Re: [PHP] Apache/PHP4 Question

2001-06-19 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf

 I have a Server Running Apache 1.3.14 and it has PHP4 running
 as a module. For our customers we require that they use .cgi
 for all of their scripts and so if a user wants to run a php4
 script on our server they use with
 of course the first line being #!/usr/local/bin/php4, then our
 server runs the php4 script as the user rather than running
 as the server username.

 I noticed a security whole if a customer stuck a .htaccess
 file in the Directory and then added the following, it would
 allow them to stick .php files in their home directory and have
 it run as the server and be parsed automatically. Is there a way
 to make it so that they can't do this and me not have to disable
 the AllowOverride FileInfo, cause right now I have to disable that
 feature cause of the security problem that it allowed to happen.

 Anyone have any idea of what I can do?

If you are running PHP only as a CGI, why is it built into the server?
Remove the PHP server module and people can't do that.  Or alternatively,
disable it selectively in the directories you want to use the module
version by turning it off by default:

in your php.ini:

engine = Off

And in your httpd.conf in the appropriate VirtualHost or Directory blocks:

php_admin_flag engine On


Re: [PHP] Apache/PHP4 Question

2001-06-19 Thread tony . mccrory

Sounds like you could remove the mime type for php in httpd.conf :

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Tony McCrory
IT, Trinity Mirror group (Ireland)
(028) 9068 0168



Atencio To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

dreamboy@arocc:   Subject: [PHP] Apache/PHP4 Question   



04:45 PM   



I have a Server Running Apache 1.3.14 and it has PHP4 running
as a module. For our customers we require that they use .cgi
for all of their scripts and so if a user wants to run a php4
script on our server they use with
of course the first line being #!/usr/local/bin/php4, then our
server runs the php4 script as the user rather than running
as the server username.

I noticed a security whole if a customer stuck a .htaccess
file in the Directory and then added the following, it would
allow them to stick .php files in their home directory and have
it run as the server and be parsed automatically. Is there a way
to make it so that they can't do this and me not have to disable
the AllowOverride FileInfo, cause right now I have to disable that
feature cause of the security problem that it allowed to happen.

Anyone have any idea of what I can do?

  ( o o )
Devin Atencio
ArosNet Systems Administration .oooO
EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (   )   Oooo.
\ ((   )-
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[PHP] Apache/PHP4 Question

2001-06-18 Thread Devin Atencio

I have a Server Running Apache 1.3.14 and it has PHP4 running
as a module. For our customers we require that they use .cgi
for all of their scripts and so if a user wants to run a php4
script on our server they use with
of course the first line being #!/usr/local/bin/php4, then our
server runs the php4 script as the user rather than running
as the server username. 

I noticed a security whole if a customer stuck a .htaccess
file in the Directory and then added the following, it would
allow them to stick .php files in their home directory and have
it run as the server and be parsed automatically. Is there a way
to make it so that they can't do this and me not have to disable
the AllowOverride FileInfo, cause right now I have to disable that
feature cause of the security problem that it allowed to happen.

Anyone have any idea of what I can do?

  ( o o )
Devin Atencio
ArosNet Systems Administration .oooO
EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (   )   Oooo.
\ ((   )-
 \_)) /