make sure that the user is authencated and get their 
 username and such?
 If the user's computer is on the network with the AD server and they log into 
 the domain on their PC (either directly or via VPN), then you can get their 
 authenticated username from the web server (IIS at least).
 In this case, the user has already logged in and you're just grabbing the 
 validated username for logging purposes or something like that.
 You have to enable NT Integrated Auth (aka NTLM) on the web server.
 Once the IIS server is properly configured and the user is logged into the 
 domain, you can get their username via $_SERVER['AUTH_USER'].
 Make sure Basic and Anonymous auth are turned off in IIS.
 If you want to transparently pass a user's authentication information from a 
 user's workstation all the way through to a SQL Server or something, that's a 
 little more complicated.  But possible I believe.
 Can you give more detail on what you're trying to accomplish?
 = = = Original message = = =
 Have someone make PHP to authenticate against AD?
 Any comment, suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
 Sent by ePrompter, the premier email notification software.
 Free download at

Thanks TG! (Look Jay, thats an answer!!)

The idea is that the users dont have to login on each web aplication
im serving. So, if they are loged into de domain (using AD), they dont
need to login on each web aplication.

The server were i will host the aplications is a gentoo + apache2.


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Re: [PHP] alternative to empty

2005-07-07 Thread xfedex

On 7/6/05, Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have been using empty in forms for some time now. but have just discovered
   PHP 4 As of PHP 4, The string value 0 is considered empty.
 Is there an alternative that will just check for empty strings. I suppose I
 could just use eregi and check for numbers but thought there may be a
 function that would work in a similar way.
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Very usefull !! I'll suggest you to print this out for quick reference.


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[PHP] imageconvolution

2005-07-05 Thread xfedex

Has anybody use this function?

I dont know what a matrix3x3 array is.

And so, if someone has experience on random image generation, it would be 
greate to read what you got to write.

Thanks in advance,

[PHP] imageconvolution()

2005-07-05 Thread xfedex

Has anybody use this function?

I dont know what a matrix3x3 array is.

And so, if someone has experience on random image generation, it would be 
greate to read what you got to write.

Thanks in advance,

Re: [PHP] imageconvolution

2005-07-05 Thread xfedex
Thanks for your answer!

On 7/5/05, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, July 4, 2005 11:38 pm, xfedex said:
  Has anybody use this function?
 Somebody must have... :-)
  I dont know what a matrix3x3 array is.
 $matrix3x3 = array( array( 1, 3, 4), array(2, 5, 7,), array(3, 1, 2));
  And so, if someone has experience on random image generation, it would 
  greate to read what you got to write.
 This Google result will explain what the function does, more or less:
 Presumably something like this:
 $matrix3x3 = array( array( 1, 3, 4), array(2, 5, 7,), array(3, 1, 2));
 imageconvolution($image, $matrix3x3, 0.9, 0.3);
 would so something... interesting... to your image.
 If you want random, just plug in random numbers for all the numbers
 above... It won't be PRETTY, most likely, but it should work.
 Like Music?
it looks like this function is only PHP5 :(

Re: [PHP] Re: Retrievable weather service info?

2005-06-15 Thread xfedex

Here you get the METAR report in plaintext is your work to 
decode it.HAVE FUN !!

I already made something to read thouse text files...If you want I can 
share it.


On 6/15/05, Clive Zagno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Murray
 Ive managed to get the local weather in cape town or for any airport
 that has a ITIA code.
 the webservice is provide by:
 you will need to get nusoap from sourceforge to make use of the 
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Re: [PHP] autocomplete a field

2005-06-03 Thread xfedex

Anyone know if theres a way to disable this feature for user using old 
browsers or not suporting JS/XML?


