Still having trouble with CSSs. Now it's a different error. Below is my CSS
code. For some reason, I can't get the CSS to access my file
to grab my constants. Any ideas? The line by which I get my CSS is:
        print("      <LINK REL = \"STYLESHEET\" HREF = \"Stylesheet.php\"
TYPE = \"TEXT/CSS\">\n");


        print(".regular { Text-Align: Justify; }\n");
        print(".title { Color: #FFFFFF; Background-Color: Transparent;
Text-Align: Center; Font: Bold; Padding-Bottom: .5em; }\n");
        print(".header { Color: #FFFFFF; Background-Color: Transparent;
Font: Bold; }\n");
        print(".bulletin { Color: #FFFFFF; Background-Color: Transparent;
Color: #0000FF; }\n");
        print(".fineprint { Color: #FFFFFF; Background-Color: Transparent;
Font-Size: X-Small; }\n");
        print(".error { Color: #FF0000; Background-Color: #000000;
Text-Align: Center; }\n");
        print(".confirmation { Color: #FFFFFF; Background-Color: #000000;
Text-Align: Center; Font: Bold; }\n");
        print(".footer { Color: #FFFFFF; Background-Color: Transparent;
Font-Size: X-Small; }\n");
        print(".buttons { Color: #FFFFFF; Background-Color: Transparent;
Text-Align: Center; Padding-Top: .5em; }\n");
        print(".menulink { Color: #B52100; Text-decoration: None; Font: Bold
10pt \"Comic Sans MS\"; Width: " . $menuwidth . "px }\n");

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