
I would like suggestions about the best PHP solution, and possibly
some code examples, to set up a web site which:
     allows to its managers to add articles through the web
     supports threaded discussions on such articles
     includes User forum on any topic
     has internal (always PHP of course) search engine on all its
     Runs with no or minimum modification on both Linux/Apache and
     W2K/IIS, as it would be tested on the first and hosted (not my
     decision) on the second

I know about PHPNuke and Midgard, but would like to know your opinion
about which is the most turn-key solution w.rt. the specific points
above. Of course, other packages are welcome too

Again, code examples, or pointers to them are veryy welcome.


Nature is very un-American.  Nature never hurries.
                                                -- William George Jordan

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