Re: [PHP] Password expiration script

2005-03-31 Thread xfedex
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 14:18:31 -0500, Bosky, Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm looking for a script that would require a user to change their password
 every 30 days. Does anyone use a script that has functionality similar to
 what I'm looking for?
I got do it so using a DBquery

$sql = 'SELECT TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(\''.$last_pass_chg.'\');';

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Re: [PHP] Include file

2005-03-30 Thread xfedex
This way is faster:

include('..includes/' . $include);

Its always better to avoid using doublequotes.


On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 20:55:17 -0500, James Pancoast [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Try it with double quotes instead:
 include( ../includes/$include );
 That way works for me.
 And I also hope you're cleansing or filtering $include in some way.
 On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 19:41:15 -0600, Marquez Design
  Does anyone know how to include a variable page? The variable is a page
  name. Such as inluded_file.html
  Include ('../includes/$include');
  Does not seem to work.
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Re: [PHP] Include file

2005-03-30 Thread xfedex
 Why is it faster? And why should you avoid using double quotes?

...Scripts using single quotes run slightly faster because the PHP
parser can include the string directly. Double quoted strings are
slower because they need to be parsed

Quoted from:

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Re: [PHP] Include file

2005-03-30 Thread xfedex
On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 15:14:27 -0600, Jay Blanchard
  Why is it faster? And why should you avoid using double quotes?
 ...Scripts using single quotes run slightly faster because the PHP
 parser can include the string directly. Double quoted strings are
 slower because they need to be parsed
 Quoted from:
 I try to use both types of quotes in the proper circumstance. Having
 said that, I came to computing in the age where we worried over CPU
 cycles, but I don't see how in this day and age the difference between
 the two would even matter. Even on a high load site the difference
 between the two would be negligible.

Welli have a 30k script, with double i get 8 or 9 seconds, with
sigle i get 0.05 or 0.08 seconds. The script basically made a lot of
querys, its part of a user manager module of a system im writing.

Remember, the hole world is not US or EUi live in argentina and my
web server is a PIII 550Mhz 128mb and if you count that almost the
half of the people got a 56k dialup connectionI think that in some
cases it does make difference.

sorry my englishtoo taired to worry

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Re: [PHP] Include file

2005-03-30 Thread xfedex
On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 16:45:32 -0500, John Nichel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Because I'm bored, I decided to test the theory.
 AMD 3200xp
 1.5gb Memory
 I ran the test 20 times, and 18 of those times, double quotes were
 faster than single quotes.  Don't always trust what you read.  Not to
 mention the fact that the 'faster' of the two was 'faster' by an average
 of less than .003 seconds to include 1000 files.
 function microtime_float() {
 list ( $usec, $sec ) = explode (  , microtime() );
 return ( ( float ) $usec + ( float ) $sec );
 for ( $i = 0; $i  1000; $i++ ) {
 $fp = fopen ( file_ . $i . .php, w );
 fwrite ( $fp, ?php\n\n\n? );
 fclose ( $fp );
 $single_start = microtime_float();
 for ( $i = 0; $i  1000; $i++ ) {
 include ( 'file_' . $i . '.php' );
 $single_end = microtime_float();
 $double_start = microtime_float();
 for ( $i = 0; $i  1000; $i++ ) {
 include ( file_ . $i . .php );
 $double_end = microtime_float();
 $single = $single_end - $single_start;
 $double = $double_end - $double_start;
 echo ( Single Quotes :  . $single . /\n );
 echo ( Double Quotes :  . $double . /br /\n );
 if ( $double  $single ) {
 $time = $double - $single;
 echo ( Single Quotes are  . $time .  seconds faster than double
 quotes. );
 } else {
 $time = $single - $double;
 echo ( Double Quotes are  . $time .  seconds faster than single
 quotes. );
 John C. Nichel
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Here is my test in a PIII 550Mhz 128mb with gentoo:

for ($i = 0; $i = ; $i++) {
  $include = 'db_connect.php';

3.623316 seconds

for ($i = 0; $i = ; $i++) {
$include = db_connect.php;

3.696468 seconds


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