1)  To echo the variables name instead of it's value, surround it instead by single 
quotes, not double.
   echo '$var' OUTPUTS $var
   echo "$var" OUTPUTS the contents of $var

2)  Checkout the func_get_args() function.


Martin Clifford
Homepage: http://www.completesource.net
Developer's Forums: http://www.completesource.net/forums/

>>> "Alexander Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/26/02 11:40AM >>>
1)  Given a variable how can I echo the var's name, not its value??
2)  Is there a way for PHP function to handle a dynamic number of arguments?
In other words, I want to write a function that takes any number of
arguments (strings) and echos each of them with a <br> appended to each of

Thanks for your help everybody

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